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To Leave A Puppy Inside Or Outside When At Work?


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Hi all,

We have a 4 month old cocker spaniel. Up until now she has been left in the kitchen/laundry area whilst we are at work (area approx 8m square). We always leave her kongs and chew toys so i think she is generally ok (although i'd love to leave a camera set up to see what she gets up to!). My brother (who has a lab) suggested we leave her outside when we are at work as there is more for her to do etc, so my husband convinced me to do this :laugh: I left her with a kong, chew strip, biscuits thrown over the lawn and her toys. But now i'm worried about her. she always follows us everywhere and isnt very good at being left outside when we are home and now she is outside all day :D

what does everyone else think/do? Is it better to leave her outside as there is more stimlulation?? she is otherwise an inside dog ie sleeps inside at night.

Thanks for your advice,


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I have a dog door and an area inside blocked off, she's toilet trained, and I leave her enough to do so I never find anything I shouldn't.

**please don't jinx me**

I feel better this way depending on the weather, storms what have you, I feel much better knowing she can go inside, but I believe she spends most of the time out in the sun :laugh:

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I personally would prefer to leave the puppy inside. Most likely she will just sleep all day anyway. My puppy sleeps in his crate about 16 hours a day, and whenever we go out he goes in his crate, where he flops down and goes to sleep until we come home and wake him up.

If she doesn't like being outside to begin with, leaving her out there all day unsupervised will most likely just result in problem behaviours such as barking and digging, + there is the risk of her being stolen or getting out, and being exposed to snakes, spiders, people who throw stuff into your yard (if she barks excessively an annoyed neighbour might throw rat poison or similar into your yard). Don't know what kind of property or neighbours you have, but those are some issues off the top of my head.

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I personally would prefer to leave the puppy inside. Most likely she will just sleep all day anyway. My puppy sleeps in his crate about 16 hours a day, and whenever we go out he goes in his crate, where he flops down and goes to sleep until we come home and wake him up.

If she doesn't like being outside to begin with, leaving her out there all day unsupervised will most likely just result in problem behaviours such as barking and digging, + there is the risk of her being stolen or getting out, and being exposed to snakes, spiders, people who throw stuff into your yard (if she barks excessively an annoyed neighbour might throw rat poison or similar into your yard). Don't know what kind of property or neighbours you have, but those are some issues off the top of my head.

Yes, that too, I worry about digging and barking but no issues because she has the option of going inside. She will mess around during the day but keeps her at peace to be able to go inside, being she's mostly indoors with us when we are home. I get along well with all my neighbours and I have asked them to let me know if any problems (they are seniors). Depending if you have good neighbours you get along with who may be home during the day to keep an eye out or something can help, but depends if they are home during this time?

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My dogs as pups would've gone mental being left inside in a small area all day.

They much prefered to bound around in the sunshine, run on the grass, and sleep in the sun :laugh:

Just continue to leave kongs, toys, and access to a nice warm dry area, and your pup will be fine.

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We were the same, we didn't like the idea of giving the run of the yard initially when our cocker spaniel puppy was little (just in case he worked out he could fit under the gate), but we had a dog door installed into our garage and he thinks its fantastic being able to run around the yard and chase birds, smell the grass and race along the fence with the neighbour's dogs. They hate being locked up for most of the day, much better to let your puppy have the run of the yard and a secure area inside where they feel safe.. And lots of toys! ;)

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