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First Time Breeder


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Some breeders are all so exclusive and marvellous that no one else can do it, or is sure to get it wrong,so you drive them off. And that means less competition at shows which is what you want. What you are all too foolish to realise is that you are effectively ending your breed.

No one asked this person anything about the dogs. For all any of you knew, they might have been champions with titles in four countries.


Actually, some people did ask about the dogs and invited the OP to the boxer thread.

And please don't start breeder bashing, it was actually the breeders who gave informative posts or asked pertinent questions so they knew what the starting point was to give advice.


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What a shame to drive away people for asking questions. Interesting that those clutching the cudgels probably couldn't have answered the questions posed.

The original poster will probably go to the wild side now.

so where are your answers to the OP questions? If you can't answer the questions why be in this thread at all except to sh!t stir?

All those so keen to say other people are being "bad" without actually responding to the OP are no different to those they are accusing. Reading posts made by these rude, condescending people would be enough to scare people off.

I can answer the questions, or suggest people who can answer better than I can.

You are correct, I came not to "shit stir" but to put another point of view. Some only entered the thread, not to give advice, but to abuse the poster. How are they better than I? And you did give advice.

Some breeders are all so exclusive and marvellous that no one else can do it, or is sure to get it wrong,so you drive them off. And that means less competition at shows which is what you want. What you are all too foolish to realise is that you are effectively ending your breed.

No one asked this person anything about the dogs. For all any of you knew, they might have been champions with titles in four countries.

if you could answer the questions why didn't you? I didn't see any abuse. Yep would love to drive my competition off, how laughable, I have had to breed my own competition until very recently :laugh:

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Hi all..

We are looking to breed our boxers for the first time and just wanting as much advice and information before we proceed. Anything that we should know is much appreciated.



I don't understand what the issue is here. The OP clearly asked for advice and information. I didn't see anyone attack the OP for asking the question, all I saw is a few breeders and knowledgeable people give some advice and information. It was a very general question about breeding and lots of information has been given. Since when did it become a bad thing to suggest that someone become registered and do health testing before breeding their dogs?

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Just out of curiousity; shouldn't we be encouraging new ANKC registered breeders, and be helping them on their way to being ethical and good?

I thought that the number of breeders was reducing rather then rising, and that the result was the same with the litter registrations and amount of puppies being born? I could be completley wrong here, but I was under the impression that ANKC breeders are lessening by the year and that the vast majoirty of breeders have been in it for a long long time with not many new breeders? What will happen when the old breeders retire?

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Hi everyone an thanks for the ones that posted useful information. The reason I hadn't commented prior was due to not being able to work it on my phone properly. Both of my boxers are registered and my male is the son of a grand champion. Of course we are doing this to better the breed and not as a money maker as I know that you need money to spend on the animals and vets etc. We have the time and effort to put into our dogs and pups if we decide to go ahead. I want aware of the exam to get a breeders prefix and am now looking into doing this. I am not aware of phrase troll in thus context but by the sounds of it i am not one. I am also going to join the boxer thread and see what other useful information I can get from there. My boxers are my babies and I would never do anything that would be set out to harm them hence thinking this would be the best place to get any extra info from. My males breeder has moved and we do not have their contact details and my females breeder had gone away so that is why I also thought some useful info from here would get us a little more clued up. I have also been googling breeding dogs and have got a lot of help from this. We will certainly be having our dogs health tested for everything applicable before proceeding. At first reading through some of the posts it did scare me off the idea but after more thought I am only here trying to do the best and to get the best advice. What better place to do so than other registered breeders.

Anyhow once again thanks to those willing to help and provide info.


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Great to hear from you :laugh:

I would suggest that becoming a member of a boxer club would probably be a good way of learning which health tests are required.

Some people just need to spice up their life so you can ignore those you wish too.

Have you shown your dogs as yet?? Some photos would be lovely

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I apologise if I was a bit hasty in my judgement :laugh: - we do get people coming on here every now & then just to stir things up, as I'm sure you'll find out if you hang around :laugh: You sound as though you are prepared to do things right and certainly this forum is a great resource and repository of knowledge.

There is, however,one definite requirement if you do breed - we need to see lots of puppy photos!

