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Secretion & Foul Smell From Rear

mrs tornsocks

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Our 18 month old lab was lying snoozing tonight when we smelt a rancid smell from his general vicinity. He hadn't moved at all, but there was a small amount of clear liquid next to his back end (hard to tell exactly where it came from). He cleaned it up and has been licking around his anus, some of the secretion is also on his tail.

Any ideas what this might be ? He hasn't appeared to have any anal gland issues (no 'scooting', scratching or otherwise noticeable issues). And now for the really dumb question .... do de-sexed male dogs still produce any kind of secretion from their penis ? I figured coz the factory's gone, production has shut down but just wasn't sure.

He's been normal, had a big play date today and had a roo tail (first time) a few hours after we got home, but has had normal behaviour etc otherwise.

Any thoughts appreciated !

eta. I also posted in health section

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Could be expressed anal glands... maybe he had a scary dream? I think that can happen even if the glands aren't impacted or backed up or anything. Was it mucousy or watery?

PS. Can't believe I discuss these things now, must be like having children!

It looked more watery, as OH said 'slimey water'.

And yes, I know what you mean about discussing this erm, 'stuff'. Nothing really bothers any more. :rofl:

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Our 18 month old lab was lying snoozing tonight when we smelt a rancid smell from his general vicinity. He hadn't moved at all, but there was a small amount of clear liquid next to his back end (hard to tell exactly where it came from). He cleaned it up and has been licking around his anus, some of the secretion is also on his tail.

Any ideas what this might be ? He hasn't appeared to have any anal gland issues (no 'scooting', scratching or otherwise noticeable issues). And now for the really dumb question .... do de-sexed male dogs still produce any kind of secretion from their penis ? I figured coz the factory's gone, production has shut down but just wasn't sure.

He's been normal, had a big play date today and had a roo tail (first time) a few hours after we got home, but has had normal behaviour etc otherwise.

Any thoughts appreciated !

eta. I also posted in health section

If it smells like fish, its most probably his anal glands. My dog had it recently, he didn't scoot either... i think it was excitment that caused it. Surprisingly after you clean it with a wet cloth, the smell almost dissapears (but you have to throw away the cloth!)

I never been able to express the glands myself although its supposed to be pretty easy to do. Maybe because its empty so nothing comes out. Maybe someone can shed some light on how to tell if its full and how to express it correctly.

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Our desexed female does it very suddenly when she gets a big fright. Everything I read suggested she was emptying her anal glands. There's usually a few drops of gross smelly stuff as well. One of the first times it happened was when my OH gave her a fright at the front door. Another time when I snuck into the back yard in the dark and she suddenly saw me "appear". Poor girl. She's never done it in her sleep though. Ph and she's black and white so we call it the skunk smell. LOL

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Been discussed on DOL. You might find the comments in THIS thread helpful. Anal Glands aren't my area of "expertise", lol, but from things I've read elsewhere, they shouldn't normally be leaking just because the dog is asleep and can be indicative that they are full.

Look at your dog's diet - firm poop is normally what will keep anal glands healthy and expressed. Keep an eye out for impaction and infection.

Edited by Erny
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Yep Saxon's done it twice, that I'm aware of, once when he met a horse for the first time and was quite scared, and once when he was attacked by another dog. It was pretty watery, had a bit of a browny-greeny colour, and smelled worse than any poo he's done! I haven't noticed him doing it in his sleep but assuming dogs dream it might be possible... or he could have heard something that scared/woke him, expressed, then gone straight back to sleep.

I hate giving health advice, being as inexpert as I am, but if it was me, and it was a one-off, I wouldn't worry.

I haven't expressed Saxon's glands, or checked them actually, but if I saw him scooting I guess I would. There are some good videos on YouTube about expressing anal glands!

ETA - oops just read Erny's comment, maybe they do need to be checked and emptied? Check out YouTube for a video, or I believe groomers or vets will do it.

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Thanks everyone, I guess I was a little surprised because it's never happened before (first time for everything I suppose).

Nothing's changed with his diet, stools are all firm and fine.

Are the impacted or 'full' glands normally visible to the naked eye ? I often just have a look at his butt to make sure all is normal, and I haven't noticed anything lately.

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When I was tought how to do it the vet explained it by saying that if they are full they feel like a hard pea. (this was in a smallish dog, have never done it to a large dog)

It does take some practice to be able to do it right and you have to be extra careful not to do any damage.

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Thanks everyone, I guess I was a little surprised because it's never happened before (first time for everything I suppose).

Nothing's changed with his diet, stools are all firm and fine.

Are the impacted or 'full' glands normally visible to the naked eye ? I often just have a look at his butt to make sure all is normal, and I haven't noticed anything lately.

I'm no expert either - but if it were me, and if this is almost a one off, then in the absence of any other problems or signs, I'd not be rushing down to the Vet and would just store the incident as a mental note.

There are others here on DOL more experienced and knowledgeable in the "health" field whom I'm sure would be able to provide more valuable information than I have. But often these people lurk in the "Health Forum" and so it might be better if you ask Troy to shift your thread to over there?

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Our bloodhound did this one night (in my chair that he was sleeping on at the time) he must have had a fright because he woke up suddenly and let out a real "WOOF!" and looked confused for a couple of seconds - we thought it was an explosive poo - but the smell - horrendous!!! The vet said it was his anal glands - weirdest thing I had ever seen - but - on the bright side - it did clean off the chair reallt well.

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Archie seems fine this morning. Except for OH singing songs to him about him & his anal glands :cry:

Should I be able to see any offending anal glands in order to squeeze them ? Prefer not to go there unless it's necessary but not sure if you can tell from the 'outside'.

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Archie seems fine this morning. Except for OH singing songs to him about him & his anal glands :cry:

Should I be able to see any offending anal glands in order to squeeze them ? Prefer not to go there unless it's necessary but not sure if you can tell from the 'outside'.

If they are expressed now they are probably fine, I would just get the vet to check the next time you are there, Mason has had his done once. I would not attempt to do it yourself unless you have been shown by the vet exactly how to do it.

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Honey has had this happen on a couple of occasions.

I cleaned her fur and left her alone- I don't know why it occurred, it didn't bother her and it seemed to correct itself on its own.

I dont think its a good idea to be mucking about with their anal glands unless it is an ongoing problem and you are advised to by a vet.

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I cleaned her fur and left her alone- I don't know why it occurred, it didn't bother her and it seemed to correct itself on its own. I dont think its a good idea to be mucking about with their anal glands unless it is an ongoing problem and you are advised to by a vet.

I agree. I read/heard that frequent expressing of anal glands can cause the exact problem we are trying to fix in that the body becomes used to producing a certain amount of anal gland fluid and the more we express, the more it gets used to producing and when we stop manually expressing, the anal gland sacs tend to over fill, even if diet and subsequent faecel deposits are all good. Don't know or understand the truth of it, but it makes sense to me.

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You can't see if they're full, you have to have a feel (can do this from the outside). Dogs only start scooting or licking the area if the glands are very full and uncomfortable.

Unfortunately mine get anal gland issues often - the vet had to teach OH how to squeeze them cause otherwise we'd be at the vets every week with one of my dogs! (sooooo gross!).. They have hard stools too, so not sure why they get it so often lately - nothing in their diet has changed.

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