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Training 2 Dogs


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What RubyStar said. Two years down the track, I put them together for the odd things - like brace HTM - but that's only occasionally, and just for fun. Obviously some 'round the house' behaviours - like waiting for the release to their meals, I can do together once they each know how to do it.

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for basic behaviour shaping, together...it's amazing how one will watch the other get reward and the lightbulb goes on! We're currently doing this with the five month old in a simple sit for a treat scenario where she's watched the others respond to what we want done and then she is doing it because she's copying.

For serious stuff....as mentioned....separately and the other is out of ear shot and visual range.

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Sometimes together and sometimes separately.

I will have one in a sit/stay position while working a short session (trick training usually) with the other and then vice versa.

If I'm doing OB with Charlie, then Emmy gets crated. And, if I'm training Emmy in drive then Charlie is crated too.

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How do you train 2 dogs? Do you do it together or separately?

For new skills - definitely apart, but I expect the other dogs to watch quietly from their crates or runs.

Once skills are proofed it is pretty cool to race them and reward the dog that responds the quickest. They soon work out what it is all about. Even the 6 month old puppy sometimes wins at hand touches! ;)

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