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Wart On Bichon's Face

Zug Zug

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My bichon Mozart has a wart on his face. I asked the vet about it a few months ago, and he said it was nothing to worry about, but to come back to him if it got bigger.

It hasn't got any bigger, but it has been bleeding constantly for months. I have given up trying to care for it through his usual beautiful furry face, and shaved all his face hair off today. He looks like a toy poodle :) Nothing wrong with toy poodles, but a bichon should look like a bichon. He didn't like the clipper on his face AT ALL!

Anyway, see photos below - one of his usual beautiful round face, and several showing his face now and some close-ups of his wart, which is bleeding as always. It is not just bleeding because of the clip - it is always bleeding slowly and with his furry face it got quite smelly.

I am using salt water on it, which is what the vet suggested. Is that the best thing to be using? Any thoughts?

Should I be worried about this?






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If its bleeding constantly, thats not good. I'd get it checked again and maybe removed. We see lots of warts on old dogs, and some of them are a bit manky, but they generally don't bleed all the time. Does he scratch at it? Perhaps thats why it bleeds?

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I have never seen him scratch at it. I don't even think he's aware of it much.

If it doesn't clear up this week (i.e. now that his face is cleaned off and I've got full access) I think I will get the vet to remove it.

He has lots of warts now (he's 12), but this is the only one that bleeds like this. And it's much bigger than the others.

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I would get it seen to again as a wart shouldn't bleed continuously - it may need removal. If you have some caster oil you can rub that on it twice a day. It won't do him any harm and it may help to stem the bleeding.

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