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Dog Hair In Places You Tend To Forget About

Guest english.ivy

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Guest belgian.blue

Well this morning I was having a general tidy up, stripped my bed and washed all of that [my dogs are welcome on my bed hehe] and thought hmm I'll turn my mattress over while the sheets are off :(:laugh::rofl:

The carpet under my bed frame, which sits quite low to the floor was covered in black hair.

No wonder my nose gets blocked up when I sleep. So gave it all a major vacuum and will make sure it gets done at least monthly. It's a lot of effort moving a double mattress on your own!

I'm looking forward to my sleep tonight :rofl:

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I had my son at the podiatrist and after he checked my sons shoes, he said, "you have dogs don't you?" We both looked at him puzzled and then he showed us the amount of dog hair under the innersole of my son's shoes!!! I now clean out his shoes regularly. :laugh:

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Guest belgian.blue
My poodles don't shed but after clipping I have had to wash shaved hair out of my belly button in the shower :laugh:

Hahaha ewww

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Dog hair has an incredible ability to get everywhere :laugh:

I travel 1hr via public transport to get to uni and during that trip I imagine many, many dog hairs are left on seats and floating in the air but I was surprised one day, while dissecting an animal at uni, to see a nice long corgi hair staring up at me, wedged between the stomach and the liver :eat:

The other day I found one of the red heads' hairs partway in Muddy's ear canal!

Edited by Mim
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My daughter had been lying on her tummy on her multicoloured rug at baby gym a few weeks back, and she rolled over onto her back & was covered in pet hair :( I hadn't noticed in my rush to go out that morning, and just grabbed her rug off the floor.....obviously one of the animals had a sneaky nap on it :)

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You know the best place to find dog hair? When you move a piece of furniture that hasn't been moved for a while, and find a couple of stray hairs from a dog that has long since passed.....suddenly it's a treasure rather then a mess :laugh:

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Me and everything else in my house are currently covered in hair because Akira is blowing coat. I went to work this morning and was patting the guide dog puppy and realised that I'd somehow managed to transfer Akira's white hair to his head and he was wandering around with a long white part on top of his black head. :laugh:

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Guest belgian.blue

My OH was helping me hang out my washing last night and he looked in the empty washing basket and said a comment about there being hair in it.

He pulled them out and one was black and curly, Ivys hair! but sometimes you need to look closely as they are rather similar to human groin hair [if you get my drift] :(

I find Badger hair in really random places, in books is one major place!

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Guest belgian.blue
How about on my other dog :rofl:

I have 2 labs, a yellow boy and a chocolate boy. My poor little choc fellow is covered in yellow hairs, especially after lying in corners of the vinyl floor trying to keep cool. His fur is a magnet for the "dust bunnies".

Hehe that happens here too. Ivys coat is a magnet for Pointer hair :laugh:

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