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Silly Pet Shop Employees


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Just went up to Pet Barn to get some crickets and took Acheron with me.

When we walked through the door the young guy behind the counter came around oooing and ahhing over Acheron and asked what is he?

Ok, so I can forgive him for not knowing a Doberman when he sees one but then proceeds to tell me how healthy and shiny he looks and then asks me what I feed him. I tell him mostly raw but also some premium holistic kibble. I explained that this is what his breeders raise their dogs on and I beleive somewhere in the conversation I also mentioned that I had owned a Doberman previously and knew a bit about the breed.

So then he starts to lecture me about how I should be feeding him a large breed puppy food at least until he is 18 months old and how 'they' (dobermans I presume) can have growth issues if not fed properly. He also tells me that 'they' (again I presume he meant Dobermans) are 'really hard to train'. He didn't even know what Acheron was when I walked into the shop and now he is a expert? Honestly all you have to do is look at my dogs and you can see how healthy they all are and are obviously being fed well.

Also while I was waiting he was serving a couple (they had a SBT X) and was telling them that if the dog keeps pulling on a flat collar they should get a 'choker chain' and let the dog 'choke' itself until it learns not to pull anymore as that is what his brother had to do with his 'staffy' cause they are stupid dogs!

Where do they find these people?

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Where do they find these people?

Good question. A young girl who serves at a pet store near me, goes into a little spiel about how breeders of purebreds are producing all the dogs that need to be rescued. Useless pointing out to her that research says the opposite applies. Like water off a duck's back.

But on rare occasions, a gem pops up.

Another young woman served in that store, for a period, & she was as smart as a whip. And not backward in coming forward to correct misconceptions. Turned out she was a vet science student in her final year.

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Also while I was waiting he was serving a couple (they had a SBT X) and was telling them that if the dog keeps pulling on a flat collar they should get a 'choker chain' and let the dog 'choke' itself until it learns not to pull anymore as that is what his brother had to do with his 'staffy' cause they are stupid dogs!

Where do they find these people?


I would of cracked it at the comment

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I was standing at a counter at a Pet Barn and heard the advice of, 'Change your dog's food over every couple of days because they get bored with it.'

You've got to be kidding me...surely they should know that offering your dog to many "choices" is what leads to "finicky" animals in the first place???

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Is your Dobe brown??? I found when I had my Brown Dobe people were always trying to tell me he was a GSP or a Weim.

SOunds like a complete tool.

Yep your dog looks like that because you feed it a crap diet - not! I have seen a dog or two on an unbalanced raw diet that did benefit from a premium dry food as well as because the balance wasn't right, but done properly it obviously works and well.

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You're in Darwin...they aren't always that clever up there. :laugh:

Every Pet Barn I've been to apart from the ones in Darwin have been great, knoweldgeable staff. It's just that Darwin isn't drawing from the same population base as elsewhere and I guess they have to find someone to staff the shops. :laugh:

I'm moving to somewhere which doesn't have a Pet Barn and I have to say I'm going to miss it. :laugh:

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Ososwift - He is black and tan and although only 8 months old he obviously (to me anyway!) looks like a Dobe.

Just took a couple of pics (sorry bout the quality, took with a phone), what do you guys think?

Although I shouldn't be surprised by his lack of breed knowledge, when I used to go the Sydney Royal for flyball with my last Dobe people would always ask if he was a rotty X.

One of the other competitors always sarcastically replied 'yes, he is cross with a greyhound' and most believed it!



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You're in Darwin...they aren't always that clever up there. :laugh:

Every Pet Barn I've been to apart from the ones in Darwin have been great, knoweldgeable staff. It's just that Darwin isn't drawing from the same population base as elsewhere and I guess they have to find someone to staff the shops. :laugh:

I'm moving to somewhere which doesn't have a Pet Barn and I have to say I'm going to miss it. :laugh:

hey lilylsmum,

Theer is actually 2 Petbarns here in Darwin and the smaller one (it's the furthest away from me) has nice, competent staff, unfortunately for me the larger one is really close and we just popped in there for some crickets. OH said on the way out that I should apply for a job there as manager and get rid of the idiots!

Edit cause I can't spell

Edited by dobesrock
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Oh, your boy is gorgeous, dobesrock!

Here's a pic of a girl I absolutely fell in love with. she came into the shop for our 'most fashionable pet' competition and was so obedient and loved every bit of attention she got...


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Ososwift - He is black and tan and although only 8 months old he obviously (to me anyway!) looks like a Dobe.

Just took a couple of pics (sorry bout the quality, took with a phone), what do you guys think?

Although I shouldn't be surprised by his lack of breed knowledge, when I used to go the Sydney Royal for flyball with my last Dobe people would always ask if he was a rotty X.

One of the other competitors always sarcastically replied 'yes, he is cross with a greyhound' and most believed it!



Yep he's a dob alright :laugh:

I remember you at Kepala :laugh:

When did you move :laugh:

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We moved last month. We drove from VIC to Darwin, with all 5 dogs (and 2 kids) :laugh: Not something I'll be doing again!

I sure hope he is all Dobe! I have rego papers that say he is. :laugh: I'd be calling his breeder with a 'please explain' if he didn't look like one.

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He is beautiful :rofl:

Some people just say stupid stuff!!!!

I got told that my 2 pure bred Cavalier King Charles Spaniels were King Charles Cavalier Spaniels....and.... not just by the everyday person who may not know the difference... but by a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel owner at a Dog event!!!!!! :laugh: Mind you, mine didn't look like hers.... he was around 5kg+ overweight and had been buzzed allover, (ears included). I nearly didn't recognise him as a CKCS myself...but least I kept my mouth shut.

She said, "No yours are King Charles, not Cavalier King Charles... not like mine" and I said "No, they are the same, we have just left their coats alone, especially as the older one is ex show dog" :laugh:

Can't believe the pet shop guy saying "Change the food every few days" uneblievable! :laugh:

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You're in Darwin...they aren't always that clever up there. :rofl:

Every Pet Barn I've been to apart from the ones in Darwin have been great, knoweldgeable staff. It's just that Darwin isn't drawing from the same population base as elsewhere and I guess they have to find someone to staff the shops. :laugh:

I'm moving to somewhere which doesn't have a Pet Barn and I have to say I'm going to miss it. :laugh:

Lucky for you I know your only kidding!! im from Darwin and im a pretty smart cookie (not talking myself up here or anything! :eek: ) plenty of intelligent people up there, also loads of dumb teenagers (just like NSW), you know what they say! pay peanuts and you get monkeys!!! the vast majority of petstores in all the states ive been to have idiot young staff who dont know jack (monkeys!!!) :laugh: im pretty blown away by the changing food comment, that one is a shocker!

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My goodness! I think I would have asked to speak to the Manager to tell them about the ridiculous comments. People take what pet shop people say as gospel a lot of the time. Imagine what misinformation they are going home with???? And worse still, passing on to others. I probably would have let him know in no uncertain terms that he didnt know what he was talking about. As as for your baby, there isnt a doubt what breed he is. What gets me, is for him to then tell you all about it. Hahaha. What a joke.

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