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Silly Pet Shop Employees


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Unfortunately retail jobs don't always pay well so it's hard to attract good staff. I'm very lucky in that the Pet Barns I've shopped at regularly have awesome managers which means they have awesome staff too.

Both Pet Barns in Darwin have had their issues with staff being turned over quite highly. That's probably down to the management at least as much as the individual staff...I've heard some ridiculous "advice" from the staff at Palmerston Pet Barn which included agreeing with a young bloke that his 8 wk old GSD pup could live outside and 'kill whatever comes into the yard' because of the breed of dog in question being 'good at catching things'. The same staff member also said this pup could go straight onto a really crappy brand of adult food and that the pup could be exercised off-lead at the local fenced dog park because 'they need to run'. Oh, and that a chain check collar would be fine to use immediately even though 'some of the fur might rub off' from around the pup's neck. :laugh:

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It was the Pet Barn in Palmerston that I went to today. Won't be going back there if I can help it.

Unfortunately there isn't alot of other options for me. The dog food I've just started using is only available from Pet Barn up here and the other 2 pet shops sell puppies and kittens and one proceeded to tell OH all about Discus (fish) and try to correct him on things he said about them even after we told her that we used to run a pet shop and that we had kept and bred Discus (very successfully) in the past!

Makes me want to :laugh:

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Whenever I am asked the question "how old is your dog" by a pet shop employee I always answer "over two" even if it's a pup.

We don't feed puppy kibble to our youngsters and the last time I mentioned that I was told aggressively my breeder is dangerous (!!) and that it would be cruel not to feed puppy kibble. I dunno, but I suspect there was no Advance Puppy in the deserts of the Middle East 1000 years ago.

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Both Pet Barns in Darwin have had their issues with staff being turned over quite highly. That's probably down to the management at least as much as the individual staff...I've heard some ridiculous "advice" from the staff at Palmerston Pet Barn which included agreeing with a young bloke that his 8 wk old GSD pup could live outside and 'kill whatever comes into the yard' because of the breed of dog in question being 'good at catching things'. The same staff member also said this pup could go straight onto a really crappy brand of adult food and that the pup could be exercised off-lead at the local fenced dog park because 'they need to run'. Oh, and that a chain check collar would be fine to use immediately even though 'some of the fur might rub off' from around the pup's neck. :)

Glad I've never been to the Palmerston one :(

It was the Pet Barn in Palmerston that I went to today. Won't be going back there if I can help it.

The Bagot Rd one isn't too bad. Most of the staff have been there for a while. They rarely offer me advice (more often than not, they ask me for it).

They always seem happy to see my dogs, even when they jump on the counter for a pat or give shoplifting a whirl :(

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Unfortunately retail jobs don't always pay well so it's hard to attract good staff. I'm very lucky in that the Pet Barns I've shopped at regularly have awesome managers which means they have awesome staff too.

That's the problem, I think. One of our local petshops is pretty good - I've even trained all the staff how to interact with my dog when I bring her in. :) But the others in town are clearly mostly staffed by teenage kids that get little training, and less pay.

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Geez has no idea what the dog is but knows all about it? Does make you wonder if these people ever listen to themselves.

Can honestly say I have never had advice from staff at pet barn or any other pet food store I have been to - I go in buy what I want and leave. But then I don't take any of my animals in with me either.


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We have one PetBarn here. They have a good variety of stuff but are expensive. They no longer sell puppies/kittens and last time i was in there, they no longer have rats/mice or guinea pigs. They do however still sell fish. Poor fish. I bought some for hubby, there were dead ones floating in the tank, the girl dragged a heap to the side of tank and dragged them up the side of the tank. Scooped them out and uncermonously dumped them into a bag. Needless to say those fish didnt live long once i got them home.

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It was the Pet Barn in Palmerston that I went to today. Won't be going back there if I can help it.

Unfortunately there isn't alot of other options for me. The dog food I've just started using is only available from Pet Barn up here and the other 2 pet shops sell puppies and kittens and one proceeded to tell OH all about Discus (fish) and try to correct him on things he said about them even after we told her that we used to run a pet shop and that we had kept and bred Discus (very successfully) in the past!

Makes me want to :confused:

You may as well go back, they probably will have turned over 6 more teenagers by then! :laugh:

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Fortunately for the locals in our area, there is a choice and you don't have to buy your dog supplies from a large chain and get the advice from kids that comes along with it.

Some of the things I've heard make me shudder and it's certainly not always correct info or in the best interests of the customer or their pet.

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A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing....

I am very pleased to say that our local puppy mill outlet store has now closed down. It was an appalling place. It stank to high hell, and I saw people spraying air freshener over the puppy pens!

Yay! Another one bites the dust.

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