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Comfortis.. Flea Tablets


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I'm curious to know if you can buy Comfortis in singles or 3 packs at least? Needing some ASAP as Oscar is riddled with fleas and don't have the funds for the 6 packs until Friday.

Try the capstar for immediate relief.... and get the comfortis on friday when the funds are available.

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My vet does sell them individually for around 14-00 each. You could always do a ring around of vets to find one that does that. Or capstar as shelby suggested, they are available from the supermarket

Edited by Liath
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I'm curious to know if you can buy Comfortis in singles or 3 packs at least? Needing some ASAP as Oscar is riddled with fleas and don't have the funds for the 6 packs until Friday.

Try the capstar for immediate relief.... and get the comfortis on friday when the funds are available.

This is an option but it is still $25 a pack here and it's only $60 for the 6 pack of Comfortis. My $180 unexpect vet bill today got me a good!

My vet does sell them individually for around 14-00 each. You could always do a ring around of vets to find one that does that.

Wonderful idea, I shall do that first thing.

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I'm curious to know if you can buy Comfortis in singles or 3 packs at least? Needing some ASAP as Oscar is riddled with fleas and don't have the funds for the 6 packs until Friday.

Try the capstar for immediate relief.... and get the comfortis on friday when the funds are available.

This is an option but it is still $25 a pack here and it's only $60 for the 6 pack of Comfortis. My $180 unexpect vet bill today got me a good!

My vet does sell them individually for around 14-00 each. You could always do a ring around of vets to find one that does that.

Wonderful idea, I shall do that first thing.

Another option would be buy the comfortis online..you can buy it far cheaper then from a vets.

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I'm curious to know if you can buy Comfortis in singles or 3 packs at least? Needing some ASAP as Oscar is riddled with fleas and don't have the funds for the 6 packs until Friday.

Try the capstar for immediate relief.... and get the comfortis on friday when the funds are available.

This is an option but it is still $25 a pack here and it's only $60 for the 6 pack of Comfortis. My $180 unexpect vet bill today got me a good!

My vet does sell them individually for around 14-00 each. You could always do a ring around of vets to find one that does that.

I have seen this and will do it in future but unfortunately with my dog only allowed out of my house to go toileting due to a rescue bringing Parvo in my yard getting the Comfortis is urgent.

Wonderful idea, I shall do that first thing.

Another option would be buy the comfortis online..you can buy it far cheaper then from a vets.

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If Oscar is riddled with fleas, you will need to remove or kill flea eggs, larvae and pupae in your household as well as killing the adult fleas with Capstar & Comfortis. Consider vacuuming, washing Oscar's bedding in hot water, spraying cracks & crevices etc.

Also, if Oscar has lots of fleas he will have tapeworms, so he needs to be treated with a good quality tapewormer or allwormer even if you haven't seen any tapeworm segments.


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If Oscar is riddled with fleas, you will need to remove or kill flea eggs, larvae and pupae in your household as well as killing the adult fleas with Capstar & Comfortis. Consider vacuuming, washing Oscar's bedding in hot water, spraying cracks & crevices etc.

Also, if Oscar has lots of fleas he will have tapeworms, so he needs to be treated with a good quality tapewormer or allwormer even if you haven't seen any tapeworm segments.


Thanks.. I am a pro at Flea's as I have this problem every year as I live in sandy soil! Definitely no fleas in the rest of my home or his bedding completely restricted to just him!

Hence why I am asking about Comfortis as it is fairly new and does the job fabulously before having an infestation.

Definitely no tapeworm either, he is wormed every 2.5 months and we were only in the vets yesterday.

Thanks anyways.

Comfortis is suppposed to kill all stages of the life cycle.

:D So I have heard. I don't need to go over board on drugging him up when this simple pill can sort him out.

I take it you've had wonderful results with it aussielover?

I can really recommend it! I was a skeptic at first but it works so so so well I have to give it credit!

I use it every two months though. It seems to have lasted them for two months.

Bub - This is exactly what I had read. Only stumbled across it the other day in the vets and have been reading great reviews. I need to get my grubby paws on it before the fleas think the rest of the house looks good.

