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Rescue Remedy


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Grumpy's been quite anxious because of the rain over the past couple of days. I was thinking of getting some rescue remedy for him but I'm not sure how much to give at a time. How do people give it? In water? Mini doesn't need it so I didn't want to put it in water. He's not a big water drinker anyway and generally only at night. Bear in mind that drops under the tongue is not an option; this is Grumpy, after all.

Edited by Sheridan
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If you cant put it in the water, which is the best way to treat, you could try putting a couple of drops, part his hair first, on the back of his neck.

Reading an article about treating animals on the Bach website, says you can spray the animal (maybe not so nice if they are not used to if) you can also massage a couple of drops into their coats or pads of their feet (it does say these methods are not as good as orally and you may need a couple more doses)

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Maybe you could put a smear of something yummy on the palm fo your hand with a couple of drops of rescue remedy.

Would he let you put a drop on the side of his tounge where the gap is between his pre-molars just behind his canines?? I don't open my dogs mouth just pull up their lipo and put it there

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half a dropper every few minutes to start with, then increase the time bewteen doses as he relaxes. Just squirt it direct into his mouth.

Yeah, that's not going to work ...

well you didn't say you wouldn't be able to get it in his mouth and that's the most common way to adminster it. It can be placed on his skin but it is not as effective.

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I thought you were supposed to put it directly where it could be absorbed without food? :thumbsup:

I'm just wondering if we need to know a bit more about rescue remedy including a real per kg safe dose rate - I used some with my mini pinscher at a show a couple of weeks ago because we had a bitch on heat and he was out of his mind. It seemed to calm him alright - to the point where both his (normally erect) ears drooped completely and he could hardly keep his eyes open. He slept in a crate in my room for the first time ever because I was so worried about him. And he only had a "couple" of drops on his tongue. The rescue remedy was the only "out of the ordinary" thing that my boy was exposed to that day, and I can't say for certain that it caused that reaction but I won't be brave enough to try it again on him.

I'm also aware of someone else who used it on the weekend and had a very strange reaction from their dog - maybe there are cases where it shouldn't be used? If anyone is aware of possible contraindications/problems it would be good to be aware of them. :walkdog:

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i would go straight for a calming paste like Good Manners, Troy Behave or Value Plus 4 Calming Paste

they will lick it off your hand or mix it in with something yummy, they taste nice anyway. I give my 24.5kg Malinois 2ml at a time

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Ive used RR on my old girl when we had to take her to a show and it zonked her out on the chair, I'd use it again if I had to, because having her sleepy is better than having her stressing her head off. I think we gave her about half a dropper?

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