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First Time Breeder


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Hear hear fifi.

Can I just add, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I think we all need to think on that for a while as this forum often has a mob mentality with anyone new who dares to mention the B word. Everyone has to start somewhere.

As for reading but not posting, perhaps they were waiting for more replies to be posted, or had to think a bit before giving the answers or didnt have time right then to make a detailed reply.....or just didnt want to. The point is, we dont know and we probably wont know because there has been too much conjecture flying around on this thread with conclusions well and truly jumped to.

I invite the OP to PM me directly if they wish. Happy to help them with more info if they are keen to learn.

Good for you and all the other posters who answered along the same lines. A lot of people are 'ignorant', through no fault of their own and I don't mean this in a nasty way. All of us, I am sure had to learn the expertise of firstly owning, and then along the line, breeding. I was always told,and have told my children and grandchildren, 'if you don't ask, you won't learn'. I for instance, breed exhibition budgerigars, and I often cringe at the thought of the questions I asked of the experienced breeders. Never once was I pounced on like some are here, but was patiently taught the rights and wrongs of breeding these little birds. Had I not been treated in this way, no doubt I would most likely have left the fancy.

If this OP is not fair dinkum as some of you may think then so be it, but if he/she was in fact genuine, chances are we won't hear from him/her again. Some of you experienced breeders out there need to show a little more understanding and patience with a potential beginner.

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Funnily enough I had kept the first correspondences both written & then emails, I had from my first foray's into my breed and then later to my now mentor/breeders.

I look at them now and CRINGE !! the niaeve' things I said and statements I made...OMG !!! its a wonder they looked twice at me !

(and I came from a doggie house too !)

Everyone one begins at a point of understanding - we just need find out that point and take it from there.

Unless you're bought up in a doggy family, then everyone starts off knowing nothing! When I got my first dog I had no idea what registration meant or what "papers" were - was the dog born with them, or did I sent photos to the kennel club to prove he was a stafford and he'd get them that way, or perhaps the dog won papers if he won a show or something? :):shrug:

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At the moment I am beginning a foray into purebred sheep breeding and am experiencing (again) what it is like to be the new kid on the block with all the silly and stupid questions. Yes, I have owned sheep before, but no I haven't bred them before or owned purebred registered sheep until now. See any correlation here? I feel stupid and unsure of myself , but willing to learn, and I darn sure wouldnt be sticking around anywhere if I got a reception like I see here often to one of my 'newbie' questions. I just hope that purebred sheep people turn out to be a helpful lot willing to help out a person who right at the moment likely doesn't use the right words, parrot the right phrases or have much of a clue.

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This thread is hilarious and embarrassing at the same time

For me the embarrassing part is when people call the OP a troll for asking a simple question, then turn the thread into a shambles of a discussion based around why the OP did not return.

Can't see the hilarity though :shrug:

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When I bred my first litter I had a older lady from the club helping me. I was being a bit delicate with terminology and umming and arring a bit. This wonderful lady quite firmly made be repeat the real names after her and said I couldn't be a breeder if I didn't say 'vulva'. It was hilarious :shrug::):laugh: :D

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I'm glad a lot of you are coming forward with your inexperience. Gosh, we all have to start at the beginning and we shouldn't have to be shot down and made to feel bad just because of being unsure. Instead of patronizing posts it would be more than helpful to be steered in the right direction. I sincerely hope the OP is reading and perhaps comes forward again for some sound and helpful advice.

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So I invited him and his family to come up to our show for a look.

I introduce him and his lovely family to some exhibitors at a non busy time, And the people with his breed and similar breed were so rude, exclusive and arrogant that I don't doubt he'll just go home and have a litter of pets because its all too hard and snobby.

Another potential newbie turned away, so many opportunities for education are ruined. And yes, many people we offer assistance to - go and do the wrong thing, but we can't stop trying for the sake of converting a few.

Good for you for taking the time to educate someone...although that is really sad that they received a not-so-friendly response. :)

This thread is hilarious and embarrassing at the same time

For me the embarrassing part is when people call the OP a troll for asking a simple question, then turn the thread into a shambles of a discussion based around why the OP did not return.

Can't see the hilarity though :shrug:

+1 :laugh:

I would guess this stems from some people becoming jaded from always having to repeat themselves to deaf ears?

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Yes, repeating one'self is tedious, but I also hate watching people sliced & diced for being new and not know the secrets of the 'inner sanctum' !!

Different of course if someone has information that a person has bad intentions, but that's a different story altogether.

I still don't get why people bother posting nasty stuff if its not plainly neccessary....IE: the OP is a known troll or is known to be a bad dog owner.


Edited by fifi
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My experience has nothing to do with breeding, just an example of sheer ignorance. I bought two puppies (one from a BYB - knew nothing at the time - and one from a breeder). I was a nervous wreck, particularly at the way they curled up to sleep and I asked my vet if dogs could die of cot death :p :laugh: . He didn't laugh at me either.

Apart from knowing all about vaccinations, health checks and microchipping (although it wasn't legislated then), about all I knew was that they were dogs.

The best thing that happened for the sake of my future dogs was that I became a volunteer dog walker at a pound.

