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It's That Time Again!


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It's that time of year again! Sally and Leia's birthday with the added bonus of their sister Abby's 1st birthday as well!

The girls birthday has always been a great event in the past, albeit sometimes hot due to the time of year.

We would like all their friends to join them in celebrating their birthdays.

Date: 28th November, 2010

Time: 9am

Location: Stackpole Street, Wishart

Very hard to believe that my girls are nearly 4 and my baby girl isn't a baby anymore :grouphug:

We would love to see any Brisbane DOLer and their dogs that can make it there! As long as your dog is dog friendly, you are invited.







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I hope to make it! I don't think I've missed one since the girls had their first birthday. Daisy turned four recently, I can't believe our baby puppies are that old already!

Edited by huski
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Aww, Abby would love to meet Archer!

I'm showing this weekend at Beerwah tonight and Caboolture the next two nights if you are there! I'd love to meet Archer :crossfingers:

You do realise Abby will probably just think it's Freddy! Silly blonde idiot she is :laugh:

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