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Inappropriate Suckling...


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Hi Folks,

Our new addition; 10week old Border Collie - Dash has taken to suckling on our old Border Collie; Lucy, which while sweet in the beginning, has started to give her a bit of a red patch on her skin.

He has done it since he arrived, and I'm sure its a comfort thing. He was a rescue from the RSPCA so I've no idea his background, but I thought it was sweet she let him, and she actually doesn't seem to mind him doing it at all. He only does it to her, she probably reminds him of mum.

Having said that, he would only do it once or twice a day, or so I thought.

He's growing fast and I've started to leave them outside together through the day while I'm at work. She seems to take good care of him, and I go home and check him each lunch time.

But last night I noticed that he must have been sucking ALOT yesterday, and she has a red patch on her hip. He doesn't suck her nipples... he sucks on her hip! Go figure :cheer: Its not red raw but its definitely going to be if he keeps going, and she lets him!

Anyway I'm wondering if anyone has any idea of what I can use to put on her sides that will stop him doing it. Obviously I don't want it to hurt him, or her, but I have spent a long time clearing up her terrible flea allergy dermatitis and don't want her skin sore and red again!

Any ideas would be great - thank you :D


Lucy & Dash

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Hi Folks,

Abit of an update - seems Lucy was less pink skinned yesterday so obviously Dash found other things to do :D

I've made a concoction of lemon juice, a small amount of lavender oil, olive oil and water and I'm trialing this sprayed onto Lucy's sides to see if that stops him. So far it has, he took one wiff of her hip and shook his head and walked off in disgust.

He was trying it on again when I went home at lunch and I reapplied. Lucy has never smelt so nice to me, but he has other ideas!



Lucy & Dash

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Great that you have found a solution. It sounds like he was removed from his mum way too early so it is great that you have an older female that can act as a mother to him, and teach him how to be a dog, otherwise he would have grown up with behavoural problems.

Being a rescue he may not be the age they told you. Unless they had him from birth, they don't really know. If he was surrendered, the owner might have lied about the age so they would take him. From your other thread, where you mentioned his weight I suspect he might be a few weeks younger. I have seen Border puppies as small as yours but mine are usually about 4-5 kg at 6 weeks, so 3.5kg at 8 weeks is rather small if that was his real age.

I am also frustrated that the RSPCA expect breeders to guarantee the health of their puppies but they will happily home puppies with no such guarantee. I bet they did not give you proof of his DNA staus for CL, TNS and CEA. Please correct me if they did. This will be mandatory for registered breeders of Border Collies from next year but most are already doing these genetic tests to ensure we never sell anyone a puppy that will be affected by any of these diseases.

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Hi DancinBC,

Thanks for the information. No, I did not get any health clearance, so I know we could have issues in the future.

I'm surprised about the weight to age thing, thats very interesting. He is currently at 5.5kgs and nearly "11" weeks.

He is eating kibble really well now, but possibly his preference for the mince over the kibble might have had to do with his size.

And on the topic at hand, I need to reapply and forgot last night, therefore pink patch was back today. Reapplied this morning and he isn't happy! LOL


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