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My Husband Wants Me To Re-home Ollie


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Is it in the budget to have him professionally groomed more often? We have a number we do weekly which definately makes shedding more manageable at home. Because each dog is thoroughly brushed out first, you have a lot of relief from excess hair.

I also wondered about diet. Is Ollie's food changed around a bit, or is he on a diet including lots of omegas that stays pretty stable? It's just that changing the diet tends to be followed by a big coat drop in many dogs and I've seen a few that shed way less when kept on one diet.

Hope it all works out for you, he sounds very loved.


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Allergies/asthma are also seasonal ie; worse in spring when pollens are around and also when it is windy.

If your son touches Ollie does he break out in hives? This would be an indication of an allergic reaction to the dog's hair.

I was very allergic and lived with a long coat GSD (inside dog) for 14 yrs. I found regular vacuuming/sweeping, keeping him groomed and washed and there was no problem with my allergies. I am also allergic to dust and owned horses for most of my life. :laugh:

Maybe an allergy test first to make sure that it is actually the dog your son is allergic to and not another environmental factor?

know where your comming from there. alergies so bad the doc did tests, n to my horror get told im allergic to dog dander, cat dander, cattle and horse dander... like what on earth is dander....????


well now i know, ive still all the offending critters. but wear a mask when cleaning up said dander.

and as for clipping, i dont see why you dont clip him? having a double coat doesnt mean he cant be clipped, it just means it will take twice as long for the clippers to wend their way through the jungle.

a friends samoyed was doing the same for their son. so instead off off with his head, it was off with his coat and no more problem.

as for summer with out a heavy coat... happy doggie

as for a pug its amazing how much hair will come off ..

at least give it a try for both your sakes..

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A simple blood test at your doctors for you & your son will show allergy for certain, or not. Results in about 5 days.

That's the way to start.

Allergy can just occur when it has not been there before or it is underlying & other seasonal allergy starts off the symptoms, immune system is low & this allergy starts too.

The hair is not just the problem. Dander & saliva too, so shaving, more grooming is useless.

Eczema & asthma occur together in children who have it severely, often when one clears the other starts.

As animal loving as I am I had to re home all mine for this reason many years ago. My baby was allergic to the world.

Adult now he can not come into my home. Asthma can kill. Babies & small children are more vunerable as they can not tell you how bad they feel & it can occur quickly. Sad as you are I would not risk it.

Have the tests asap. Its a simple start. If positive & severe all the cleaning & grooming in the world is a waste of time :laugh:

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I've just remembered visiting a grooming salon on the northern beaches and seeing a pug and a foxie being shaved off! I had never seen this before and I asked what was going on, the groomer explained that the owners were very particular and didn't like shedding hair so had the dogs shaved.

At the time I wondered why they didn't just have maltese type dogs but obviously they loved these particular dogs.

Maybe other groomers have had to do the same and it might help your situation.

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I'll get allergy testing done for sure. I don't get a rash when I hugs him but I do cough up furballs :laugh:

I doubt I'd be able to hand him over to anyone :rofl: I'll be shaving him before doing that.

Here's a photo I just took after giving him a quick 5 minute brush...

Wow thats huge fora pug. Looks like a good job on a cav . :o:) :D :(

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I should take a preventer, but I need to get a new one as the one I have it out of date. I hadn't had asthma in 12 months so thought I had gotten rid of it. I'm seeing the doctor today with my son :laugh:

I'm also getting Ollie hydrobathed as soon as I can get him in.

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how can people be allergic to one dog only and not all dogs?

maybe its both dogs not just the pug?

I've never been allergic to dogs before. I've also never been near a dog which sheds this much. Miley has a normal coat and when I hug and pat her I don't get a hand full of fur each time. She also doesn't sneeze all over my face. If it's the saliva causing the allergy, then it could be from Ollie sneezing on me (he sneezes as a sign of affection).