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I am currently doing the open book exam for a breeders prefix...it's not easy, but I am learning heaps by reading the reference material.

I have also bought a book "Born to Win, Breed to Succeed", which seems to go into quite a bit of detail about how to choose the right sire for your bitch etc. I haven't had a real good read of it yet though. I've also bought a couple of books specific to my breed so I can learn the history, the development and the standard and why the standard is written the way it is.

I would suggest befriending someone in the breed and talk, talk, talk to them about your dogs, other dogs, dogs you admire, and ask loads of questions, then listen and apply the answers to your own situation.

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Maybe due to being new I wasn't aware that there are people known as trolls on here but as a newbie it was very daunting reading all the posts. But I am not one to just roll over and let other people take me out. And yes I am wanting to do it the right way to start with. Will be putting pics up over the next few days of my beautiful boxers..

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To explain the reaction you got Beckley85 - this is a forum for purebred dogs. Unregistered breeding is a big no-no here. It isn't just a general dog forum. Heaps of people have come here over the years wanting to know about breeding fluffy to next doors fido. We also get people starting posts about breeding just to stir the passionate people here up.

This all means that some people now tend to shoot first.

It doesn't make the reaction you got right but it is an explanation.

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Good for you Beckley. Sounds to me like you have the strength, stamina and willingness to learn to give this a good go. So glad you stuck around. Take a look at the breeders forum here too. Lots of breeding specific threads you can read through on a wide range of topics.

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I am pleased I didnt come here to ask advice when I decided to breed my GSD for the first time. What a put off some you have been. Some information has been good and some awful. Give new breeders a break people. We are all here for the betterment of our breed.

Beckley, I went in a bit cold on information and stumbled a bit. It was all so confusing. Getting your Breeders prefix is the first thing, as you dont want the pups a week away and then remember you have to get it lol. (Not like me haha) A whelping box is also something you will need to get or make. My husband made one for me, complete with pig bars, but I am undecided on these, as one pup actually got a bit stuck under one. It had crawled under there when it was sleepy and relaxed, and then when it woke up, and tried to move, it panicked. All came out well tho, I just got it to relax again and gently slid it out. Your local Canine Council will be able to help you with regards to paperwork for the pups, and getting them registerred. I dont know if there is a Boxer organisation, like I had the German Shepherd Dog Club, but I also found them very helpful. I also fed my bitch up well while she was pregnant and again while she was feeding, but I have since learned that overfeeding her during pregnancy wasnt a good idea. I just wanted to make sure she had enough behind her once the pups were born. I have just put her into whelp again, and I have reduced her food from what I gave her last time, but still a little more than she usually has. Others may be able to help on this subject too.

Unfortunately, when my girl had her pups, the first one got stuck and she had to have a Caesar. It was all a bit harrowing. This time, I am going to have Progesterone test done a couple of days before she is due, and if all is well, I will just book her in for a Caesar during the day.

Another thing I learned this mating, was to have a Progestone test done on the bitch to make sure she is at the right part of her cycle to mate - something I didnt do last time. If they are mated when the level is at the right place, they can have more puppies, and in my case that would be better, as last time she had 5 big pups, instead of maybe 7-8 smaller ones, and they may not have got stuck. It also ensures she actually falls pregnant. I mated my girl this time on day 12, although bitches are not the same, so maybe get a test done on day 9 of her cycle, then 48 hours later, so it can be judged where she is heading. They are only about $50-$60, which is worth it, as you know exactly when she is ready, and are not wasting a mating.

Keep records of weights etc for the pups. I also put coloured ribbons around their necks so I knew who was who, and then later, as they grew, changed it to cat collars.

Good luck with it all, and I hope you have lovely healthy little puppies. They are a ball of fun! I loved the experience and am looking forward to it again, particularly as I am keeping a bitch from this litter.

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good to see you hung in here Beckly85 :-)

Do you have a mentor in your breed ? that would be my first port of call.

then joining the boxer club, joining your state's canine body and applying for your prefix.

Don't be in a rush, think of breeding like a long apprenticeship, a chance to learn more about your breed, lines that go well with eacher, what dogs are like around the country & overeas.


edited to add words !

Edited by fifi
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