Edited by Sunnyflower
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SunnyFlower, I really recommend you try it at least once. A few months ago I was horrified as during one grooming session I found 4 fleas on my younger dog. I really did not like Comfortis but relented and gave it a go and now............nothing! Not a single flea!

I would recommend you give it to them with a meal and give it to them when you are around so you can make sure they have not thrown it up as it does make some dogs nauseaus (Bubby is affected more than Bitty)

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Unfortunately if they are on your dog they are in the rest of your house too (if the dog is an inside one). Most probably just in the egg or larvae stage waiting to hatch.

Thanks Kiesha but I know they aren't in my home! I live on tiles and as he is an inside outside dog they are always vacuumed and mopped with bleach. I have had flea problems since I have lived here due to the sandy soil and know exactly how they work. The fleas haven't come up from the soil yet as it hasn't been warm enough and they aren't in my home, I've had a rescue dog that has come in that was riddled with them and he has got them off her.

SunnyFlower, I really recommend you try it at least once. A few months ago I was horrified as during one grooming session I found 4 fleas on my younger dog. I really did not like Comfortis but relented and gave it a go and now............nothing! Not a single flea!

I would recommend you give it to them with a meal and give it to them when you are around so you can make sure they have not thrown it up as it does make some dogs nauseaus (Bubby is affected more than Bitty)

I had heard that there was something on the market and it can cause nausea for them and I wondered if it was this but wasn't sure. I will give it to him tonight and keep an eye on him! I haven't found a single flea treatment that I am happy with so this is wonderful news.

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Anywhere your dog has been there will be fleas, the eggs roll off your dog and land wherever the dog happens to be, your car, your house your yard. Unless you treat the environment those eggs that hatch into larvae will continue to re infest your dog.

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Anywhere your dog has been there will be fleas, the eggs roll off your dog and land wherever the dog happens to be, your car, your house your yard. Unless you treat the environment those eggs that hatch into larvae will continue to re infest your dog.

Thanks. As already stated my house get vacuumed daily and mopped regularly. As much as twice this week, once last night and will be again and again seen I had a dog come in from Parvo. My yard gets treated regularly as recent as a week ago and my dog got flea rinsed and clipped on the weekend. Plus my house was bombed.

My house is fine. Thanks, got that all sorted, now just trying to sort the dog! Got it sorted anyways.

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Hey Sunnyflower,

How did the pill go?

Hi Bub,

I can only buy them in a 6 pack and online they are $55 and at the vets they are $85 so I am going to have to wait till tomorrow until I can afford it an order it online!

They said they don't sell them individually anymore because they don't have the information in the box for every tablet! I understand that but they could photocopy it for me :love: my bank account would greatly appreciate it!

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Oh definitely order it online in this case!

I doubt you will regret it and am sure you will make good use of the remaining pills!

I was SUCH a sceptic of this product but am now a convert! Not to say that I drug up my dogs willy nilly but I use it sparingly and it’s just been like freedom from fleas for me and them!

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Oh definitely order it online in this case!

I doubt you will regret it and am sure you will make good use of the remaining pills!

I was SUCH a sceptic of this product but am now a convert! Not to say that I drug up my dogs willy nilly but I use it sparingly and it's just been like freedom from fleas for me and them!

Thank you Bub, that is EXACTLY what I want to hear!! I will definitely order it offline tonight and hopefully get it by Monday. The reviews I have read are really good. :love:

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If Oscar is riddled with fleas, you will need to remove or kill flea eggs, larvae and pupae in your household as well as killing the adult fleas with Capstar & Comfortis. Consider vacuuming, washing Oscar's bedding in hot water, spraying cracks & crevices etc.

Also, if Oscar has lots of fleas he will have tapeworms, so he needs to be treated with a good quality tapewormer or allwormer even if you haven't seen any tapeworm segments.


Comfortis does not kill all flea life cycle stages, only the adults.

However, it breaks the flea life cycle very effectively because it kills tha adult fleas before female fleas can lay eggs.

Flea eggs, larvae and pupae in the environment will still develp, but when they have a blood meal they will die within 4 hours.

This means that when you start using Comfortis, you will see a rapid drop in flea numbers, but you may still see a few fleas for up to several months as the eggs, larvae and pupae devlop into adults.

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