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Just Came Back From The Vet And Terribly Sad


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Sorry for your loss, i have tears in my eyes reading what you have gone through and how devastated you must be. I had to see my dog past away a couple of years ago and it was the worst feeling in the world. Time will heal.

I'm now blessed with another dog who makes my heart melt everytime I see him and I am getting another puppy soon. Although they are no replacement for my old dog - he will always be in my heart, they bring joy to me.

Thats the sad thing about owning a pet, they will most probably past away before you do, but the joy and happiness they bring you when they are alive are invaluable.

Take care and don't be so sad.

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My thoughts go out to you at this time. I have lost three dogs to cancer in the last five years and it kills you no denying that. I cannot say it gets any easier but you learn to live with it. One we lost on the table and two I was there with them but it does not make it any easier. Do what you have to do to get through it. We are all here for you.

Weep not that she has gone

But smile that she has been.

:D :o

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I know that I am not one of the most popular posters here, in fact a few of you would love the day that I am never heard of again. Still I am feeling compelled to post at a moment when I am grieving the unexpected loss of my heart dog....my golden retriever. I can only hope that at moments like these we can all put our disagreements aside and realise that, at the end of the day, we all have the one thing in common and that is the love for our pets.

Okay, where do I start....I had Sophie since she was 8 weeks old, I purchased her from a very ethical breeder and she was my heart dog, never did she show a nasty side, she was the epitome of a great dog....a loving disposition, no aggressive bone in her body...her tail forever wagging...I so loved her with all my heart and soul. She was quick to learn what was expected of her, never a hassle from that girl, a heart as big as the universe.

Yesterday I noticed that she was acting a little differently, quieter than her normal self....at feeding time she still ate but not as much as she would normally eat, she didn't come up to me for cuddles, she just lied there....I thought to myself that something was amiss and made a point of keeping a very close eye on her....

Today I approached her for the 100th time to see if there was any sign of improvement, I had hoped that 24 hours on she would have snapped back to her usual self....but instead of coming to me for cuddles and that tail wagging furiously, she just sat there. I immediately came in and rang the after hours number of my local vet, told him that my sophie was out of sorts and that I wanted her to be looked at. Okay, 20 mins later I was at the vet's. He took her temperature and said it was slightly elevated, he started to feel her abdominal area and said he felt that she had a large mass and asked if I agreed to an ultrasound....I didnt hesitate. Anyway, the conclusion, to my shock and horror, was that she had a large cancerous tumour near the spleen. I asked if it could be removed along with the spleen given that dogs along with humans can survive without a spleen.....he said that he did not feel she would survive the operation, he suggested that if I was adamant in wanting to go ahead with exploratory surgery he would go ahead with it but he didnt feel this was in Sophie's best interest as she wouldnt have survived the surgery, he said, in no uncertain term that she was dying. He said the most humane thing to do was to have Sophie put to sleep. I didnt feel I had a choice and I could not bear the thought of Sophie suffering so Sophie was sent to the rainbow bridge, she went away peacefully. I asked the vet to cut a snippet of her coat so I could take it home with me.

Before coming home I just had to go to the nearest booze shop and purchased a bottle of bourbon; I so hate the stuff and given that I barely touch booze it wasnt easy to have a few guzzles. My hubby loves his bourbon and cola, I can hardly tolerate the stink of that. It sure helps with easing the pain of grief and shock but I know that when the effects wear off I will be back to square one, having to come to grips with the loss of my beloved Sophie.

LOVE YOU FOREVER, MY DARLING GIRL SOPHIE, RIP and thank you for 8 magnificent years.

Moselle, I am so very very sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you feel as I have lost my darling dogs , including my heart dog to the same insidious cancer . Its not much comfort but all I can say is you did the right thing by your darling Sophie as there is nothing they can do for this type of cancer.

Again, please accept my deepest sympathies on your loss.

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I am so very sorry to hear of your very sudden loss of your special girl

RIP Sophie, waiting at the bridge.

It is hard when they are so young, you feel really ripped off, ripped off they were taken so young and you never got to see them grow old gracefully.

Take heart in the fact you did the very best you could by your girl. You allowed her to go gently and quiety without the pain and trauma of surgery. You made the decision with Sophies best interests at heart and put your own feelings aside to make sure she was thought of first. I for one applaude you for doing that.

You will get mad, you will be very upset, but over time the fun things you did together will start to make you smile and your memories will be of the good times.

Rest easy my friend, no more pain. Run free while waiting at the rainbow bridge.

Lots of hugs from myself and the furry crew with some cold Whippet nose prods thrown in.


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I am so sorry for your loss.........We are never prepared for such sudden losses. I too lost one of my dogs so sudden, by just a visit to the vet and them finding a very advanced Ovarian Cancer. there is no easy way. the only thing no one can take away from you are the memories. Another sweet Angel for Rainbow bridge. I feel for you, take care

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So sorry for your loss Moselle. I too lost my heart dog this year in a shocking accident. Reading your story makes me tear up. I've been missing her lately. While I love my other dogs, they aren't her and never will be. :laugh::cheer:

:thumbsup: Sophie. Charm will welcome you there!

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Run free sweet Sophie...

Moselle... Sophie will never truly die - she will always live on in your heart and memories.

I lost my heart dog back in 2004, and in all honestly, the pain never truly goes away - but we cope with it a little better every day that goes by.

Reading your original post had me with tears streaming down my cheeks and remembering having to say goodbye to my beloved Woosie. That was probably one of the most traumatic days of my entire life - a little piece of my soul went off to the Bridge with Woosie - as I'm sure you sent a piece of yours off with Sophie.

Rest easy knowing that Sophie has good company at the Bridge while she waits until the day you can join her again.


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