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I've just been reading through the thread and would like to thank everyone who answers "Newbie" questions thoughtfully! :laugh: I have made the mistake of asking questions on Yahoo answers etc and had my head ripped off pretty much lol My partner and I are in the process of importing a Neo girl into New Zealand from Italy at the moment so my Neo boy has a friend. NO PLANS TO BREED ANYTIME IN THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE! (I've found it really hard finding someone remotely close to where I live to ask questions about The Neo Mastiff breed. I've been researching as much as I can but sometimes its just a bit :laugh: !! lol I've noticed people stop talking to me when they realize I'm 21 yrs old as well :laugh: .) I understand this website is predominantly for breeders and that there are a lot of "Trolls"- I think the name is?- out there and you guys must feel like :p or :laugh: , so I quietly read through everything hoping to learn lots!! lol I will save further questioning until I'm at an 'intermediate' level :mad

Kema, New Zealand.

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I have to say I am a bit sick of the bashing that some people have done in this thread. Really, most answers were fine and civil, one person suggested a troll and goodness knows we have had plenty of them here but this thread has been totally railroaded into a "oh don't scare off the newbie you big nasty breeder types" when it wasn't warrented.

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What a shame to drive away people for asking questions. Interesting that those clutching the cudgels probably couldn't have answered the questions posed.

The original poster will probably go to the wild side now.

so where are your answers to the OP questions? If you can't answer the questions why be in this thread at all except to sh!t stir?

All those so keen to say other people are being "bad" without actually responding to the OP are no different to those they are accusing. Reading posts made by these rude, condescending people would be enough to scare people off.

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What a shame to drive away people for asking questions. Interesting that those clutching the cudgels probably couldn't have answered the questions posed.

The original poster will probably go to the wild side now.

so where are your answers to the OP questions? If you can't answer the questions why be in this thread at all except to sh!t stir?

All those so keen to say other people are being "bad" without actually responding to the OP are no different to those they are accusing. Reading posts made by these rude, condescending people would be enough to scare people off.

Yes, you're correct. The reason I didn't respond to the OP's questions is because I am not a breeder and never intend to be. I am just a dog lover and owner of two purebred boys, so I am not qualified to give my opinion. But the manner in which some of the experts answer, and not just in this particular post but others in the past is sending a message to the naive in these matters not to ask silly questions and that truely is putting them off. I don't believe there was any sh!t stirring going on and again I repeat,if you don't ask, you don't learn.

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But the manner in which some of the experts answer, and not just in this particular post but others in the past is sending a message to the naive in these matters not to ask silly questions and that truely is putting them off. I don't believe there was any sh!t stirring going on and again I repeat,if you don't ask, you don't learn.

Yes I totally agree with this. Like it or lump it but it's not just the OP that people are responding to - it's every Tom Dick and Harry that might be reading the forum and wanting to ask the same question about breeding the first litter.

If the OP is genuine, good on you for asking. I'll never be a breeder but I do admire the n00bs for wanting to get in there and do it right from the get go.

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What a shame to drive away people for asking questions. Interesting that those clutching the cudgels probably couldn't have answered the questions posed.

The original poster will probably go to the wild side now.

so where are your answers to the OP questions? If you can't answer the questions why be in this thread at all except to sh!t stir?

All those so keen to say other people are being "bad" without actually responding to the OP are no different to those they are accusing. Reading posts made by these rude, condescending people would be enough to scare people off.

Yes, you're correct. The reason I didn't respond to the OP's questions is because I am not a breeder and never intend to be. I am just a dog lover and owner of two purebred boys, so I am not qualified to give my opinion. But the manner in which some of the experts answer, and not just in this particular post but others in the past is sending a message to the naive in these matters not to ask silly questions and that truely is putting them off. I don't believe there was any sh!t stirring going on and again I repeat,if you don't ask, you don't learn.

yet you see fit to lecture other people on how they respond. You don't think that is off putting either? As far as I see it the thread was fine until a few non breeders got their knickers in a knot and decided some of the breeders weren't playing nicely so everyone got a lecture on how to play nice.

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I thought the thread was fine until someone started suggesting the OP was a "troll".

I do admit though, most of the responses to the OP were very restrained compared to some I've seen in previous threads when a newbie shows up and asks about breeding.

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What a shame to drive away people for asking questions. Interesting that those clutching the cudgels probably couldn't have answered the questions posed.

The original poster will probably go to the wild side now.

so where are your answers to the OP questions? If you can't answer the questions why be in this thread at all except to sh!t stir?

All those so keen to say other people are being "bad" without actually responding to the OP are no different to those they are accusing. Reading posts made by these rude, condescending people would be enough to scare people off.

I can answer the questions, or suggest people who can answer better than I can.

You are correct, I came not to "shit stir" but to put another point of view. Some only entered the thread, not to give advice, but to abuse the poster. How are they better than I? And you did give advice.

Some breeders are all so exclusive and marvellous that no one else can do it, or is sure to get it wrong,so you drive them off. And that means less competition at shows which is what you want. What you are all too foolish to realise is that you are effectively ending your breed.

No one asked this person anything about the dogs. For all any of you knew, they might have been champions with titles in four countries.

Edited by *Bones*
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