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Our Morning Walk


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This morning I took 2 out of 3 dogs to an offlead area in Sunbury - no other dogs were there as it was about 8.30am. :cry:

Its a beautifulb, big, open field, with some trees bunched together in two different spots, and a creek.

My little man, Shaun, followed the path with me mostly, and is now compeletly worn out.

While April, bounced everywhere. :grouphug: She is happily wrestle Alexis as I write this though. :grouphug:

Here come some photos.


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great photos. Have you ever hidden in the long grass and spied on them. I used to do that and they'd leap and bounce around looking for me, and when they'd find me there'd be much waggy tails and kisses. You should give it a try.

:laugh: As gorgeous as that really does sound.

If just sit on the grass in an open area, with REALLY short grass, April will still manage to crash into me. :laugh:

Becandcharch, Shaun is soooo cute. His underbelly gets all dirty too, cause of how low to the ground he is. Hehe.

Edited for bad spelling.

Edited by Pointees
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