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How To Tell The Neigbour...

W Sibs

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Well I used to have pet rats, and it's true, they do make fantastic, intelligent and affection pets. One of mine was nearly killed by a neighbours' cat once - they were in my bedroom and the damn cat came in through the window. I managed to save it but the neighbours were so horrible, kept saying the cat was just doing its job, removing vermin from the world :D

Anyway, I was annoyed when my rat was attacked in my own bedroom, but if I lost my rat, and it was killed by the dog in my next door neighbour's yard, well that's hardly their fault is it? If it were me, I just want to be told. I would be very sad, but I wouldn't hold it against you or your dog, I'd just take extra care next time to not let my rat escape. Fact is, if your dog hadn't eaten it, something else would have - pet rats are hopeless in the wild and would not last long. At least your dog was quick about it - had it been a cat the rat probably wouldn't have been so lucky.

That's horrible!!! Their cat went into your house!! :D

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Perhaps if you trust your neighbours not to retaliate (sounds like you do), then it might be a nice idea, as others have suggested, to tell them that your dog got the rat and it was killed in an instant (i.e., not tormented etc). After confirming that it's theirs (if possible), wrapping it in a cloth and giving it back to them does sound like a nice idea.

Like others have suggested, being compassionate and honest might be what the rat's owner would really appreciate.

Of course, I'm not suggesting that in all cases (e.g., crazy nasty neighbours) that this would be the good thing to do; I'm just saying that if you trust your neighbours, it might be the way to go, for you (in terms of not feeling guilty about lying / withholding truth) and for them (in terms of having closure).

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This is such a hard situation. On one hand I can see Mason2009's point of view to protect your dog by lying. But then SpikesPuppy made a real good point of ''what if it was YOUR pet''.

So for me, I would treat it the way I would hope to be treated in the same situation ( heaven forbid). I would go talk to them..choose a decent time ie not right after they finish work,...maybe after dinner. Just speak to them with care and respect. Be honest and sympathetic to their loss. Acknowledge that to them their rat may mean as much as our dogs mean to us :D

Good luck, I hope that it is not their Rat, but if it is, I hope that they handle it alright.

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At least your dog was quick about it - had it been a cat the rat probably wouldn't have been so lucky.

Oh god yes, I have seen my cat torture a poor wild mouse for a good half hour before eating it. :D

Good luck CW EW, crossing fingers its not their rat!

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Ask them what colour their rat is. Or if they have a photo. If it WAS their rat, then be honest. You obviously feel badly and there was nothing you could have done to prevent it.

I'm not a big believer in telling fibs about things like this. Honesty is the best policy.

And yes, I know what you're going through. Some years ago now, two of my Staffords killed a neighbour's cat in our backyard. The cat used to always sit on the fence, teasing the dogs and this one afternoon, it forgot to leave the long, fluffy dangly bit (it's beautiful plumed tail) on the OUTSIDE of the fence. One of my pair took advantage of the window of opportunity, grabbed the tail and pulled and the poor cat didn't have a hope. I was just coming around the side of the house with a basket of washing in time to witness it (thank doG the kids weren't there) but wasn't quick enough to save it.

I went and knocked on the neighbour's door and told them what had happened. Naturally they weren't very happy but they did admit that the cat hadn't helped itself much.

Incident passed, neighbourly relations remained intact and I didn't have to remember a lie.

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I agree with Ellz. Ask them the colour of their rat. If it was white - forget it. If it sounds like the rat you have, tell them the truth. A rat is as important as a dog to a rat fancier, and I think they deserve to know what happened to their pet. If you handle it right, there wont be problems.

Good luck :D

Some of my cavs are destructo dogs on mice and rats. Just like Charlie

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After thinking about this, I think I will go over tonight and just tell them what happened. I have a good relationship with my neighbours especially the ones on either side of me (and they are one living next door to me). I might give them a bottle of wine too... just in case it is and they want to drown their sorrows. If it's not their rat, then we can celebrate that Charlie didn't kill their pet.

what a great idea

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I of our cavs killed the next doors chook. Actually her backyard on to our side fence.

Cleo dug under the fence on the opposite side then went out on to the street and through the gap where the fence was in the process of being built, dug under the fence and into the run that ran along our fence to the chook pen. Did in too and of course was trapped so culprit was known.

Offered to pay for replacements but they have not got anymore yet.

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I of our cavs killed the next doors chook. Actually her backyard on to our side fence.

Cleo dug under the fence on the opposite side then went out on to the street and through the gap where the fence was in the process of being built, dug under the fence and into the run that ran along our fence to the chook pen. Did in too and of course was trapped so culprit was known.

Offered to pay for replacements but they have not got anymore yet.

Oh no!

Were your neighbours mad?

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Years ago when we were living at another house, the people on the corner 2 doors down owned a big fluffy white rabbit and a cat. They used to let the rabbit roam (idiots I know) :D One morning around 7am we heard a commotion outside our bedroom window. Neighbors cat had just killed their rabbit on our front lawn :D These people often had the police visiting, so we weren't about to go and tell them that their cat did it in case they blamed Jessie and tried to do something. They never came asking about it, so assume they didn't care :cheer:

Different scenario a few years later. I found a dead cat on our median strip. I door knocked and found the owner. They were grateful that we'd told them :clap:

If my pet disappeared I'd like to know for closure, but it depends on the neighbors and the circumstances. Your pets and family come first and if there was any worry about revenge, then silence would be best.

CW EW's neighbors appear to be on good terms. I think the bottle of wine idea is great :D

Good luck CW EW :laugh:

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Years ago when we were living at another house, the people on the corner 2 doors down owned a big fluffy white rabbit and a cat. They used to let the rabbit roam (idiots I know) :D One morning around 7am we heard a commotion outside our bedroom window. Neighbors cat had just killed their rabbit on our front lawn :D These people often had the police visiting, so we weren't about to go and tell them that their cat did it in case they blamed Jessie and tried to do something. They never came asking about it, so assume they didn't care :cheer:

Different scenario a few years later. I found a dead cat on our median strip. I door knocked and found the owner. They were grateful that we'd told them :clap:

If my pet disappeared I'd like to know for closure, but it depends on the neighbors and the circumstances. Your pets and family come first and if there was any worry about revenge, then silence would be best.

CW EW's neighbors appear to be on good terms. I think the bottle of wine idea is great :D

Good luck CW EW :laugh:

Saying that it was found dead on the median strip is a little different than saying "My dog killed it".

The gratefulness might be tempered somewhat by ill-feeling towards the predator.

I totally agree with you that it depends on the neighbours and the circumstance.

CW EW, you might want to make a big deal of your brave attempts to save the rat and administer CPR.

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After thinking about this, I think I will go over tonight and just tell them what happened. I have a good relationship with my neighbours especially the ones on either side of me (and they are one living next door to me). I might give them a bottle of wine too... just in case it is and they want to drown their sorrows. If it's not their rat, then we can celebrate that Charlie didn't kill their pet.

What a lovely neighbour you are.

I would also tell the truth, unless they were scary ferals, better to know & stop worrying. Not your fault.

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