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Regalborne Cavaliers


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I agree with Atua about Cavalier Breeders - it is very difficult to buy on main register, particularly from the better "recognized" breeders.

There are breeders with good stock who will sell on main register, provided they believe the person does want to show. Finding them is the difficulty, and sometimes you would be surprised at how successfull they are, and how easy to deal with.

I have sold some on MR to be shown, and they have been....and done ok, bless their hearts.

I have three concerns - first is that if you do want to show, you are going to find it difficult to get assistance with showing, and very few people in your home state will help you to show a dog you bought elsewhere. However, there is puppy training, and your friend who shows should be able to help.

Second is whether the breeder is actually able to pick a show pup from the litter? It's not that easy with Cavaliers.

Third is - and this is very pessimistic - Victoria is the strongest state for Cavaliers - and to win, you need a dog which is pretty well up there, and whether this breeder is breeding dogs like that is another question. Not much fun to be showing and to be last.

But on the bright side, if you do show, breeders in Vic will see that, and you will get to know them,and they will know you, and it will be easier to access another show dog.

Good luck!

Oh, don't forget the photos!! :(

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<Third is - and this is very pessimistic - Victoria is the strongest state for Cavaliers - and to win, you need a dog which is pretty well up there, and whether this breeder is breeding dogs like that is another question. Not much fun to be showing and to be last.>

This is very true, Jed. There are a couple of breeders in Sydney who regularly sell pups on main register as show dogs. They are of very poor quality and the buyers usually only attend a handful of shows and are never seen again. :rolleyes:

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Does the breeder show their dogs? Most 'show breeders' would have something on their website announcing their wins, mentioning their Champions etc. If some one doesn't show themselves, how are they going to pick you a 'show pup', and support you through the process. Yes, it can be very difficult, especially in popular breeds, to buy a pup on Main Register, but often those that are quick to sell pups on Main Register aren't selling pups that SHOULD be on Main Register, if you know what I mean.

If you REALLY want a popular breed on Main register I would be getting out there to shows and meeting breeders local to you and getting your name out there (offer to hold dogs, lug equipment, whatever), and being prepared to wait for a lovely dog from a sucessful, local show breeder. Sometimes in a litter there isn't a single pup that is Main register quality, and normally breeders will keep the pick pup themselves, so you need to wait for their to be a decent pup for you.

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i contacted the cccq yesterday and yes, she is a registered breeder. she has offered to send me the copies of the parents medical checks and also has given me references of people who have purchased a puppy from her. and my answer to why buy a dog from queensland, is that the breeders that i have contacted from victoria have been "suspecious" of my reason for wanting a puppy on main registeration papers ( not saying that there all like that), im wanting to have a try at showing puppy, ive offered to go on a neturing contract and i could understand why some breaders are stand-offish. my answer to them was if i was a byb wouldnt i just buy a dog without of papers and not be worried about health issues.

im a keen learner and i dont want to show all the time, i cant because i work for a lady at boarding kennels and she shows her springer spaniels, just want to have a go at the local shows. please i dont want any critzism of people, everybody on this forum who shows there dogs, would of had to off started somewhere. i have alot to learn about the cavalier breed and i think i will be getting a regalbourne cavalier, she has been extremely helpfull and i know that evan though we would be states apart from each other, that she would be more than accomadating with puppy :happydance2::dancingelephant:

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oooooooo, i didnt realiaze that :rofl: well dont i feel abit silly. i only offered so that she would realiaze that im not wanting to turn puppy into a baby machine. just aswell she said she believed me and didnt feel the need for a contract. thanks for pionting that out guys, ive have read some threads and some people have been very nasty. but as i said ive got alot to learn and lesson one- you cant show a nedured dog in shows :laugh: cheers

:shrug: well it is nice to see that my kennel has a great deal of discussion & interest. YES. i am a registered breeder, & just because you may not have heard of my kennel does not mean that i do not exist or that my kennel does not breed beautiful puppies. we have sold our puppies to other breeders & to families who enjoy showing their pups but our main concern here at "RegalBorne Cavaliers" is that we feel the new homes & owners are going to love their new puppy first & that they will love it no matter what the show results or breeding capabilities may be. as we all know every dog is different & every new family is different. whilst i aim to breed quality dogs & also to be true to the breed I still would prefer my pups to go to a loving home rather than any puppy mill or even a rigid breeding home if its quality of life was to be just there to breed. our dogs are beautiful & they deserve to enjoy a wonderful life. if they show along the way great, if they breed along the way great. but isn't it always much better to know that our pups have loving homes that the pups can thrive in & spend a wonderful lifetime enjoying.

