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It's Not About The Camera Or The Depth


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I've been doing something a little different lately. Something I've wanted to do more of since I have lived here, but really haven't just gone and done. Snorkel from the beach on the Gulf side. A few friends and I are really trying to spend some quality time exploring new places and just enjoying the heck out things. Probably not areas that the average tourist would enjoy as it's very different to what the rest of the area offers.

I'm also taking one of my baby cameras out instead of the Big Girl Rig (system cost w/one lens about $8200). I'm using a very basic (and old) Canon A720 with no strobes in a Canon underwater housing. The whole shebang cost me about $275 and I'm having a whale of a time re-learning how to make it do what I want it to do! Having something so small, light and unobtrusive is a delight as we walk over the rocks to the water. I'm even using some of the scene modes and other auto settings which I've never done before. Sometimes they work better than others, but it's pretty cool to experiment.

Of course, I find the shutter lag frustrating and the recycle time for the internal flash when I use it seems to take an age and a half, but for all the niggles, it does a mighty fine job of capturing snippets to share.

I think I'm getting just as much enjoyment out of snorkeling and shooting this setup as I do from diving and my BGR (OK, maybe not *quite* as much as there is pretty much nothing I enjoy more than diving and I do love the results & response from the BGR, but it's a close second!) Anyhoo, here's some shots and more are here and here...and I'm heading out again tonight so hopefully will have more soon, too!




Leave some love here or on the blog if you feel it!

Edited by kja
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The colours are jaw dropping. Do you know what it is??

Sorry, I thought I put that in the post on the blog! They are two nudibranchs and I'm pretty sure they are species Hypselodoris infucata - pretty awesome.

We saw about 5 different species of nudibranchs - a couple I don't think I've seen before. It was just an incredible (again) area and we're planning to go back. We also saw octopus, frogfish, trevally, all sizes and shapes of crabs, big bailor shells motoring along the sand and lots more - all in an area roughly the size of the average Aussie living room! And in about three feet of water. This area amazes me every single day.

I hope to have more photos up today later.

Oh, someone asked me what "nudibranchs" were - they are sea slugs. Like land snails/slugs but infinitely more interesting! They have two little "horns" at the front called rhinophores and their gills (lungs) are the fluffy bits on their butts. "Nudibranch" means naked lungs basically :grimace: Some are quite big (larger than your hand) and some are so tiny you could fit two or three on the fingernail of your pinky finger! These two were about 4cms and 2.5cms & maybe 1cmish wide.

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Yup, it's a stonefish. Very bad to step on!

They bury themselves in the sand so barely their eyes and the tip of their lips show. When a tasty treat swims by POW they explode out of the sand and gobble it down. It's awesome to watch, but takes about ten years off your life if you aren't ready for it :dancingelephant:

Yesterday was filled with more weird critter goodness - in WA we call this a frogfish, the rest of the planet calls it a toadfish :dancingelephant: I use frogfish coz that's how I was introduced to them andwhat all other countries on the planet call "frogfish", I call "anglerfish" (which is more correct!). I will have some photos of an anglerfish up later today or tomorrow on my blog, for anyone who wants to look-see!


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