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Nekhbet, Noisymina Et Al


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Thank you for your previous comments and suggestions about my mad dog :) I ordered and now have received some Good as Gold. It has come in a 50gram packet, but I have no idea how much to give to a 9 kilo dog. Can anyone point me in the right direction for dosage? I certainly don't want to kill the little beggar (well not yet :party: ) The ony instructions on the packet say the 50 grams is to be put into the horses night feed.

Right now I have put Zedley back onto Endep, but I would like move him off that if I can.

Many thanks to you kind DOLers for your previous help and no doubt your help with this. :D

I have been giving Zedley 1 gram of Good as gold each night for 4 nights. First 2 nights were fine, third night small disturbance, last night back to night horror for me. Do you think I should increase his dose? I have only been giving it to him with his evening meal (his ony meal), maybe I am meant to give it twice a day.

Edited by Loraine
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you need 1 gram per day for that sized dog

Ah thank you so much Nekhbet. :D

I have a new crate for him so sometime next week I will assemble it and start working on crate training (re-training) him. One way or another I (with the help of DOLers) will get this dog sorted :confused:

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Good on you!

It's an incredibly cheap medication. I was using like a 1/4 teaspoon for the Dobe and it only took a few days.

Think I might give her another course of it soon. She's getting a bit "nervous" again. Poor thing. I think she is just getting more sensitve with age. Loud noises in particular and any sudden movements around her from visitors (visitors she knows even) seem to stress her a lot.

I don't think it's likely to kill the dog if he gets a bit much. It's a natural amino acid.

is one of the 20 standard amino acids, as well as an essential amino acid in the human diet.


From research I have come across, it seems the body can only absorb a limited amount of it at any one time anyway. So giving any more is a useless execrcise and no more benefit ensues. Thus, giving more won't do any harm either.

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From research I have come across, it seems the body can only absorb a limited amount of it at any one time anyway. So giving any more is a useless execrcise and no more benefit ensues. Thus, giving more won't do any harm either.

There's a dosage "window" where it can be effective, beyond that point (which is pretty high) it becomes ineffective (according to some of the research I have seen). So, very unlikely any physical harm, but it may lose effect. Assuming no allergies, of course.

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I've added another question at the end of my fist post.
I have been giving Zedley 1 gram of Good as gold each night for 4 nights. First 2 nights were fine, third night small disturbance, last night back to night horror for me. Do you think I should increase his dose? I have only been giving it to him with his evening meal (his ony meal), maybe I am meant to give it twice a day.

I was thinking back to Aidan's post on it a while ago - and I THINK there was something about them needing carbohydrates with it?

Does he have carbs in his meal? If not, try adding a small amount of rolled oats or something with it and see if that helps?

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I've added another question at the end of my fist post.
I have been giving Zedley 1 gram of Good as gold each night for 4 nights. First 2 nights were fine, third night small disturbance, last night back to night horror for me. Do you think I should increase his dose? I have only been giving it to him with his evening meal (his ony meal), maybe I am meant to give it twice a day.

I was thinking back to Aidan's post on it a while ago - and I THINK there was something about them needing carbohydrates with it?

Does he have carbs in his meal? If not, try adding a small amount of rolled oats or something with it and see if that helps?

Thank you so much Noisymina, I can hardly believe I am having such trouble with a dog. I used to breed WHFT's many moons ago, shouldn't need to ask so many questions. I do thank you. He is on BARF and he evening meal has veggies, but I will add some oats to it and see if that helps him and me. :D :o

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Carbs aren't necessary, but they can help. Tryptophan has to cross the blood-brain barrier and larger aminos will reduce the amount of tryptophan that gets through. The reason for supplementation is to increase the amount of tryptophan that does get through. Alternatively, by raising insulin a little you can shuttle some of the larger aminos off for repair and maintenance of the body. Exercise will help, too, by placing a demand on the body for larger aminos.

Oats won't be digested very well, best to cook them. I add boiling water, stir, then microwave for 30s then leave to soak and cool. Add some dry food or mince for palatability, brewer's yeast is also good (lots of B vitamins), and some olive oil.

I don't recall seeing the other thread, hopefully a vet has been consulted to rule out medical causes?

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I just thought it might be an idea to try in this situation. Purely guesswork - no more than that.

It's a very low risk strategy with a potentially high return so as long as there isn't a medical or learning-attributed cause, it's well worth trying. Also, in my experience increasing the glycemic load (enough carbs) can make a difference, also a low-risk strategy so long as the dog isn't allergic.

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