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Secretion & Foul Smell From Rear

mrs tornsocks

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Rubber gloves on, lift the tail and feel gently at the 10pm and 2pm positions around the anus, if you can feel little marbles quite plainly, then some attention may be necessary. It is more than possible to maintain the anal glands yourself, but you should be shown how to first.

And for the comfort of everybody, the best time and place to evacuate the glands is in the bath so the liquid can be washed straight down the drain.

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Rubber gloves on, lift the tail and feel gently at the 10pm and 2pm positions around the anus, if you can feel little marbles quite plainly, then some attention may be necessary. It is more than possible to maintain the anal glands yourself, but you should be shown how to first.

And for the comfort of everybody, the best time and place to evacuate the glands is in the bath so the liquid can be washed straight down the drain.

Agree with both of these statements. We had our vet show us how to do it, as it's not a simple task as 'squeezing' the glands - you first have to know where they are! If it is an ongoing problem, make sure you wear gloves, have paper towels ready, and stand clear!

Henschke used to have this problem all the time - it got so bad, they would get infected and in the end we had them removed.

I'd strongly recommend going to the vet if it occurs again and get the vet to show you what to do - hopefully it's just a one off.

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It was quite timely that I read his thread yesterday.

Oscar was being his usual bouncy self last night - going from OH to myself for cuddles and pats - but he was licking his butt alot as well (definitely no kisses!). A while later, OH comes up to me and says -'whats this on my shorts?' and 'smell it'? - which I stupidly did! Instantly I knew what it was - EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Had to point out that that was from Oscar's anal glands - he wasn't impressed :)

Will keep an eye on him to see if there isn't an issue but hopefully it was just a one off.

I ended up getting a jar of coffee beans out of the fridge to sniff so I could get the smell out of my nose!

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Look at your dog's diet - firm poop is normally what will keep anal glands healthy and expressed. Keep an eye out for impaction and infection.

Agree with this advice. A good vet told me to add some quality fibre to the dogs' food, to help the poop do its job with those damn anal glands.

Physillium fibre (I get it from the health food shop, but have seen it in the health foods section of our supermarket).

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