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First Time Breeder


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Well presumably all ethical registered breeders had to start somewhere and even needed to ask a first question (whether on DOL or elsewhere) ... unless like Athena, they all burst forth from the head of Zeus fully-grown, fully-armed and completely knowledgable in the ways of correct dog breeding ... Even for those of us (like me) who will never become breeders, questions like this are interesting because they can result in interesting and instructive responses.

:confused: you gave me a good laugh KTB :D

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Well presumably all ethical registered breeders had to start somewhere and even needed to ask a first question (whether on DOL or elsewhere) ... unless like Athena, they all burst forth from the head of Zeus fully-grown, fully-armed and completely knowledgable in the ways of correct dog breeding ... Even for those of us (like me) who will never become breeders, questions like this are interesting because they can result in interesting and instructive responses.

KTB don't be offended but you have a great way with words, and I remember you quoting Latin at me once, are you a lawyer/have studied literature?

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And they did hang around for awhile after posting viewing this topic- but didn't reply for some reason :confused:

I don't think peoples responses were particularly inviting. Everyone jumped on the registered, pedigree bit pretty quick! Who knows maybe her boxers were registered and now they'be been scared off which is a shame since they could have learnt so much.

Perhaps in future we should seek some more information first before jumping to conclusions, particularily for newbies.

ETA: boxagirl not having a go at you or anyone else for that matter just suggesting a more tactful approach in the future.

Edited by kiesha09
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Perhaps, kiesha09, the OP will reply tonight when they have some spare time to write a decent reply?

No one jumped to conclusions (a small few suggested the query wasn't genuine) and everyone else listed all the requirements to breed a (hopefully) well-bred litter.

I have confidence that the OP will return :confused:

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I don't think peoples responses were particularly inviting. Everyone jumped on the registered, pedigree bit pretty quick! Who knows maybe her boxers were registered and now they'be been scared off which is a shame since they could have learnt so much.

Perhaps in future we should seek some more information first before jumping to conclusions, particularily for newbies.

ETA: boxagirl not having a go at you or anyone else for that matter just suggesting a more tactful approach in the future.

This post has been edited by kiesha09: 5th Nov 2010 - 03:17 PM

Nothing was said to scare them off? :confused: There were no of the usual "just don't" responses that these topics usually get.

I don't think anybody jumped to conclusions either.

I asked for photos, colour and age... I.e seeked more information as you suggested :D Oh, and Invited them to the Boxer forum

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And they did hang around for awhile after posting viewing this topic- but didn't reply for some reason :confused:

I don't think peoples responses were particularly inviting. Everyone jumped on the registered, pedigree bit pretty quick! Who knows maybe her boxers were registered and now they'be been scared off which is a shame since they could have learnt so much.

I never mentioned it.

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I don't think peoples responses were particularly inviting. Everyone jumped on the registered, pedigree bit pretty quick! Who knows maybe her boxers were registered and now they'be been scared off which is a shame since they could have learnt so much.

Perhaps in future we should seek some more information first before jumping to conclusions, particularily for newbies.

ETA: boxagirl not having a go at you or anyone else for that matter just suggesting a more tactful approach in the future.

This post has been edited by kiesha09: 5th Nov 2010 - 03:17 PM

I asked for photos, colour and age... I.e seeked more information as you suggested ;) Oh, and Invited them to the Boxer forum

that was the problem boxagirl you invited them to the Boxer forum but didn't provide a link, very nawty of you. :D


eta Boxer Forum

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I don't think peoples responses were particularly inviting. Everyone jumped on the registered, pedigree bit pretty quick! Who knows maybe her boxers were registered and now they'be been scared off which is a shame since they could have learnt so much.

Perhaps in future we should seek some more information first before jumping to conclusions, particularily for newbies.

ETA: boxagirl not having a go at you or anyone else for that matter just suggesting a more tactful approach in the future.

This post has been edited by kiesha09: 5th Nov 2010 - 03:17 PM

Nothing was said to scare them off? :confused: There were no of the usual "just don't" responses that these topics usually get.

I don't think anybody jumped to conclusions either.