i agree that it can become a very nasty place to be starting out in. whenever you try to find a new puppy there can be ridiculous terms & conditions placed upon unexp-ecting owners. I do not feel that i need to control any body else's decision to what they choose to do with their puppy after they have bought it & taken it home. But i also would not Main register a pup that was not suitable for a MAIN register.. thankfully if you check out the owners & you have been true to the breeding standards & if you maintain healthy breeding stock, the rest is relatively easy. it shows when litter after litter the pups are all growing really well into their markings. when other breeders & judges comment on how lovely & how well marked your dogs are. we have no need to feel obligated to hold down other families with strict contracts & harsh & unneccessary rules & restrictions. there is a free decision to breed, yet it is very hard for anyone to break into the area if all breeders close ranks & become rather nasty to everyone & if they try to monopolise the entire puppies life what enjoyment is that to the new family. it is no wonder there are so many un wanted pets out there & why there are so many abandoned animals & why there has become a black market in the first place. who gives these breeders the right to stop other people from breeding?? each to there own, i know that we are doing a fabulous job & we love our dogs & they are healthy, beautiful & a part of our family. we love them like our children & we would prefer to raise beautiful well rounded puppies that will bring joy into the owners lives rather than a constant contractual headache of what the dog's limitations are to be for life.

so don't throw daggers at me for my opinion. i am allowed to have one. just as you are. I am also allowed to breed quality pups & be able to encourage others to breed if they feel they can do it properly. there should not be an unspoken rule that if you buy a dog from a different breeder that you will not get a chance if you tried to show it. that is not fair to anyone at all. that is also why people prefer not to waste their time with these clicky shows who are so controlled by the old breeders that no new person has a chance of success unless you pay with your life savings & vow to be dictated to with your every move in the show ring & with your dog for the rest of your show career.

why does it all have to be so mean & cruel?? no wonder why no one wants to join these groups they are so opinionated & feel they are the law unto themselves.

i am happy to be able to help loving families who are genuinely looking to give a precious puppy a loving & caring home. it is very rewarding to see just how well a puppy is doing as he grows & settles with his family. this is far more valuable than any show or contract.

thank you all for spending so much time discussing my babies,, we are very happy you are interested in our breed. but please people before you start to throw out your opinions as answers to new owners, please find out your facts first.

we are not American, But we are an Australian website. we are registered & we have been with both NSW & QLD. yes we have lovely dogs & yes we will sell them to a loving family. we do know what we are doing. we are secure enough to know that we can help others whilst still maintaining the breed standards. we are not here to be a problem for anyone or to restrict any owner. there are more than enough of us breeders out there to go around. so why is there all the need to be so vicious to the new owners trying to get a start???

it would be great to see it all be fair like it is supposed to be.

thank you so very much Melstar, as you have been able to see who we are by asking us directly. it was lovely to see your support. thank you.

anyone else looking for puppies we have a litter in the oven at the moment & we are more than happy to discuss with new owners anytime. :eek:

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"baker", is there a point to your post? You have the same name as the people who have the website, but appear to live in another state. Is that significant? And this is your first post.

well thanks for looking at my website. is it so strange for people to relocate interstate. seems that this is shocking to many.

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i contacted the cccq yesterday and yes, she is a registered breeder. she has offered to send me the copies of the parents medical checks and also has given me references of people who have purchased a puppy from her. and my answer to why buy a dog from queensland, is that the breeders that i have contacted from victoria have been "suspecious" of my reason for wanting a puppy on main registeration papers ( not saying that there all like that), im wanting to have a try at showing puppy, ive offered to go on a neturing contract and i could understand why some breaders are stand-offish. my answer to them was if i was a byb wouldnt i just buy a dog without of papers and not be worried about health issues.

im a keen learner and i dont want to show all the time, i cant because i work for a lady at boarding kennels and she shows her springer spaniels, just want to have a go at the local shows. please i dont want any critzism of people, everybody on this forum who shows there dogs, would of had to off started somewhere. i have alot to learn about the cavalier breed and i think i will be getting a regalbourne cavalier, she has been extremely helpfull and i know that evan though we would be states apart from each other, that she would be more than accomadating with puppy :rofl::laugh:

thanks MelStar. yes we are looking forward to helping you. :shrug:

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Well at the risk of upsetting many - The fact that these breeders are prepared to supply copies of health checks for the parents is a much bigger issue than the rest of the advice that's been given out here and a better start than many breeders give their pups.

