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How Lucky Am I ?


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Camera- Hmm..had a brief play with a friend's 450D ...and was very pleased to hand it back :confused: had a decent sized lens on it..so was very heavy ..and I didnt get along at all happily with either auto or manual focus :laugh: I have now slowed right down :shrug:

I LOVE my 450D, it has taken me about 4 weeks to get the hang of it though and some shots are still not great - remember its what you know that creates the great shots, a good photographer will be able to use any camera and get some good shots.

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What a lovely considerate gift. Looks like a fantastic book with lots of little insights.

I had a play with a Sony a55 today as well as a Canon 60D. Thanks possumcorner for suggesting I consider the a55. Persephone it may be 1 that you like as it is quite small and light for an slr. Sony have utilised some different technology in creating the 33 and 55. So now instead of a canon 60D with 1 step above kit lenses I am looking at the A55 with a much better quality zoom (already have a better quality shorter range lense) and for less than the new canon kit would have cost me. Still need to save some dollars, but I was seriously impressed with the play I had with the A55, especially the size and weight.

Here is the A33 - https://www.dwidigitalcameras.com.au/store/...?idProduct=3094

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