I asked for photos, colour and age... I.e seeked more information as you suggested :D Oh, and Invited them to the Boxer forum

Sorry misunderstanding here - Boxagirl you were particularly inviting and thats why I ETA that I wasn't having a go at you, because having used your quote it could have come across like that.

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Honestly if I had posted that question I would have been scared off.

Not quite sure what exactly they wanted to know, which I posted & asked for more info.

It can all be quite intimidating when you first start out, we can tend to forget that after a few years.

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Many new people do not understand why it is undesirable to breed unrego'd dogs.

They may not have got them from a rego'd breeder so do not know any different.

As mentioned all people need to start somewhere and maybe this person has gone registered?, state canine body? breeders prefix? health tests? what the????? and may be researching.

Hopefully they will be back as they have much they can learn.

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Many new people do not understand why it is undesirable to breed unrego'd dogs.

They may not have got them from a rego'd breeder so do not know any different.

As mentioned all people need to start somewhere and maybe this person has gone registered?, state canine body? breeders prefix? health tests? what the????? and may be researching.

Hopefully they will be back as they have much they can learn.


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I think the informational replies posted so far have been useful and if the OP hasn't been scared off will be a great place to start a conversation with them. It is often the speculatory chit chat that doesn't actually answer the original question I think that can scare a person off. Perhaps if we all try to limit posts to ones that actually answer the questions of newbies it may help?

To the OP, there are people here more than willing to help you with information. Another resource for you is the website Learn to Breed but I too would recommend the MDBA course.

In relation to getting the advice of the dogs breeder, yes, this can be a good place to start and having a breeder mentor in the beginning can be helpful. We don't knowv at this point if the OP has done this yet or not, but I would suggest if they haven't that would be a good move as a breeder generally has (or should have) a good understanding of their lines and what is behind them and can help with information and guidance which will help in making decisions. It may be that the dog you have is not the best match for the bitch and they can suggest another better option.

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looks like they've run away.

:rofl::rofl: It isn't even 24 hours since their first post. Not everyone accesses their personal messages and forums at work on their boss's time.

But the OP had been on just before I posted my comment & hadn't replied to any of the questions - it just seemed like a deliberate sh*t-stir to me!

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The other day when I was shopping for stuff for our show, the cashier & I began talking about dogs.

He has two pets of a breed, male & female, byb bred and both entire.

He expressed an interest in his breed and becoming a breeder. So I mentioned briefly the registered breeder thing, the health tests for his breed ect...ect....

He just glazed over in confusion and said - yes, his dogs are registered with the council and the vet health checked them when they had their vaccination ! So I very briefly explained what I meant.

We need to remember that most of what is normal for us is IN HOUSE JARGON to joe public.

So I invited him and his family to come up to our show for a look.

I introduce him and his lovely family to some exhibitors at a non busy time, And the people with his breed and similar breed were so rude, exclusive and arrogant that I don't doubt he'll just go home and have a litter of pets because its all too hard and snobby.

Another potential newbie turned away, so many opportunities for education are ruined. And yes, many people we offer assistance to - go and do the wrong thing, but we can't stop trying for the sake of converting a few.


edited to correct stuff.

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Hear hear fifi.

Can I just add, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I think we all need to think on that for a while as this forum often has a mob mentality with anyone new who dares to mention the B word. Everyone has to start somewhere.

As for reading but not posting, perhaps they were waiting for more replies to be posted, or had to think a bit before giving the answers or didnt have time right then to make a detailed reply.....or just didnt want to. The point is, we dont know and we probably wont know because there has been too much conjecture flying around on this thread with conclusions well and truly jumped to.

I invite the OP to PM me directly if they wish. Happy to help them with more info if they are keen to learn.

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Thanks Espinay & Staranis,

Funnily enough I had kept the first correspondences both written & then emails, I had from my first foray's into my breed and then later to my now mentor/breeders.

I look at them now and CRINGE !! the niaeve' things I said and statements I made...OMG !!! its a wonder they looked twice at me !

(and I came from a doggie house too !)

Everyone one begins at a point of understanding - we just need find out that point and take it from there.

I love the analogy to the newly hatched Athena :-)

Yes, there are those seeking to be in dogs for the wrong reasons and they are very experienced at deception, I choose to be cautious but at least start of with kindness and see if they reveal otherwise.


efs & adding stuff !

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