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Ignorant Owners! Argh


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Sorry, guys, need to have a bit of a rant. My friend caught me on Facebook chat this morning to say her boyfriend's (Josh) dog attacked his mother (and previously attacked his sister and father) and was to be put to sleep today. I didn't know Josh even had dogs. For some backstory, this friend one whose Cheasapeake Bay Retriever had testicular cancer but she refused to have it removed because he would "lose his manliness." I finally convinced her to have him desexed and he's been cancer-free for a year.

Anyway, for the rest of the info: the dog is a "schnoodle." I patiently explained about BYBs, and how "schnoodles" are not a breed. She's six years old and lives with another schauzer/poodle mix who is apparently docile and "dumb." My friend Tish said the dog has always been aggressive, but admits that she is "spoilt." She has had "tons of chances to redeem herself" because dogs can do that on their own. NOT.

I suggested a behaviourist and said euth was a bit harsh considering she has not known anything but getting her own way. Tish said the dog will snarl across the room at you, and does not like any dog except the one she lives with. I offered to take the dog for a month to see if I could help, as I am housesitting for a month in December. One of my own dogs has helped me rehabilitate aggressive rescue dogs and I was confident he could help her. He is completely non-reactive, tolerant, avoids any triggers that would lead to a fight, etc. Friend says no, the dog is being PTS simply because the bf "hates her and thinks she needs to get what she deserves."

I am appalled. A family pet whose aggression they created and have lived with this long, and yet they did not take a vet's suggestion of a behaviourist, or my offer. My friend knows about the work I put into rescue dogs and I helped her own dog become non-aggro to others. It sickens me to think that the bf's grudge against this dog is the main reason for its destruction; Tish said that if the family got home before the bf, it probably wouldn't happen.

Then she said, "Gotta go dig a hole. Bye!"


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Hanna, please try and ring your friend and see whether you can convince her to hand the dog over to you so that you can see whether your friend can help her. If the dog were gone - the BF probably wouldn't be too fussed whether it was PTS or not. It is just so sad when people treat animals as though they are just expendable commodities and are willing to do this to them because they no longer want them for whatever reason. This dog deserves a 2nd chance with someone who may be able to help and teach the dog the correct way to behave. Most people wouldn't put their kids to sleep for behaving in that manner - so why should it be such an easy option for a dog?

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I cannot stand people who think they know all they can about dogs and reasons for behaviour (when clearly they don't) and just see dogs as something you can just magically get rid of when its all too hard to deal with. How ridiculous. So that's their concept of punishment? end the dogs life? totally disgraceful.

If they really cared they would do anything to fix the problem. I would love to turn up at the vets when they go and really have a say. I'm hoping they don't go through with it.


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If you know which vet they are taking it to, maybe call the vet in advance and say to hold the dog and then go and pick it up?

the vet has to PTS unless the owner consents to rehome the dog. It is against the law for a vet to rehome without the owner's consent.

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The vets cannot hold a dog and give it to someone else unless the owners give them permission to do so.

Vets might not agree with why the dog is being pts but legally they have no right to rehome the dog because of that. At best they could refuse to pts the dog but I'm sure another vet out there will do it anyway.

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That sucks, poor dog. It deserves better.

I wish she'd appreciate you more as a friend willing to help, I wish I had a friend with a non reactive dog that I could work with Buster.

Rip Pup.

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The vet can refuse to PTS.

However, if the owner spins a line about how aggressive and dangerous the dog is, then many vets would feel it's unethical not to PTS. You don't want to send a dog off into the community that might savage a little kid, not if you have the chance of preventing it.

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This dog has bitten people. If the owners are too irresponsible to fix this problem, it should not just be made somebody else's problem.

There are too many nice dogs needing homes as it is, that have never bitten anyone.

Yep. I agree.

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This dog has bitten people. If the owners are too irresponsible to fix this problem, it should not just be made somebody else's problem.

There are too many nice dogs needing homes as it is, that have never bitten anyone.

I agree entirely. Maybe having the dog PTS is the best thing for the dog.

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Hey guys, sad update, but I spent most of the day running back and forth trying to find an option for this dog temporarily. They refused to keep it any longer and I already have too many at my house. She was PTS though I tried to reason with the BF. He simply has something against the dog, and was the only one really vouching to have her PTS. The parents didn't really care though she has attacked them over the years.

I am horrified that her life was treated so carelessly. She could not help who owned her, and I have seen enough aggro dogs come good that I believe she could have made improvements. At least she is at peace now and will not have to know anything but what they taught her. Tragic.

Greytmate, I do agree with you to an extent - if she truly made no progress after some behavioural sessions or a month with me, I would have been quiet about them wanting to PTS. However after seeing the dog in person, I am almost certain she was within reach of help.

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This dog has bitten people. If the owners are too irresponsible to fix this problem, it should not just be made somebody else's problem.

There are too many nice dogs needing homes as it is, that have never bitten anyone.


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This dog has bitten people. If the owners are too irresponsible to fix this problem, it should not just be made somebody else's problem.

There are too many nice dogs needing homes as it is, that have never bitten anyone.

I generally agree with this statement.

However, sadly, in this case, there was someone willing to take the dog on and work with the issues (which is soo rare), so I don't think PTS was the best option for the dog.

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I saw this same situation once ... a family had bought a designer oodle and at 8 months old it jumped up and nipped the kid (we're talking nothing serious at all here)

Father came into the clinic, OMG what do I do we need to put it to sleep because it will turn vicious

idiot staff agreed

well if the PUPPY CLASSES didnt work it must just be a bad dog!

one dead undertrained and undersocialised puppy. Why do people bother getting animals?

eta saying that I've seen the little spoiled oodlies and swfs and they're a force to reckon with. If they have attacked multiple times, honestly I too would PTS unless there was an underlying cause that could be safely fixed. Backyard bred dogs tend to come with poor temperaments anyway

Edited by Nekhbet
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