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Making The Puppy Go To Bed On His Own


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We have a 9 week old ACD puppy. He is good when it comes to sleeping at night. We put him to bed 9:30pm-10:00pm and he sleeps all night until 6:30am -ish.

The only problem is when we put him to bed one of us have to sit in the laundry with him and wait until he is asleep and then sneak out. We have tried to just put him into the laundry without doing this, but when we do he crys, howls, barks and scratches at the door.

Does anyone have any suggestions where we don't have to sit with him every night ? Do you think he will grow out of it?

Also do you think he will grow out of waking up at 6:30am and barking? As one day I would like my sleep in's back on the weekend :thumbsup: .

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hehehehehe I used to do this as a kid and my mum had to sit with me.

I eventually grew out of it :thumbsup:

Sorry, but it's true.

I personally would just make sure he has everything he needs, has been to the toilet, can't hurt himself on anything and then it's just 'tough love' and let him sort it out. he'll stop soon enough.

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and to answer your second quesstion, Katie is now 7 months old and wakes at 5.30 am every morning. And she doesn't care if it is Sunday. have to get up and take her to the toilet at that point, but she will settle again for a couple of hours after that. By 8.30 I have to let her out or she just goes crazy, but if I want a sleep in they all just go into the dog run.

We have 4 dogs so that's four crates in the lounge room, and four toilet stops and 4 to get into the dog run. It's my morning weight loss routine. :thumbsup:

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My puppy's crate is beside my bed. Older dog's crate is at the foot of the bed. Several cats on the bed at night plus humans so pup is never lonely. She has a toilet break at around 6am before she makes a sound (cats are fed too) and then back into her crate. We all go back to sleep :rasberry: I still haven't seen the Dalmatian yet - he loves sleep ins. I can hear pup playing quietly with her toy so will say good morning very shortly.

I had my Dally in the laundry as a pup and he coped very well (it was nice and warm and practical for us) but this is so much easier. Always make sure pup is tired BUT had some calm down time (I have a cuddle with her and no more wrestling the older dog), then she gets a treat to go to bed with. Ignore all barking - they are very funny and will protest loudly before completely passing out. We just laugh quietly and remember "This too shall pass" :thumbsup:

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Put him in a crate next to your bed then gradually move him out to where you want him to sleep in adulthood. He is a baby and missing his mum and litter mates. All of my pups have slept with me and none of them have issues sleeping away form me now. :thumbsup:

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The problem may be the closed door. Try using a baby gate instead to keep him enclosed but not isolate him completely from the family.

To make him sleep longer, don't put him to bed until you are ready to turn out all the lights. Most dogs will need a toilet break after about 8 hours and he is doing well to be going that long at this age. Also feed him his last meal late at night about an hour before you bed him down. Most puppies poop just after eating and then 9-10 hours later, so if you feed early in the evening they have to go out in the early hours. At 9 weeks I feed a light breakfast, full lunch, afternoon snack and then full dinner late. Breakfast and lunch can be reversed if necessary and puppy will eat in the morning. If he is down to three meals feed a big breakfast and late dinner with a smaller meal mid to late afternoon.

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We thought the same thing with the laundry door so we got a baby gate from the beginning ( i was also paranoid about him scratching the back of the door).

We have tried to ignore the crying/ howling/ barking but it just keeps on going and I don't think the neighbours would appreciate it. We will keep trying and see how we go. We have left him home on his own plenty of times and he seems fine. Its just at night time.

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I had never had the crying problem with any of my other dogs but when Zac came to us two years ago he cried and cried for two whole nights. Taking him out for toilet breaks at 4am and leaving him out resulted in a quiet puppy and (for us) some sleep. Since then he has slept outside every night, usually curled up in the middle of the yard... even when it's raining. He won't settle inside and has a different sleep cycle to us lowly humans.

You might find he just wants to be outside with a non-squeaky toy...

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How long has he cried for when you have left him in the evening?

We have left him to cry for a good hour at night. He gets quite loud and I get worried that the neighbours will complain especially on a week night. Once I have sat with him for 10-15 mins and he goes to sleep we don't hear from him until the next morning.

And for the first time he let us sleep in on Sunday until 8:30am!! :cry::grouphug:

Edited by ACD4EVA
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