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Omg What A Drama Of A Weekend But It Was Fun!


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Well finally got my own car back on the road, well my parents brought me a cheap second hand car a commodore sedan. My stepdad reckoned it was such a bargain and a great car. Well not so much!

I left 3 hours later than I had planned, I left my purse at home .

We get half way there (2 hours into a 4 hour trip) and we stop to go to ther toilet and get a drink (we being myself and my 6 yr old) and the door latchy thing that holds the door closed jams once I have opened the door :eek:

So now my door wont close! An hour and a half later 3 guys that had been watching me the whole time FINALLY come over and offered to help.

So they actually locked me in the car, I was ment to stop to get stuff but wasnt game enough incase the door wouldnt shut again. Its a good thing I didnt because once I got there and opened the door it wouldnt shut again , although this time it wasnt because the latch was in the locked position it was in the unlatch position so the door would swing open.

Also whilst still getting there it was getting dark so I turned on the lights and my lights wouldnt stay on low beam unless you held onto the indicator arm thingy.

So after all the drama of getting there, we finally got there and struggled to set up camp in the semi dark (we had some light from a friends van that we set up right next too.

It may have also been a struggle because of the vodka and coke that friend kept giving me :rofl:

But after all that show day arrived and my boy Kaos got baby in group! :cheer: Under Mr Ben Luxton a Basenji Specialist! :eek:

But what was really exciting was that there was 8 Basenji's there!!! At Durack there is usually just my 2.

But even more exciting again was that we had the 4 colours of Bassenjis there!!

Red & White

Black & White



But it was a fun weekend to be had by all (I hope)

So I will say thank you to Havahug for doing what you done cause I never could have!

And thanks for a great to:


Miss B

Kimyata (I hope I spelt that right)







And any one else that I have missed.

Oh and to get home I had my door zip tied shut! :eek::rofl: :D

Edited by Josuki
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Oh and I forgot to say Congratulayions to Carol with her gorgeous Aspen who beat us for baby in show on the saturday!! It was Aspens first show!

Aspen is absolutely to die for!!

And went fantastic considering she was lead trained 2.5 hrs before going into the ring for the first time! :eek:

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You didnt tell me all of this :) ;) ...

I guess it was just a little too much to do in texting though :rofl: ...

Well done again, for great results, especially Saturday :p

Is Karma talking to Kaos yet ??? :p :rofl:

Glad you got home in one piece... Is the door fixed yet ;) ...

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You didnt tell me all of this :laugh::) ...

I guess it was just a little too much to do in texting though :) ...

Well done again, for great results, especially Saturday :grouphug:

Is Karma talking to Kaos yet ??? :confused: :D

Glad you got home in one piece... Is the door fixed yet :laugh: ...

Yep it was just WAAAAY to much to text and after a few drinks (thanks Jacky) texting was a challenge!

ETA: Yep door is fixed!

Just not the lights yet.

Edited by Josuki
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lets just say what happened at the Sunday Junior handlers event Should never ever happen again. If somebody out ther would like to tell on line what happened thats upto them. Now I have said my bit, I am over it.

Yep know about that and there was still talk of it at yesterdays show!

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