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My Dogs Went Ballistic Last Night


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My dogs rarely bark, so at 1.50am when they went absolutely nuts I nearly sh!t myself. I flew out of bed opened the back door - still half asleep wondered what day it was and if I had already had the weekend or if there was still a day to go- and Chevy was running from one side gate to the other. Then I went to the front door and there was a large tan dog just sitting there, he was the spitting image of my boy who crossed the bridge last year. I was in shock, I quickly put on a trackie, half expecting the dog to wonder off, but no he was still sitting there.

Then I started to question myself, I thought I was going crazy and just imagining it all, I really thought it was my beautiful boy - RIP Buddy - his big round brown eyes looked right into my eyes and into my soul. I placed a lead around his neck, his markings, his shape and his eyes were identical to my boy, he jumped into my car so willingly. He has very grateful to find a bowl of water on the back seat to quench his thirst, then I dropped him off at the pound.

It was so hard to get back to sleep when I got home. It has just shaken me and still this morning I have a strange feeling in my belly, but I am glad that this boy chose my house to come and sit on the door step of, but why did he have to look so much like my boy? It has awakened all the pain of losing my big buddy.

At least this dog didn't keep roaming and get hit by a car or anything like that. I hope his owners go find him at the pound, he was a great natured dog.

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What is even stranger to me is the Pound being open at 2.00 a.m. to admit a lost dog, paperwork and all that.

They have drop off pens.

I went in last week to see if he was still there but they had 2 rows closed off and they had heaps of people in there so didn't get to ask if anyone had been in to claim him.

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