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Some Suggestions Please


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OK so we have our greyhound Xmas party coming up, and are expecting over 100 humans with at least 80 greyhounds attached to them - maybe more.

We have Santa Paws coming along and he will have his photo taken many times with the greys. Now, one of my fellow committee menbers (a real bright spark and non photographer :D ) has suggested I do a group shot as a fundraiser :)

So, any ideas on how to do this - may have to climb onto a roof, or perhaps make a panorama up?

It's not as though half of the people can pick the dogs up and tuck them under their arms to squeeze everyone in.

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OK so we have our greyhound Xmas party coming up, and are expecting over 100 humans with at least 80 greyhounds attached to them - maybe more.

We have Santa Paws coming along and he will have his photo taken many times with the greys. Now, one of my fellow committee menbers (a real bright spark and non photographer :rainbowbridge: ) has suggested I do a group shot as a fundraiser :rofl:

So, any ideas on how to do this - may have to climb onto a roof, or perhaps make a panorama up?

It's not as though half of the people can pick the dogs up and tuck them under their arms to squeeze everyone in.

Can you still aim for multiple rows - some people sitting the ground with their greys laying down? Maybe use some sort of platform for some to go up on. I was going to say hay bales but they are probably not going to be big enough for grey hounds.

Not overly helpful. Sorry!!

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definitely you need to be up way higher than them - I know with the Auskick group shot, they get up into the scorekeepers box and take it from there, and from memory, the last group shot at a wedding I was at, they did it from a balcony, but if those things are not available, then would certainly make sure you have a large step ladder available, and use that. Go wide, at least 35mm, maybe wider, and a nice small aperture - F12 probably, but depends how deep you need to stack the people and your distance from them as to how wide the focal depth is that you then need to cover. Good luck - to get that many people and animals all cooperating at the same time will be fun

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thanks guys - we have our party at a reserve which also has a footy oval - will have a look next time I'm out as I hadn't thought about a scoreboard. Was thinking a step ladder to get on the roof of the club house (before I get into the champagne :thumbsup: )

From memory they have a covered "stand" with rows of steps, so I guess we could get them all in there - I think it's about 10 steps high ...mmmm But it will be well shaded so dark.

I have the Sigma 17 - 70 which should do the trick if I can get up high.

Will be sure to post the result. But the party isn't until Dec 5th.

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