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Bailey Has Dug Holes Everywhere


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Thanks for your replies, I am going to get some dirt and turf tomorrow and do some patching up, I can section him off down the back (still plenty of room) and if damage happens there its not in direct eye sight.

He does have a sand pit and he loves digging in it - sand flies everywhere but I think he just likes the dirt as well, he has found something good for him and annoying for me! If it was my own house it wouldnt bother me so much.

He gets an hour of training in the morning and night time -not always in 1 solid block but 10-15 minutes here and there and he has a whole stack of toys which get rotated. He has chew toys, ropes, kongs, everything but chewing hasnt really been an issue (aside from my pants!)

will see how we get on with the patchwork lawn!

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I wouldn't worry about in the meantime but I would make a point of mentioning it to the landlord and reassure him/her that all will be remedied when you leave. Besides being a pastime for dogs, I am sure that they dig holes in order to lie in them.

Edited by Moselle
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We have two that like to dig.... actually they LOVE the sensation of the dirt flicking out from under them.... so we built them somewhere to dig and they LOVE IT


Neat! You should make a 'how to' thread with piccies of how you made it!

What type of dirt is it?

Do you find you get HEAPS of dirt patches all around it from the flicked up dirt?

How often does it need refilling?

If you didn't have the cover, apart from it getting muddy when it rained...do you think it would dry up and be harder for the dogs to dig into/more fun?

What a fantastic effort to give your dogs ability to do something that comes naturally to them!!

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