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Taking Photos Of Childrne


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Outside in natural light, either first thing in the morning or last thing in the afternoon. Get down to their level, but don't expect them to sit still or 'pose'. Try and get them comfortable with you there so you get some natural shots instead of cheesy grins. If you're into it, you could bring something fun (like bubbles) - but don't bring them out straight away. The three month old won't be able to sit unassisted, so take a nice rug.

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good luck - there is a reason a lot of photographers will not work with kids between 18 months and 5 years, good luck with that mix of ages (of course we will, but you almost need hazard pay for those ages, as you can either get really lucky, or they can be complete tearways, esp if they are going through the terrible twos). My main tip would be if you can to do the group stuff first, then split them up and work with each one on their own, and definitely have someone helping, even if it is another parent, toys on the head are always good, and I have a pez dispenser that I have cut to fit in the hot shoe - gives them something to look at, or a hair scrunchy around the lens if they are girls. Parent behind you as well, so if they are looking at mum, and she is right behind you, then they will give you eye contact, instead of staring off to the side.

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