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Mum Pups Dumped


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Mum, pups dumped for dead

Stephen O’Grady | 13th November 2010

THE CRUEL and disgusting spate of animal dumping plummeted to a new low on the Fraser Coast in the early hours of yesterday morning.

A mother and her six pups were offloaded on the outskirts of Hervey Bay on the Pialba to Burrum Heads road.

By 9am yesterday the mother was dead, after she was struck by a passing car.

Her offspring were rescued by a Torbanlea man who was already running late for an appointment in the Bay.

“He was a lovely man but he was very distressed by the experience,” Fraser Coast Pet Warriors' Marie Barnes said.

“He was shaking when I met him. He dragged the mother off the road. The pups were gathered around their mum.”

The pups are about six weeks old and are believed to be a German Shepherd-Retriever cross.

The Torbanlea man initially took them to a nearby filling station where one of the employees knew Ms Barnes and rang her.

“By the time I got there, three of the pups had been taken by members of the public who had gathered around the boot of the man's car to survey his find.

“That's great but I would just like them to contact me to confirm they have been vet checked.

“The three left behind were ravenous. They were vomiting grass and dirt. And they were flea riddled.

“It was a very sad and distressing sight.”

Ms Barnes has urged anyone getting rid of an animal to pick up the phone and call the animal pound or the Pet Warriors.

“We have a great relationship with the council.

“Please, call someone. Ring me, I can help. That way we won't have mums dumped in the middle of the road and such sadness.”

She said the Pet Warriors had an established network of foster carers lined up for animals, and also a selection of dogs in stock which could be viewed on their website.

Her number is 0407 371 538.


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I am sure other posters will come up with ideas on how to curtail the dumpage of animals....I can't really think of what can be done to prevent people committing such hideous acts! In my field of work I encounter people from all walks of life yet the cruelty that some people possess will never cease to amaze me. It so frustrates and angers me that people can be so heartless and cold towards defenceless animals. I can only hope that Karma pays such individuals a visit!!!

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There will always be arseholes in the world but for those who find themselves in over their heads with a litter, be them planned or by accident. There are some things that can be implemented at a local level to try and reduce the numbers.

Community desexing programs , that are advertised at at a reduced rate. Encouraging owners to desex their pets and avoid unwanted litters.

Easy acess to what were the traditional " night" pens at the pounds. It's better for animal to be left there, than dumped on a highway.

Encouraging owners to take any unwanted puppies/dogs to the pound or rescue, rather than dump them. If pound staff or rescue can talk to an owner, there's an opportunity to discuss desexing the bitch, if they haven't surrendered her at the time.

Educating the general public that the pounds and rescues do see a large number of cross bred puppies come into care each year and they do not need to add to those numbers.

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There will always be arseholes in the world but for those who find themselves in over their heads with a litter, be them planned or by accident. There are some things that can be implemented at a local level to try and reduce the numbers.

Community desexing programs , that are advertised at at a reduced rate. Encouraging owners to desex their pets and avoid unwanted litters.

Easy acess to what were the traditional " night" pens at the pounds. It's better for animal to be left there, than dumped on a highway.

Encouraging owners to take any unwanted puppies/dogs to the pound or rescue, rather than dump them. If pound staff or rescue can talk to an owner, there's an opportunity to discuss desexing the bitch, if they haven't surrendered her at the time.

Educating the general public that the pounds and rescues do see a large number of cross bred puppies come into care each year and they do not need to add to those numbers.

Good advice, RSG....the only concern is in the encouragement of owners to desex their pets...that can work with a fair few people but there will always be those individuals that are adamantly against the idea of desexing. I will never forget the time when I was trying to rehome an adult dog that I had saved from a bullet. She was entire but I had stipulated, in my ad, that she would need to be desexed BEFORE being adopted out; people were welcome to come and see her and if they were happy with her and willing to take her on and I was satisfied that they were responsible people, they would need to come back one week later (I also offered to deliver her) after she was desexed....well, I certainly was not expecting the barrage of abuse that I got especially so from one woman in particular. She said that she wanted the dog (via email correspondence) BUT did not want me to desex her! She said that she felt it was cruel to desex animals, that it's an interferance with nature, blah blah blah. I replied that I wasn't going to let her go without desexing her and that my mind was firmly made up, I also explained to her that desexing the dog was for the dog's best interest and started explaining all the pro's....but NO, she would not hear of it....suffice to say that with such an attitude there was no way in hell that she stood a chance in adopting this dog. In time I did end up finding the perfect home but it was a learning curb for me. Perhaps this woman truly was against desexing for the stupid reasons she gave or she may have had ulterior motives in not wanting me to desex....but the unfortunate thing is that there will always be people that share that opinion.

