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First Time Breeder


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make sure both are main register pedigree

make sure you have a registered kennel name with you states kennel council

do all the necessary health checks on your dogs

find yurself a mentor

anything out of this ... reconsider the whole prospect and desex your pets

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You will need to do any relevent health tests on the pair; it would be helpful if the breeder of one of your dogs would mentor you; if they are not able, another breeder; make a friend of your vet, you may be seeing a lot of them; read everything and I mean everything, you can about dog breeding, the good the bad and the ugly. Google and Youtube can be handy but nothing beats hands on help.

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What colour boxers have you got? How old are they? Would love to see photos :bolt:

Make sure you get them heart mumur tested- a big problem in the breed.

ETA: Come and join us in the Boxer thread in breed subforums.

Edited by boxagirl
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Hi Beckley85,

I think everyone would like to know if you are a registered breeder. That is, registered with your state canine council- DOGSvic (i think it is?) do you have a prefix for your kennel?

Are your Boxer's papered? Are they registered and from registered health tested parents? Do you show or compete them in any dog sport?

Why do you wish to breed them?

There are so many things to consider when deciding to breed.

Firstly, both parents have to be health tested for all the relevant genetic diseases in the breed.

This is not a "vet check" but specific tests which may involve taking DNA or Xrays.

It can be quite expensive.

I am not sure sure of the specifics of what health tests should be done for Boxers but I do know they are a breed that are prone to several health problems and health testing is essential in order to ensure the highest possibiloty of healthy pups.

If you got your dogs from a registered breeder, I would definitely approach them and ask for their guidance. Furthermore, they may not be too happy with you breeding without their knowledge (unless of course you have already discussed breeding with them :bolt:)

Personally, I am of the opinion that only outstanding specimens of the breed- in conformation showing or other competitive sports/ working dogs should be bred from.

Please consider this decision very carefully as being a responsible breeder is a lot of hard work and often heartbreaking and expensive

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Before you can breed your Main Registered Purebred Boxers; you will need to have them tested at a minimum for the require health tests, and then look at other DNA tests to better educate your breeding decisions. You will also need to have your Breeder's prefix. Once you are a member of your state's controlling body (Dogs Victoria) then you can sit the open book exam and if you pass you can get a prefix.

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Spend a couple of years with a mentor who is a registered breeder, learn everything you can from them, assist with whelpings, attend shows and learn to critique (the good and the bad) and learn the breed standard inside and out as well as health testing etc relevant to the breed.

Then and only then consider breeding if you have stock worth breeding from and obtain your own prefix.

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Hi all..

We are looking to breed our boxers for the first time and just wanting as much advice and information before we proceed. Anything that we should know is much appreciated.



Why do you want to breed?

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You need to be a bit more specific in your question.

Like do you know anything or even how dogs mate & give birth ? or

Do you know most of what you should know & just want extra advice on some aspects ?

Your question is too vague really.

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Hi all..

We are looking to breed our boxers for the first time and just wanting as much advice and information before we proceed. Anything that we should know is much appreciated.



How wonderful a new breeder! First thing is to ask yourself what it is you want to end up with as your major goal. Money, pets to go to people to allow them to enjoy what you have,a champion, an agility dog,allowing the kids to withness the joy of watching babies being born etc. Will you sell them all as pets or do you want to keep one for yourself for future breeding?

Once you have that bit worked out you can look at what you are prepared to compromise on and what you have to cover in order to get that and make sure you are making babies which are healthy, well temperamented which look like they should to enable them to have great lives with their new families.

How will you find them homes, will you be responsible for them for years to come if their owners cant keep them anymore to help find them new homes,or will you sell them to a pet shop, or not care what happenes to them for the next 15 years. Where will you whelp them, where will they grow and run for 8 weeks, what if the bitch gets into trouble ? Do you have the money to take her to a vet ? Do you have the money to provide vetting and food,worming and comfort to the babies.Do you have time to clean up after a dozen poo factories and do you have the ability to keep them indefinitely if you cant find them homes by the time they are ready to go? How will you creen the people who might be interested in buying them and how will you educate them and what will you provide with them when they go to their new homes.

What will you do if after they go home they develop something which you may have been able to avoid if you had run more tests or had more knowledge?

If you havent covered the necessary testing and ensured you HAVE done whats needed to be as sure as you can that you are not making babies which will get sick - especially in Victoria you run the risk of being sued or even charged. Do you have the required permits in order to be able to breed dogs at your property ?

Better pay $150 and do our introduction to Canine Breeding course - it covers all you need to know before you muck it up. www.mdba.net.au

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looks like they've run away.

:confused: :D It isn't even 24 hours since their first post. Not everyone accesses their personal messages and forums at work on their boss's time.

sorry, I just know that most people who start a thread hang around for a little while to check, even if they check an hour later.

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Well presumably all ethical registered breeders had to start somewhere and even needed to ask a first question (whether on DOL or elsewhere) ... unless like Athena, they all burst forth from the head of Zeus fully-grown, fully-armed and completely knowledgable in the ways of correct dog breeding ... Even for those of us (like me) who will never become breeders, questions like this are interesting because they can result in interesting and instructive responses.

Edited by koalathebear
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