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My Husband Wants Me To Re-home Ollie


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:D I'm so upset. Ollie has a shedding problem.. the worst I or the vet or groomers have ever seen.

My son is getting allergies and I have been getting asthma attacks. The house and yard is full of hair and no amount of ferminating, vacuuming, bathing or sardines are helping.

I wish there was something I could do to keep him :) He's my friend, my baby.

Please help.

Edited by puggerup
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:D Sorry to hear this puggerup.

Has he always had a shedding problem and how come it's only affecting you guys now? To my understanding pugs are big shedders and that's one of the reasons that turned me away from them.

I know how much hair can affect people. I get hayfever a bit and it drives me nuts so I clip Oscar but my bestfriend is highly allergic to dogs and her face and throat swell. I know it's time for her to leave when I see her dragging her fingers across her throat.

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Hes a pug they ALL have shedding problems!

Sounds like a sh!t situation for both you and Ollie but sometimes these things are unavoidable. If you definately have to rehome Ollie please try and keep in your mind that whilst you will be an absolute mess, Ollie is a young dog who will most likely adapt very very well to a new home.

Did the vet indicate wether theres actually something WRONG with Ollie that makes him shed so much, with out seeing him in person its hard to say but pug shedding is just crazy and this time of year its even worse so could just be Ollie being a pug?

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:cry: Sorry to hear this puggerup.

Has he always had a shedding problem and how come it's only affecting you guys now? To my understanding pugs are big shedders and that's one of the reasons that turned me away from them.

I know how much hair can affect people. I get hayfever a bit and it drives me nuts so I clip Oscar but my bestfriend is highly allergic to dogs and her face and throat swell. I know it's time for her to leave when I see her dragging her fingers across her throat.

He has always had a shedding problem, but the Summer months he is worse. I was denial about the asthma and sons allergies being related, but both flared up during our first Summer with him and then went away during the cooler months and returned again. Now it's returned with a vengeance and Ollies shedding seems worse too.

I can't clip him as he has a double thick short coat.

His shedding isn't the usual pug shedding, he has an actual "problem".

I just can't imagine ever saying goodbye to him you know? He's got such a wonderful personality and awesome smile. he grabs my wrists for a pat and follows me around everywhere. He checks the mail with me and follows me to the bins outside. He never runs off.. he never bites, rarely barks...

He's the perfect dog :D :) :p :)

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tell your husband you arent going to rehome him :D

Been saying that for 2 years now. My kids don't want him to go either, but what about the allergies? Is it wrong to keep him when my sons face and lips get red and sore and I have constant coughing fits?

My husband won't leave me over it or anything if I keep him, but he does have a point when he says that keeping him isn't the healthiest thing for us.

I think I'll check out a dog naturopath and see if I can give him anything.

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:cry: Sorry to hear this puggerup.

Has he always had a shedding problem and how come it's only affecting you guys now? To my understanding pugs are big shedders and that's one of the reasons that turned me away from them.

I know how much hair can affect people. I get hayfever a bit and it drives me nuts so I clip Oscar but my bestfriend is highly allergic to dogs and her face and throat swell. I know it's time for her to leave when I see her dragging her fingers across her throat.

He has always had a shedding problem, but the Summer months he is worse. I was denial about the asthma and sons allergies being related, but both flared up during our first Summer with him and then went away during the cooler months and returned again. Now it's returned with a vengeance and Ollies shedding seems worse too.

I can't clip him as he has a double thick short coat.

His shedding isn't the usual pug shedding, he has an actual "problem".

I just can't imagine ever saying goodbye to him you know? He's got such a wonderful personality and awesome smile. he grabs my wrists for a pat and follows me around everywhere. He checks the mail with me and follows me to the bins outside. He never runs off.. he never bites, rarely barks...

He's the perfect dog :D :) :p :)

Are you 100% sure? honestly it sounds to me like normal pug shedding (pug shedding is hard to get ya head around until you actually live thru it with pug hair on EVERYTHING) and with it being end of winter start of summer its time for their coat drop. I would suggest you get him diagnoised by a vet if you havent already. Really if you are going to rehome him and he is sick or does have a prolem the new owers need to be full aware of what they are dealing with, I would hate for Ollie to be rehomed then rehomed again and again if he really does have a bad shedding issue.

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Allergies/asthma are also seasonal ie; worse in spring when pollens are around and also when it is windy.

If your son touches Ollie does he break out in hives? This would be an indication of an allergic reaction to the dog's hair.

