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Dog Terrified Of Tv Switching On


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This is the most bizarre canine behaviour I've ever witnessed from my dog :(

I've had a new LED Samsung for the last four weeks. Starting two days ago, whenever I switch it on, he runs from the room in a terrified state. And I mean terrified! He was cowering outside panting non-stop and his heart was racing. Its a similar reaction to when he hears fireworks.

The TV itself makes the slightest clicking noise when it turns on, no louder than a pencil tap on a desk, followed by a 2 second melody...its not loud or high pitched.

Its possible it might be some frequency upsetting him, but as stated above, I've had it for weeks and he's been sleeping in front of it and been around it before when i've turned it on and off with him barely flinching.

Any thoughts?

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I have the same TV and I turned mine starting tone off because my kids would come running when they heard me turn on the TV and I was trying to be sneaky and watch it by myself. :(

You have to go into the system menu with the remote and it was called something like start up tone, then you just turn it off.

My dogs only used to cock their head to the side when they heard it.

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I am thinking there is a noise there that you cant hear that the dogs can.

I wear hearing aids, and when i turn on a flurescent light, it sounds like a pop, crackle and fizz, but when i asked other people about it (as i was concerned) they cant even hear it, so it is quite possible.

also the smell may be getting to them

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I'd have thought if it was some sort of sound that was upsetting him, the behaviour would have started when you first bought the tv. My guess is that a couple of days ago when you turned on the tv, something happened, either the first sounds of the tv scared him, he moved in a way that hurt him, he got a fright, etc, but which he has related to the turning on of the tv.

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could he have got a 'zap' from it without you realising? I ask because if he's been fine for a few weeks and suddenly is not it may be because something's happened. I know my viz had a 'car' phobia for a while when she burnt her nose on the hot dashboard, after loving the car before. Different behaviour is often because something has occurred.

Hope the lovely boy is OK, poor baby.xxxxx

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could he have got a 'zap' from it without you realising? I ask because if he's been fine for a few weeks and suddenly is not it may be because something's happened. I know my viz had a 'car' phobia for a while when she burnt her nose on the hot dashboard, after loving the car before. Different behaviour is often because something has occurred.

Hope the lovely boy is OK, poor baby.xxxxx

I was going to say the same thing Monah has said.

My bomb proof dog suddenly got scared of the kitchen and refuses to come into it. I have no idea why but I am sure something has happened when I wasn't there. Just because it's not obvious to us, doesn't mean something hasn't happened.

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Our smoke alarm is very sensitive, its usually disconnected but we put it back the other day, it went off and my dog was terrified, he was frozen to the spot for an hour shivering and shaking. It was when I was using the oven. 3,5 weeks later my dog will still not be inside when I now use the oven - he associated the oven with the noise. They are so aware of things around them.

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