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Strangers Photographing Both You And Your Dog Whilst Out In Public


Having photos taken without permission  

155 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have an issue with a stranger taking a photo/s of YOU AND YOUR DOG out in public without permission?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Do you have an issue with a stranger posting photo/s online without permission, taken of YOU AND YOUR DOG whilst out in public?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. Would your responses from the above 2 questions change if it was a professional photographer using the photos for their portfolio?

    • Yes
    • No

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it's the principle of taking a photo of someone without asking. Maybe i find it creepy coz i don't know what someone is doing with that photo.

Sure, keep talking about it. eta I mean sure keep talking because it's good to know what people feel when some stranger takes their photo

I laughed when I took the photo. Why? Because the driver of the car I was in is a techno genius and he couldnt believe that being the techno bimbo that I am that I actually worked out the camera function on my own - I was laughing at myself. I also laughed because I thought the quality was really crappy so what a waste of money for an iphone. The guy in the driver's seat might have thought I was laughing at something about him or his car.

Now getting back to Pointees' example, the guy might have been laughing because when he was a little kid he had a pointer and he was remembering country drives with Spot and his parents who are now dead and he was reliving a great moment in his life. Why automatically assume he was being a prick?

eta I didnt do anything with the photo. It's probably still on my phone somewhere. Would I? No because it was a test shot. I'm not the least bit interested in putting it on the net to make fun of the driver, whack off, do something else insidious with it.

Edited by raz
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Photographs must not be taken (or published) if a person’s identity is protected by a court order (eg. a suppression order, witness protection, child custody or protection order)

Well, how would you know if this applies to the person you are taking a photo of, if you are taking a photo of a complete stranger? That alone should be reason enough to make a law against taking photos of strangers.

They already have a law like that in the EU, group photos are ok, or if the photo mainly depicts something else (say, scenery, and you just happen to be in the photo someone took) but you are not allowed to deliberately take photos of strangers without their consent, and you would need permission to post the photo anywhere.

I would think it was a bit creepy if someone took photos of me or my dog, unless they came up for a chat and seemed friendly and asked for permission.

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This is exactly how i feel about it fuzzy82. I don't like people taking photos of me without consent; wont go into details, but it is just creepy to me that strangers think its funny or god knows what to take photos of people without asking. Dog events ie kepala that's fine, we all take photos of each other and post it on DOL however if anyone doesnt want their photo posted they do say so.

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They already have a law like that in the EU, group photos are ok, or if the photo mainly depicts something else (say, scenery, and you just happen to be in the photo someone took) but you are not allowed to deliberately take photos of strangers without their consent, and you would need permission to post the photo anywhere.

Do you have a linky?

A friend of mine a while ago took a photo of a woman sitting on the Spanish Steps in Rome. She was looking all pensive and smoking a ciggy. He didnt ask her permission - he just took it because he liked the fact she was having a quiet moment and thought she looked really beautiful. He didnt do anything creepy with the photo - he had it printed and framed and now hangs on his wall because it reminds him of the quiet moment he was having at that time. Is that bad? It's not like he gets naked and does strange things while dancing around his lounge room and hoping he meets her again one day.

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have not yet read everything (will do that now), but as a pro photographer, no I would not just snap away without consent, and before anything is used in my portfolio, on my website, or in marketing material I have a model release signed so both parties have agreed to that occuring - I have done a job for someone in the defence force, someone in the police force, and an AFL footballer, none of whom wanted their images anywhere, and so I was happy to comply with their request.

If I was also taking a shot of someone I saw that I just had to get for my portfolio, I would also be offering them something in return (such as a free image), not just snapping away and walking off, that is just rude, IMO. Off to read the rest of the topic, and may add more later.

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candid shots can still be candid (esp with kids), even if they know they are having a picture taken - they haven't yet got the frozen face syndrome we as adults pull when we know there is a camera around - I know this, as I do it for a living, and am certainly more than capable of getting all kinds of faces and reactions during a session, they will very quickly forget the camera is there you know, and I do not need to hide from them to get a natural reaction. I would though object to someone just taking pictures of my kids without my permission, and certainly would be far less inclined to give it if the person doing it had been hiding, and assured me they only wanted it for their own collection and said it was tasteful and not creepy, and I would not care what sex they were.

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Sorry may be slightly OT and I haven't read all the replies but I just wanted to add that I have forever been captured on Google Maps (street view).

When they were taking all the photos in our area I was out walking with my daughter and small son. Can't say I was bothered, thought it was quite funny.

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