Anyhoo, I won't be re-homing him unless all other avenues fail. Finger crossed I can sort this out.

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how can people be allergic to one dog only and not all dogs?

maybe its both dogs not just the pug?

I've never been allergic to dogs before. I've also never been near a dog which sheds this much. Miley has a normal coat and when I hug and pat her I don't get a hand full of fur each time. She also doesn't sneeze all over my face. If it's the saliva causing the allergy, then it could be from Ollie sneezing on me (he sneezes as a sign of affection).

Anyhoo, I won't be re-homing him unless all other avenues fail. Finger crossed I can sort this out.

If it is the Pug that you're allergic too it won't be because he 'sheds so much' - it will be an allergin that is unique to his skin/coat.

Great news that you're booked in to the Dr with yourself and your son :laugh:

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how can people be allergic to one dog only and not all dogs?

maybe its both dogs not just the pug?

Poodles and Cockers make me itch like crazy. I love both these breeds but could not ever live with one. Two of my cats also make my eyes red and itchy but not the other.

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This year seems to be particularly bad for allergies and hayfever. My 7 year old son, who has never had much trouble with hayfever, is taking antihistamines daily atm because he was getting really red, itchy eyes. I'm living on antihistamines too. So it's worth keeping in mind that this year is a bad one.

I'd also go for sending him to the groomer to really get rid of the dead hair. My kelpie x acd girl is usually a shocker at this time of year, leaving tufts of hair everywhere. I had her professionally groomed several weeks ago and there's been barely any hair since. I'm going to make another appointment for both dogs to go as I just can't do as good a job as a groomer will.

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I'll get allergy testing done for sure. I don't get a rash when I hugs him but I do cough up furballs :laugh:

I doubt I'd be able to hand him over to anyone :) I'll be shaving him before doing that.

Here's a photo I just took after giving him a quick 5 minute brush...

Looks pretty normal to me :D


OMG!! I have several friends who talk about getting a pug and when I say they shed... I am treated like a twit (in the nicest possible way :o ) I think this photo with breed info would be fantastic to prevent any unkown issues cropping up..

I agree with testing too. I have a son with asthma (life threatening before 6 years of age).

We all have suffered allergies since moving to this house 8 years ago, our garden is full FULL of stuff...

This time of the year is very bad, even the dogs and one cat are on meds for allergies, until about christmas.

I am on creams and occass. meds too. Rye grass which is in many turfs etc. these days is often a BIG culprit in spring.

I have a Burmilla who sheds bucket loads too, like that photo!!! and throws up hairballs daily... usually on my bed..I do find a vigorous bath and blow dry gets rid of HEAPS of the hair , but it's back the next day...

I really hope you can keep Ollie, he is a gem, gorgeous.. it must be very upsetting.

If after extensive experimenting (shave, docs, meds, etc), please please check that whoever does have him is a pug person and knows all about pugs , shedding, personality etc.... I'm sure you wwould do this anyway. Lots of love to you all, esp Ollie.xxx

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how can people be allergic to one dog only and not all dogs?

maybe its both dogs not just the pug?

Poodles and Cockers make me itch like crazy. I love both these breeds but could not ever live with one. Two of my cats also make my eyes red and itchy but not the other.

i didn't know that, ty.

my daughter is allergic to cats...all cats, so i thought it was a species thing not an individual animal thing

i learn something new every day ;)

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YES!!! I have a pair of lovebirds, although I have had them for over 8 years and this issue has only cropped up in the past 2 years.

Allergies can turn up out of the blue. Suddenly the body decides that something perfectly harmess is a threat and the immune system goes into overdrive.

Is there anyway you can take ALL your pets out of your house for a couple of weeks, have it cleaned top to bottom and then try introducing all your animals back into the house one at a time? Ollie isn't necessarily the cause.

If he is, have you tried restricting him to one or two rooms of the house and keeping him out of the bedrooms?

I hope you don't have to rehome the poor little guy.

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