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Little Lost Dog In Our Shed


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we have noticed that we have had a strange dog hanging around our property lately, but didnt know where it was or anything, we would just see it every now and then and found signs of a strange dog. On sunday afternoon as we came home this dog was sitting in out drive way, but as it saw us it took off into our hay shed. we could not coax poor little thing out at all so we ended up having to get the tractor and move all the hay out to catch her. She was quite aggressive as we tried to grab her but once we had hold of her she was fine.

poor little mite has been living in our hay shed for quite a while by the looks of her :D she was sooooo skinny, he fur was matted and full of hay and burs.

we fed her and put her into one of our spare dog pens. we cleaned her up a bit and asked the people at the shop in the town if they knew where she came from but no one knew. she was wearing a pink collar but no tags and wasnt microchipped either :) we called the ranged the next day and they came and picked her up. shes really sweet dog, OH's mum immediatly fell in love with her once we had caught her.

this is the site where she is now


shes the little poodle/maltese down the bottom.

hopefully she finds a home!

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That link didn't work for me.

Seems you need to go to www.wellington.vic.gov.au

Search for "dogs" and click on "pounds" in index at left. Follow prompts to "dogs" and you should get there.

Cute little one - she doesn't look all that bad for her ordeal and "pink collar with coloured stones" sounds like she is a loved dog for someone. I hope they don't give up contacting pounds and shelters, given she's been missing for a while and the rightful and potentially fretting owner might have already contacted the pound at least once or more times.

Edited by Erny
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:D poor little mite.

Coloured stone collar........ :) she has obviously been very much loved as why would they bother in getting her such a collar.

I wonder if there is anyway in finding her owner ;) ? She may not even come from that area...she could have come from anywhere or been dumped by some cruel person who took her from her home.

Dee-al, what will happen to her when the pounds eight days are up? Will OH's mum take her?

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Can you take a photograph of the collar and run it in the local paper/s. Perhaps the papers would use their community service section to run notices about her.

Dear little thing - I hope she either finds her old home or is rehomed to someone who will love her enough to get her beautiful collars.

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I met a lady whose dog escaped the yard in Newcastle....and was found two years later wandering the streets in western Sydney. He was microchipped so the pound contacted her.

This little dog could have been picked up, found or even stolen anywhere...then either escaped or been dumped.

Good on you Dee al for catching her...hopefully she will find her owner.

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I met a lady whose dog escaped the yard in Newcastle....and was found two years later wandering the streets in western Sydney. He was microchipped so the pound contacted her.

When i looked at the link Dee al had for the council there was a JRT in there under information it stated the dog was Microchipped.

My question is - Do all Councils Pounds / Rescue's contact people when a dog is microchipped ( or even Registered and weraring a tag )or do they simply wait until an owner actually comes looking for the dog.

Or would it be the poor little JRT's Microchip details are not current or the owners have ignored him/her.

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I met a lady whose dog escaped the yard in Newcastle....and was found two years later wandering the streets in western Sydney. He was microchipped so the pound contacted her.

When i looked at the link Dee al had for the council there was a JRT in there under information it stated the dog was Microchipped.

My question is - Do all Councils Pounds / Rescue's contact people when a dog is microchipped ( or even Registered and weraring a tag )or do they simply wait until an owner actually comes looking for the dog.

Or would it be the poor little JRT's Microchip details are not current or the owners have ignored him/her.

They contact using the details on the chip. If these are out of date, or not recorded (ie the chip could have been implanted and the details not entered onto the register), then the dog remains for the set time and is then euth'd or sold.

Edited by ~Anne~
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I met a lady whose dog escaped the yard in Newcastle....and was found two years later wandering the streets in western Sydney. He was microchipped so the pound contacted her.

When i looked at the link Dee al had for the council there was a JRT in there under information it stated the dog was Microchipped.

My question is - Do all Councils Pounds / Rescue's contact people when a dog is microchipped ( or even Registered and weraring a tag )or do they simply wait until an owner actually comes looking for the dog.

Or would it be the poor little JRT's Microchip details are not current or the owners have ignored him/her.

They contact using the details on the chip. If these are out of date, or not recorded (ie the chip could have been implanted and the details not entered onto the register), then the dog remains for the set time and is then euth'd or sold.

That's why I have always said micro-chipping is useless! People move...and then rarely give a thought to changing their details with the micro chip Co they are registered with. Personally I think it would be better if the chip number was recorded to a persons TFN or drivers licence . That way, it wouldn't matter where they moved to.....they can be traced !

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Doing a google, there was alittle Malt x Poodle lost in Sept this year in Coburg and it is recorded as wearing a 'pink nylon collar'. Is that close?

Is there a way of getting in touch and pointing them to the pound. (Even though they are different States, stranger things have happened.)

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Doing a google, there was alittle Malt x Poodle lost in Sept this year in Coburg and it is recorded as wearing a 'pink nylon collar'. Is that close?

Is there a way of getting in touch and pointing them to the pound. (Even though they are different States, stranger things have happened.)

I emailed them anyway thinking the same thing. You just never know. :o

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That's a Poodle cross

i Know its a poodle cross, the pound people put her as maltese cross. when i rang them i told them it was a poodle cross.

umm where is coburg? the collar isnt nylon i dont think..

if sher doenst find a home, OH's mum has told them that she will take her back and look after her until we can find her a home ourselvs.

poor little girl is so skinny though, we could feel retty much every bone. and her nails were soooo long!

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