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My Puppy's Heart Is Failing... What Should I Do?


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if you have already sought a second opinion and that too weighted is against the surgery.. you have the options others have mentioned:

keep and cherish the lil chappie until it is time to release him... teh time can be longer or shorter than expected. a hard choice but he willknow only love and comfort for his entier life.

or you can give him his wings now ......

however i would take time to calm down and think about what is best for your sweet little pup - who by the way is adorable. My heart aches for both of you



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So sorry to hear this especially with your first pup.

It must be very hard and when you feel helpless like you can't do anything to fix it it's even worse. Don't beat yourself up about affording surgery, it's a huge surgery to put a pup through and I honestly wouldn't like the chances of recovery, it's a lot to put the pup through but you can do some research if your up to it.

I think spending the days with the pup till the time comes is your best option, or to pts in peace then take some time to deal with the loss and take up breeders offer.

So sorry to hear and best of luck, you will make the right decision for yourselves and what will make you feel a bit better even though it's a sad situation.

We're here if you need support :o

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A slight bit of misinformation in a couple of posts.

PDA is when the duct that allows foetal circulation, does not close after birth. It is not an extra vessel.

I am surprised that it was not picked up earlier and that he survived at all as there is often poor weight gain due to all the energy needed to stay alive.

:thumbsup: to you Eco.

Give him lots of love and fun times and let him go when the time is right.

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