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'unusual' Looking Dogs


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I used to own Bull Terriers and people were always saying how ugly they were! My own mother used to say that they were her ugliest grandchildren! People would also loudly call out 'look at the Pitt Bulls' and grab their children and give me a wide berth. :)

Although it wasn't all bad, I was outside a Woollies one day waiting for OH when a little old lady (easily 80+ years old) came out and told me how beautiful they were and spent 10 minutes kissing and cuddling them!

I find the older people understand the breed more so than the younger, when Atlas used to go into the nursing homes so many of the people knew someone who had a Bull Terrier growing up!

I had one lady years ago say how ugly Atlas was, I said something about if you want to see what ugly is, go look in the mirror :rofl::eek::mad

There are a lot of dogs i do not like the look of, but i would never ever say it in front of the owner, i think it is very rude and mean :)

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I used to own Bull Terriers and people were always saying how ugly they were! My own mother used to say that they were her ugliest grandchildren! People would also loudly call out 'look at the Pitt Bulls' and grab their children and give me a wide berth. :cheer:

I lurve Bull Terriers as someone on my street had a lovely one as a kid :cheer:

One day at the Melb Royal some kid called my Schipp a POSSUM. :) :) :p

:p :p :cheer:

Isnt this just one of the quirks of having an 'unusual' dog? :eek: Not everyone knows about Cresties or every other rare or unusual breed out there

Yeah I know, I guess I just got a lot more of it today that usual :rofl: I just wish they'd ask instead of blatantly pointing and laughing.

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Having a Swedish Vallhund puppy with me has striked up a lot of conversations about his breed! Some people are like "OMG he looks like a possum!", but most of them guess he's a German Shepherd/cross. It's become a bit laborious to keep telling them he's a SV, so I just call him a Viking Dog now :rofl:

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We constantly get remarks and questions about our blue merle Aussie Shepherd. She has a half tail, so we're always accused of cutting half of it off, and because she has blue eyes, she must be a Husky cross. And because she is blotched with black, the other breed must be Dalmatian!!

Other people just walk past and stare.

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Always got comments when walking Elle. Everything from "It's a wolf!" to "Look at sausage dog!" :rofl:

Get sooo many comments about cutting off my dogs tails. I usually just say "they were born that way" because I can't be bothered explaining any further anymore but one day I was being accused by an older lady and I said to her (rather rudely :) ) "If I were cutting off their tails then why would I leave the black one with his tail?" she was stumped. Stupid cow :mad

Anyway, the point of this post. Muddy is an unusual looking dog. He is a long coated corgi which throws people off enough as not many people know they can be long coated and then to make it more confusing he is also a tricolour which isn't as common as the red and white colouring.

Nobody has ever guessed his breed correctly, even when walking him with the other 2 corgis (who are so easy to recognise yet people STILL get it wrong) and I mostly get told he's a border collie :eek:


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And... "A Borz-what?". Resulting in the inevitable explaination which seems to help people understand - "they're Russian Wolfhounds". Which results in lots of knowledgable nodding and "Ahhh, yes, wolfhounds... Were they bred to hunt then?"


Thats exactly the conversation i have atleast twice a week. We get a few teenagers(the feral kind mind you) who say he's ugly and strange but everyone else say he's beautiful.

When they were younger I had the occasional person tell me my Borzoi were too thin, but now they are more mature and have some coat I've had drivers slow down and kerb crawl to get a better look, or stop entirely to ask about them. Some non-dog people find the white one very attractive, I have had people following us around going "no, I really mean it, that's a really BEAUTIFUL dog". Yes, she is, but I'm trying to just go for a walk and you're weirding me out a tad....

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I have a GAP Greyhound. The most common thing I get asked is 'aren't greyhounds vicious?'

The next common thing I get is along the lines of 'gee, I bet you have to excercise her a lot?'


of course there is also the ' your dog is too skinny'......

Edited by harley
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We get lovely comments about our two from stranger.... who always seem to think they are girls...(but you get that).... but a friend (who obviously isn't a cavalier lover) said they had weird bug eyes .... does this look like a "weird bug eye"???? :rofl:


And can I just say, how I love seeing the piccies of all your Dogs. Whilst we each have our preference to which breeds we like, it is lovely to see all these beautifully unique Dogs. :eek:

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This is Shishka. She's a German Shep x Basset (not sure if there's anything else in there too.)


I always get snide comments about her, many people also think she's a boy even though I put pink collars on her from when she was a baby.. One day I had her at work and someone said 'What is THAT?!' in the rudest way, I almost punched her in the face for being so rude.

I often get:

"Shish kebab" (no, i didn't name her Shishka for that reason)

"looks like a german shepherd with it's legs cut off"

"You should put it down, you can't have it living in misery"

"what's wrong with it's feet?"

Sometimes though, I get people who really do see her beauty... and kids love her! Once people get to know her, they do see her happy side as well, it's just not as noticeable as my Samoyed's happy face.



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Frenchies get all sorts of comments.

only a face a mother could love

its ugly enough to be cute

is it a pug cross

it it a staffy cross

oh look she's walking a pig

did it walk into a wall

if I kick it up the bum will its face pop out


I did have a little kid ask me if he could play with my bunny :grouphug:


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We always get comments and my boy does get a bit funny about it because people tend to yell out at him and he's a bit of an axious dog. The old girl is an old hand at it and loves the attention.

Some of the common comments:

"Look at the huge Dalmatian"

"You could put a saddle on that thing"

"Do you ride him?"

"WOW look at the massive dog"

"It looks like a Cow"


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I get all the parked car jokes and she must have run into a wall to my Shih Tzu. When she is in her long winter coat I get asked if she is a mop with a face.

Most of my family and friends think she is the ugliest dog they've ever seen. To me she is perfect :cry:

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This is my Stimpy, I have had so many people tell me she is the ugliest dog they have EVER seen, someone even said she looked like a bat earred rat.


I think she's beautiful and she is the most loyal dog I have ever owned to the point of worshiping the ground I walk on and honestly I wouldn't care if she looked like a squashed cockroach I would still love her to bits.

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