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Using Dna To Catch People Who Don't Clean Up After Their Dogs


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They have been doing this in certain places in europe for some time.

Nanny state taken to the extreme. When you think that many of these countries in Europe are about ready to go bankrupt over the costs of socialized everything, this shows just why that is happening!

You don't stop trying to fix one problem because there are other issues to be dealt with.

Nanny state?

I don't think so. If people don't pick up after their dogs then they deserve to be fined. Dog poo issues have seen a heap of places closed off to responsible dog owners :)

Too true, and for all sorts of other irresponsible acts and lack of consideration for others.

I think it's overkill. Why cant people learn to just pick up after their bloody dogs!

Because they don't care. I'm happy for them to be scared into it. :mad

Me too - LOL.

Taperfund, have you ever stepped in dog poo? It isn't such a little issue then. It's goddamn disgusting.

Have you even been tidying the gardens on the footpath and put your hand into a big dump left by some inconsiderate dog owner. :thumbsup::eek: :D

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Ridiculous waste of money, time & administration. There are people dying & suffering for lack of medical care, food etc.

To go to such costly & time consuming lengths over dog poo is a sign of how society expects every issue to have a law/rule.

It's annoying if its outside on your nature strip or you put your foot in it but we are not exactly knee deep in dog poo.

Worry more about the toxins in the air you breathe or what is being done to your food, legally.

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Ridiculous waste of money, time & administration. There are people dying & suffering for lack of medical care, food etc.

To go to such costly & time consuming lengths over dog poo is a sign of how society expects every issue to have a law/rule.

It's annoying if its outside on your nature strip or you put your foot in it but we are not exactly knee deep in dog poo.

Worry more about the toxins in the air you breathe or what is being done to your food, legally.

As I said, you don't stop doing one thing because there are problems elsewhere that are desperate for funding or attention. Just imagine the benefits of extra people being employed to collect and analyse, the extra training laboratory people will be gaining. Often scientific (and other) advancements are made because analists and scientists were researching something else.

You have to look at the wider ramifications: you can't look at just what something might cost. You have to exercise your mental faculties and look further.

We also have to stop looking at everything from and economic point of view. We are not an economy (but if you listen to politicians you would doubt it); we are a society, a community.

Edited by Mother Moocher
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Ridiculous waste of money, time & administration. There are people dying & suffering for lack of medical care, food etc.

To go to such costly & time consuming lengths over dog poo is a sign of how society expects every issue to have a law/rule.

It's annoying if its outside on your nature strip or you put your foot in it but we are not exactly knee deep in dog poo.

Worry more about the toxins in the air you breathe or what is being done to your food, legally.

As I said, you don't stop doing one thing because there are problems elsewhere that are desperate for funding or attention. Just imagine the benefits of extra people being employed to collect and analyse, the extra training laboratory people will be gaining. Often scientific (and other) advancements are made because analists and scientists were researching something else.

You have to look at the wider ramifications: you can't look at just what something might cost. You have to exercise your mental faculties and look further.

We also have to stop looking at everything from and economic point of view. We are not an economy (but if you listen to politicians you would doubt it); we are a society, a community.

Exercising my mental faculties further I think people could be employed doing more beneficial things for society & the human race than analysing dna in dog poo to catch those who don't poop scoop.

We are a society/community but the money has to come from somewhere.

Its not a bottomless pit or appears by magic so it should be spent on the most important things. So many of them.

This comes right at the bottom of the list.

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"I'd grab that poop, run up to the owner and throw it at them while saying here, you forgot something."

LOL, I actually did this once. So tired of the same dog owner using my nature strip to let her dog poop, and letting her dog mark on my newly painted fence. I was gardening, saw her dog poop and as she walked away, so I grabbed it up (was wearing gloves) and ran after her, calling out, You dropped something. When she turned around to see what it was, I grabbed her hand and dropped the poop in it.

After that, she always crossed the street so that her dog did not toilet at the crazy lady's house. Still never picked it up.

You are my hero :)

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This comes right at the bottom of the list.

It may look like that now, but you may change your opinion once dogs are not allowed anywhere outside their yards.

Yep, dog sh*t on their shoes or on their child doesn't come bottom of the list for non-dog people. In the suburbs we share the public spaces with a lot of people who don't care for our animals, observing a bit of basic hygiene is not a lot to expect of us.

I like the DNA testing because it enables precise identification of the slack and irresponsible owner :) and just the possibility of that can change the behaviour of those who rely on being able to stay anonymous.

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Seems like a waste of money, but I can understand the sentiment behind it. People who leave dog crap behind in the streets are responsible for everyone else's dogs being banned from places.

Agree. I do think that one thing that is overlooked when it comes to picking up poo though, is the availability of bins. Might be an idea for councils to try actually providing a bin or two before going DNA-crazy. The only public bin in our suburb is at the local shops. I've walked for over an hour before with two bags full of poo and two dogs, and it is not nice at all :)

And FYI my local primary school oval is literally covered in dog shit. Dogs are BANNED from primary school ovals in this city. I'd love to see those who think that allowing their dogs to shit were kids play every day is just dandy be indentified and cop a decent fine. I'm sure the teachers who have to clean up kids would too. I know who at least some of the offenders are. They are there every morning.

Our local primary school oval is a designated dog off leash area outside of school times... dogs are only banned in school hours. I don't think I've ever seen dog poo on the oval so I don't know if that's a case of responsible owners or dedicated grounds staff.

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Our local primary school oval is a designated dog off leash area outside of school times... dogs are only banned in school hours. I don't think I've ever seen dog poo on the oval so I don't know if that's a case of responsible owners or dedicated grounds staff.

Ours is too. I have seen dog poo there, but I have also seen the regular dog people tell off other dog walkers for not picking up. No-one wants the current access lost because of a few slack people.

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Agree. I do think that one thing that is overlooked when it comes to picking up poo though, is the availability of bins. Might be an idea for councils to try actually providing a bin or two before going DNA-crazy. The only public bin in our suburb is at the local shops. I've walked for over an hour before with two bags full of poo and two dogs, and it is not nice at all :)

Even bins and plastic bag dispensers don't motivate some people. The one and only time I went to an off leash fully fenced dog park in Asquith, I picked up nine, yes nine, bags of poo and in most bags I had two or three dogs poos.

The park is fully fenced with double gated entrance, tap with a cemented surrounded so the area doesn't turn into a quagmire, benches, bins, bag dispenser, so absolutely everything considered.

I wrote to the council and the lady responded, inter alia: well people chat and don't have their eyes on their dogs all the time :laugh: .

Oh and about the fence: people thought it was for hanging their used plastic bags on ---- just a couple of metres away from the bin in some instances.

Only fines and stiff ones at that will get to some people.

Edited by Mother Moocher
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Agree. I do think that one thing that is overlooked when it comes to picking up poo though, is the availability of bins. Might be an idea for councils to try actually providing a bin or two before going DNA-crazy. The only public bin in our suburb is at the local shops. I've walked for over an hour before with two bags full of poo and two dogs, and it is not nice at all :laugh:

Even bins and plastic bag dispensers don't motivate some people. The one and only time I went to an off leash fully fenced dog park in Asquith, I picked up nine, yes nine, bags of poo and in most bags I had two or three dogs poos.

I agree - the local dog park here is full of crap and the dispensers and bin are right there as you walk in the gate so it's not like people dont see them. They're just too damn lazy.

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