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A friends elderly dog has been diagnosed by her vet with salmonella. Last week he had two cracked teeth removed so that should make him feel 100% better. Tests taken came back showing he has salmonella, which will be why he has diarrhea type poohs most of the time. She feeds him cooked chicken wing meat taken off the bone. I have told her to feed him cooked meat/rice instead and maybe some yogurt. Has anyone had this problem with an older dog and maybe some other advice I can give her.

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Well cooked chicken shouldn't have any higher risk of Salmonellosis than any other meat, so long as she observes proper food hygiene measures (such as change chopping boards & knives between cooked & uncooked meat, etc). Raw or undercooked chicken (or eggs) are the risk for salmonella, especially if he has other immune or gastro issues.

Although, if all he has to eat is chicken off the bone, he will definitely be at risk of nutritional deficiencies?

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If that is the only food she is feeding then it is not sufficient.

I prefer to feed raw but some pet owners just can't do that so think in cases like this it would be preferable for her to feed a complete dry food plus the chicken. It is easy and at least the dog is getting adequate nutrition. As had been already said, it is important that safe food handling practices are always adhered to ie. don't leave food out of the fridge for long periods and always feed freshest possible, etc. If this is an issue then dry dog food will be easiest & safest to feed.

I presume the dog is being medicated for the salmonella??

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If that is the only food she is feeding then it is not sufficient.

I prefer to feed raw but some pet owners just can't do that so think in cases like this it would be preferable for her to feed a complete dry food plus the chicken. It is easy and at least the dog is getting adequate nutrition. As had been already said, it is important that safe food handling practices are always adhered to ie. don't leave food out of the fridge for long periods and always feed freshest possible, etc. If this is an issue then dry dog food will be easiest & safest to feed.

I presume the dog is being medicated for the salmonella??

Yes Mino is being treated with antibiotics. He was going back to the vets today for more tests. They think he has had it since she got him as a rescue 2 years ago! He may need more than one course of antibiotics and may have to go on special dry food for life. His diet is being changed, no more chicken, cheese or smackos. All foods that can cause salmonella.

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What sort of dog is he?

Do you know if it was a pure culture of salmonella? 2 years is a LONG time to have a debilitating and potentially fatal cause of bacterial diarrhoea. I would be more concerned about things like inflammatory bowel disease, or a malabsorption / maldigestion syndrome.

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His diet is being changed, no more chicken, cheese or smackos. All foods that can cause salmonella.

I'm sure cheese is a pretty "safe" food as far as salmonella goes. Not good for dogs because of lactose/fat etc, but I'm sure regular hard cheese would be a very low salmonella risk.

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What sort of dog is he?

Do you know if it was a pure culture of salmonella? 2 years is a LONG time to have a debilitating and potentially fatal cause of bacterial diarrhoea. I would be more concerned about things like inflammatory bowel disease, or a malabsorption / maldigestion syndrome.

He is an elderly ACD adopted from Renbury a few years ago. The only symptom he showed was smelly poos and occasional diarrhea. Whilst having his teeth attended to blood tests where taken to see if they could find the cause. My friend has just moved back to the city after living in a small country town so she went back to her old vet. As you said there is concern for long term damage, that is why the vet said he may need to on a SD dry food for the rest of his life.

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Why does he need to be on a SD food for the rest of his life, after having salmonella? Do they think he has a higher risk of getting it again for some reason, and the SD is supposed to help?

Not sure , but I think it is something to do with maybe having damaged intestines. will find out.

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