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Heat Question


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Does anyone have a bitch that has rich red discharge through her whole heat period? No changing to the straw colour discharge. If yes how did you work out the accurate time for mating? By the softening of the vulva?

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Does anyone have a bitch that has rich red discharge through her whole heat period? No changing to the straw colour discharge. If yes how did you work out the accurate time for mating? By the softening of the vulva?
My girls bleeds solidly until day 21....it may become a little diluted in it's redness (pinky colour) but never has a straw colour to it. My girl was inseminated 3 weeks ago and we did prog testing to determine the correct time for the procedure. We started prog testing from day 6 and then every 2nd or 3rd day until we saw a spike in levels. Her vulva area only very slightly swells as well, nothing over the top.
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My girls both bleed and then it just eases in quantity but not in richness of colour. I guess the "straw colour' could occur when it appears the bleeding has stopped and they are keeping themselves clean. Matings have taken place while the bleeding is still strong at about day 9 for the first. I don't prog test (the stud handler) lets the (experienced) dog and bitch decide when they are ready.

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Just got to say that in the "textbook" bitches I've had, the blood definitely turns to straw-coloured or nearly clear when the girls are ready for mating. :eek:

In ALL the bitches I've mated, the blood is nearly non-existent when it comes to mating time but may reappear after the mating - pregnant or not.

ETA: As others have said - progesterone testing is the most accurate way of checking when the "window" of ovulation is perfect but then, I've had good stud dogs predict that equally as accurately! :bolt:

Edited by t-time
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