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There will always be those , who for whatever reason do not wish to desex their dogs. That's fine with me, it's their dog and owners have the right to keep them entire.

I am against too many rules being implemented but what other solution do you suggest, other than desexing, in keeping the overpopulation problem in check? I know that part of the problem is due to puppy millers and large scale byb....but I don't doubt that the oops litter happens in great numbers also....

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theres an oversupply of poorly bred animals and too many people buying pets wrong for their situation - thats what causes dumping

that and some people should just NEVER own an animal

There are people around that should never own an animal, for sure...Do you really think that dogs are dumped due to being "poorly bred" ? and what constitutes a "poorly bred" dog? I do agree that people buy dogs that are not suitable for them, the novelty wears off, they can't be bothered with the training aspect, too much like 'hard work', they deem a dog to be too costly, can't be bothered with the grooming, etc etc.

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Poorly bred , in particular when it comes to "breeds" , often means that they fail to live up to expectations. A poorly bred pup is one that has not been bred with the breed standard in mind. It has not been bred with care and equal consideration has not been given to type, temperament, structure and soundness.

For example, if you purchase a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, you do so with a certain level of expectation, as to what it will look and act like.

Poorly raised pups can also have issue, when it comes to health and temperament.

Edited by ReadySetGo
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I don't think on the whole there is an over supply of puppies or an overpopulation.

I am not so sure, RSG. One only has to look at Pet Link amongst other places to see the over abundance suppy of puppies on an every day basis, wayyy too many imo.

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I don't think on the whole there is an over supply of puppies or an overpopulation.

I am not so sure, RSG. One only has to look at Pet Link amongst other places to see the over abundance suppy of puppies on an every day basis, wayyy too many imo.

It's your opinion but I'm not so sure if it's really the case.

Just because there are a lot of ads for pets, does not mean that there is an oversupply of them.

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This week alone there have been several LITTERS of pupppies dumped here, and there just the ones that have made the 'news' :) . My GF has 3 dogs of her own and fosters for pet warriors as I told her to ring them (she is wonderful) and she has had a constant stream of several dogs at a time at her house, including 2 mothers and pups :)

The ones in the artcile that were dumped on a road, were dumped on a MAIN road, speed limit 100ks :D :) Honestly, why? seems they must have hoped the whole lot were going to be run over. '

I agree with you ready set go on the policies you've set out, wish those in 'power' would get off their arses and take some sort of action :)

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theres an oversupply of poorly bred animals and too many people buying pets wrong for their situation - thats what causes dumping

that and some people should just NEVER own an animal

and there is a serious oversupply of total idiots and fools who should never have a dog or other living creature in their care.

A person i workout with told me on friday that he and his wife were having trouble calming their dog..... then explained they had only had teh little chi in their hoime for a few weeks... they had noticed a little bundle floating down the river and upon investigation found the dog with feet bound and his mouth taped closed......

I continue to be duimfounded with these actions


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and those idiots tend to have multiple animals ... it doesnt just happen with dogs and cats, I see so many 'treechangers' that need a good smack upside the head - buying farm animals then after realising how expensive it actually is to own an animal that size just leave it in a paddock to fend for itself or die

poorly bred means just that - randomly bred with no idea or care, usually with poor temperament or health. Then idiots who breed these animals usually dont socialise them. Then idiot owners dont train the puppies they get ... who wants a bouncing, tearing, frothing, barking or frightened, wonky dog? So they end up in the pound. Since the majority of dogs bred come from places like this there IS an over population of animals that are born with no hope of finding a home.

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A person i workout with told me on friday that he and his wife were having trouble calming their dog..... then explained they had only had teh little chi in their hoime for a few weeks... they had noticed a little bundle floating down the river and upon investigation found the dog with feet bound and his mouth taped closed......

I continue to be duimfounded with these actions


OMG that is horrible!

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There will always be arseholes in the world but for those who find themselves in over their heads with a litter, be them planned or by accident. There are some things that can be implemented at a local level to try and reduce the numbers.

Community desexing programs , that are advertised at at a reduced rate. Encouraging owners to desex their pets and avoid unwanted litters.

Easy acess to what were the traditional " night" pens at the pounds. It's better for animal to be left there, than dumped on a highway.

Encouraging owners to take any unwanted puppies/dogs to the pound or rescue, rather than dump them. If pound staff or rescue can talk to an owner, there's an opportunity to discuss desexing the bitch, if they haven't surrendered her at the time.

Educating the general public that the pounds and rescues do see a large number of cross bred puppies come into care each year and they do not need to add to those numbers.

Every shop that sells dog food could have a notice to the effect of what you have posted here RSG. And every community notice board at country pubs.

If the message only reached 50% of those who dump dogs on the side of the road, then the situation would be 50% better than it currently is.


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