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Type Of Regular Exercises/activities Do You Do With Your Dog On A Week


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i have two dogs and i don't like doing the same exercises and activities with my dog every week,

i hate having a Schedule planned out for my two dogs at certain times of the day as i my plans change every hour and sometimes things come up and i don't want to dissapoint my dogs if I'm not home until late.

so i want to do different things with them during the week so they have a interesting time and aren't expecting the same boring thing on a walk etc when i come home.

I would like to know what everyone else does to change their dog/s ritual up so they don't become bored?

Do you take them to the park/beach/lake/off lead are/ bush walks etc.

Being busy i dont always have the time myself, to wear them out so off lead stuff works great my two on a weekly basis i try to do the following either morning or night or both, bush walks (off lead), chuck it stick /soccer ball at park they suck at fetch (off lead),

bike ride attached, small walks around neighbour hood, drive somewhere then walk, lake walks, obedience wed and sundays.

Is there anything you can think of i can do? mental or physical ideas welcome

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