Whether or not it will be hard to get help and advice in showing because you buy from a little known breeder in the ring, whether or not they are capapble of picking the best pup,or even if you come last every time in the show ring when starting out in the year 2010 in this breed are the least of the issues you need to be starting with.

Starting with a genetically sound healthy dog with less risk of breeding unhealthy puppies in the future is preferrable to starting with a great looking dog which more closely fits the current critique of the breed standard that's a genetic time bomb. No matter where you buy your pup from its much easier to breed up to a pup that looks good if you start with a priority on health - look for a healthy dog which has tested parents and sound grandparents ,the ability for you to speak to previous puppy buyers for references and then consider if it does well in the ring that this is a bonus.

Every breeder has to breed dogs with consideration of the standard because if we dont they will all stop resembling the breed but anyone can breed a champion because you breed to what you see - not everyone can breed consistently healthy animals which can also be champions and for anyone starting out prioritising health is more important now than it ever has been before.

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Steve, you have misread this thread I think. No one suggested that the op buy cavaliers which were not health tested. Some posters didn't say it, because I had aleady done so


Has the breeder offered to scan and send you copies of the health tests, particularly heart scans, conducted on the parents?

You should also be aware that 95% of exhibiting kennels health test their dogs, results are posted on their websites, and/or on cavalier email lists.

The op asked about a show dog, and was given advice on that, including advice regarding health tests. The breeders website said the pups were health tested, which is great, but the parents should be tested too, as I suggested.

The op wants, and should get, a dog which has had the health tests done, but which is also a satisfactory specimen of the breed which has sufficient quality, type and conformation for the ring.

You intimated that those who answered the op told her to buy a show quality pup, and to ignore the health tests, which was far from the case.

Unfortunately, there are people out there suggesting that the results of tests done 10 years ago are 'LATEST NEWS ON SYRINGOMYELIA IN CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIELS' and generally disseminating misinformation to the unaware and non breeders. Unfortunately, they are believed by the unknowing or uncaring. I am always surprised when knowledgable people or breeders believe this, particularly when the truth is only a website away :cry:

The quality and health results of any breed you purchase is directly in proportion to the quality of the breeder you buy from, as it has always been.

Edited by Jed
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thank you to everybody who replied to the post BUT to conclude to the question in the start- YES regalbourne cavaliers are breeders, its not a scam. YES she does breed quality pups. YES they are checked for any problems. YES i feel confident that this is the right breeder for me!!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::eek:

i would like to say sorry to baker for doubting her, it was only because of what happened in the past, that i was being very caustious, and im extremely excited about bringing a regalbourne puppy in my home, i wish that all breeders were like you THANK YOU :laugh:

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thanks jules, its been along time coming!!! we have a 12 yr old lab, we love her to bits and has always been a HUGE part of our family, she was there when i finished school, got a fulltime job, moved out, fall in love and had 2 kids. and unfortunatly she doesnt have much left in her :rofl: , she's my 2 year olds best friend- nobody else can feed her, sit next to her in the car or evan hold the lead when we go for a walk. as a matter of fact she said "barney" before she said her sisters name, lol.

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thank you to everybody who replied to the post BUT to conclude to the question in the start- YES regalbourne cavaliers are breeders, its not a scam. YES she does breed quality pups. YES they are checked for any problems. YES i feel confident that this is the right breeder for me!!!! :D :rofl::(:o:rofl::rofl:

i would like to say sorry to baker for doubting her, it was only because of what happened in the past, that i was being very caustious, and im extremely excited about bringing a regalbourne puppy in my home, i wish that all breeders were like you THANK YOU :D

Looks like a good result .... there is nothing wrong with being cautious and it is good to see comment from both buyer and breeder. Best wishes to Barney and Betty! :D

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