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Weed And Feed Spray

Rileys mum

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I'm no green thumb and despite my best efforts at removing weeds from by back lawn by hand they just seem to multiply. Someone suggested to me that the weed and feed sprays are ok to use around dogs just so long as it's dry before the dog comes in contact with it.

Has anyone ever heard this, or used the product at all??

There's no way I want to put my guy in any danger but if it is safe around pets then it might be an ok option.

If it was used, how long a time period would be needed before it's safe for a dog to be in contact with it?

Cheers in advance.

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Personally I wouldn't (and don't) use it.

Boiling water works wonders poured directly on weeds. And another good one is the Dish Liquid, Salt and water one but be careful because it kills EVERYTHING!!! :laugh:

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry again to revive old threads (came up as part of a search I did), but just in case you're still looking for a definitive answer... We used weed and feed on our lawn. Dog was attracted to it and ended up eating some of the grass with it on. He started foaming at the mouth and threw up so we rushed him to an emergency vet. Vet said weed and feed was fine, herbicides are fine, it's just pesticides that can be dangerous, but that herbicides can cause gastro. Poor pooch had the worst gas you've ever smelt for the next 2 days but was otherwise fine. I was furious at my partner for putting the stuff down and allowing the dog access to it, but, couldn't stay too mad because somehow he was afflicted too and between the dog and the bf, I was nearly gassed to death.

Seemingly no long term effects though and both have recovered.

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