I was very allergic and lived with a long coat GSD (inside dog) for 14 yrs. I found regular vacuuming/sweeping, keeping him groomed and washed and there was no problem with my allergies. I am also allergic to dust and owned horses for most of my life. :D

Maybe an allergy test first to make sure that it is actually the dog your son is allergic to and not another environmental factor?

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Oh thats terrible! I hope there is something you can do to be able to keep him?

Is it all year round or is it just certain times of the year.

Is it just Ollies fur your allergic to or the Mileys as well??

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:cry: Sorry to hear this puggerup.

Has he always had a shedding problem and how come it's only affecting you guys now? To my understanding pugs are big shedders and that's one of the reasons that turned me away from them.

I know how much hair can affect people. I get hayfever a bit and it drives me nuts so I clip Oscar but my bestfriend is highly allergic to dogs and her face and throat swell. I know it's time for her to leave when I see her dragging her fingers across her throat.

He has always had a shedding problem, but the Summer months he is worse. I was denial about the asthma and sons allergies being related, but both flared up during our first Summer with him and then went away during the cooler months and returned again. Now it's returned with a vengeance and Ollies shedding seems worse too.

I can't clip him as he has a double thick short coat.

His shedding isn't the usual pug shedding, he has an actual "problem".

I just can't imagine ever saying goodbye to him you know? He's got such a wonderful personality and awesome smile. he grabs my wrists for a pat and follows me around everywhere. He checks the mail with me and follows me to the bins outside. He never runs off.. he never bites, rarely barks...

He's the perfect dog :D :) :p :)

Are you 100% sure? honestly it sounds to me like normal pug shedding (pug shedding is hard to get ya head around until you actually live thru it with pug hair on EVERYTHING) and with it being end of winter start of summer its time for their coat drop. I would suggest you get him diagnoised by a vet if you havent already. Really if you are going to rehome him and he is sick or does have a prolem the new owers need to be full aware of what they are dealing with, I would hate for Ollie to be rehomed then rehomed again and again if he really does have a bad shedding issue.

Completely agree! Before I got Oscar and I did my 360 before coming back to the Cavalier I read everywhere that Pugs are HUGE shedders which I was completely shocked about as I never would have picked it.

As Sammy said though, if you are actually going to rehome him I think you need to find out what the real problem is.

I am surprised your Cavalier isn't affecting you either! Oscar seriously sheds like a mofo and unless he is clipped I have tumble weeds going through my house 5 minutes after and he still leaves hair lying around when he's clipped.

Edited by Sunnyflower
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The vet said it didn't seem normal.. perhaps he isn't familiar with the pug shedding.

I'll get another opinion and see a dog naturopath. The groomers I have seen have said that his coat is much thicker than it should be also, which is probably a reason why he was sold from the breeder. I got him at a year old and he had won some comps but then they didn't want to breed form him anymore for some reason so I bought him.

I'd say his coat is the reason, because everything else is perfect. He has the best temperament and a cool curly tail, he's smart etc

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That is why as much as I love PUgs and wanted one I didn't get one!

I really hope it all worked out, but when the health of you family is being affected you have to start asking yourself the hard questions. If it was only yourself yep fine you can choose to put up with it. Having said that have you both tried antihistamines??? On a reguilar basis??

I am allergic to all cats to some degree, Siamese, Burmese etc the worst. Since I was the only nurse at the vet hospital I couldn't avoid them. I took Claratyne daily when working. Worked a treat :D

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Before you make any big decisions, I would be inclined to prove for sure that Ollie is the cause of your son's allergies. In most cases of animal allergies, it's the dander of the coat people are allergic to, rather than the hair. If your son is allergic to Ollie's hair, then he's just as likely to be allergic to Miley's too.

Also, Spring/Summer is the worst time of year for allergies. Could it just be that his allergies have flared up due to all the extra pollens about? It would be awful if you rehomed Ollie only to find your son's allergies continued and in fact Ollie wasn't the cause at all.

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That is why as much as I love PUgs and wanted one I didn't get one!

I really hope it all worked out, but when the health of you family is being affected you have to start asking yourself the hard questions. If it was only yourself yep fine you can choose to put up with it. Having said that have you both tried antihistamines??? On a reguilar basis??

I am allergic to all cats to some degree, Siamese, Burmese etc the worst. Since I was the only nurse at the vet hospital I couldn't avoid them. I took Claratyne daily when working. Worked a treat :D

I don't think taking antihistamines everyday is very healthy for a 5 year old.

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