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Picture For A Book!


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I just got a message on Flickr If I would be potentially interested in having one of my photos in a book. He Is a writer and comedian from New York.

It seems legit as I've looked him up and he's got a couple of books, he goes on to say that he's got a new humor book coming out soon which will feature funny/cute pictures of dogs and puppies and If I would be Interested.

There's no pay Involved but I would get credited for the photo and receive the book when It's published.

Of course, it's not guaranteed that a photo will be used, but he really liked my photos especially one In particular and thinks I'd probably get In.

I thought I'd ask a few nooby questions here before I shoot off an e-mail to him

He'll need a high res file If I go ahead, I'm guessing that's just the largest file of the pic I have? Also I don't shoot raw so do you think a JPEG Is enough?

Also would they want the photo straight out of the camera or my edited version? :laugh:

I'm so excited about It :cheer:

Thanks for any advice on my questions and anything else I may need to know.

Here's the picture he's Interested In


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It's so lovely to be asked RnB and it's a great photo, but I wouldn't dream of handing over the rights for free. He's not a charity. He'll be selling the book and making money, so you deserve to be paid also.

Does the book happen to be called "Sorry I peed on YOU"? If so, he asked someone else I know. She said not for free and he came back asking her how much. I'm not sure if she ever replied, I can find out for you though, if it's the same guy :laugh:

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:laugh: Sounds like the same one!

Yes If you could find out I'd appreciate It, although I really didn't mind about not getting paid, I'm not a photographer so wasn't expecting It, just to have her pic published In a book would be enough reward for me :cheer:

Although I'd have to make sure that It wasn't exploited and used for more than just that one book

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Welcome to the worlds of Photographers Should Work for Free but We'll Keep Getting Paid and You're Good Enough to Publish, but We're Not Going to Compensate You Because You Should Just Be Thankful To See Your Name In Print.

I just had a twitterpeep put this up the other week:

Bragging that you've been published but didn't get paid just shows that you are a chump who works for free.

No one but your mom cares if your name is printed by your photo.

And why should people pay for photos when every one and their dog (no pun intended) is so damn excited to hand over their images to see their name in lights?

BTW - that's a great photo!!

Edited by kja
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Gosh I feel like an Idiot now and that I'm some how letting the pros down because I was willing to go ahead and do It with out being paid,..... but that's just It I'm not a pro

I don't get paid for my photography I just enjoy taking pictures of my girl, and to be asked was flattering to me, and now I feel guilty for that too :laugh:

I wouldn't even know where to begin In asking for money on a photo

I guess I'll let It slide

Thanks for your suggestions

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I'm certainly no professional !!! But ,luckily the book publisher WAS, and offered me money.I did half heartedly argue against it, but she said that if my work was good enough to go in the book.. it was good enough to be paid for :cheer:

RB-- you're not letting anyone down but what that girl said to me is worth remembering!


That man is getting the good bits for his book FREE...and earning from it .

Edited by persephone
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Gosh I feel like an Idiot now and that I'm some how letting the pros down because I was willing to go ahead and do It with out being paid,..... but that's just It I'm not a pro

I don't get paid for my photography I just enjoy taking pictures of my girl, and to be asked was flattering to me, and now I feel guilty for that too :laugh:

I wouldn't even know where to begin In asking for money on a photo

I guess I'll let It slide

Thanks for your suggestions

I don't think anyone wanted you to feel bad. I know I didn't anyway. Don't let it slide, it's worth following up. You deserve to be paid. There are plenty of people on here who can help you work out an agreement with him if he's willing to pay :cheer:

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You shouldn't feel like an idiot at all.

But if someone is wanting to publish an image of yours, why wouldn't you think it was actually worth something? Obviously THEY do. And it's not like this is a charity or something - this is some guy wanting to make his book as appealing as possible so it makes him more money.

And you don't have to be a "pro" to be compensated!

It is very flattering to be asked to have something published and I think most people get a little flutter from it, no matter how many times it's happened. I personally love to see my name in lights and always try to clip a copy and send it to my Grandmother coz I know it makes her happy.

But you do, I feel, have some responsibility to yourself and, yes, to others, to think about your choices. If you said you wanted to be paid, but the guy wasn't willing - how much is your photo really worth?

And if you aren't paid for such an awesome photo -because it is great - then where does that leave others who want to be fairly compensated for a service/goods? Clients or potential clients totally trawl places like flickr hoping and knowing that they can appeal to people's egos and get images for free that they would otherwise have to pay for - thus increasing their profits for no outlay. How is that fair?

Same with newspapers and mags - they'll pay the journalist or writer, the typesetter, the proofreader, the printer, the editor but not the photographer. How is that fair? Does the photographer not have something valuable to contribute or are photos so common now that there really isn't any value? And if this it true, why do people with cameras wet themselves over getting their name written next to an image?

I see this same thing in my other industry. Dive masters and instructors find it hard to get good paying work because there are so many DMs and Instructors who are willing to work for free. Why should dive operators pay? I work hard to make sure that we keep people employed and lead by example in not using cheap or free labor, even though honestly I could probably crew my entire operation on paying no one simply because of how many are willing to give their time and talent. It's crazy.

Whenever I'm tempted to work for free I think - how would it effect me if someone else came in and volunteered to do my job because they aren't a pro and just liked to do my job (whatever it was) in their free time for the simple pleasure of it? And how will effect me if I give myself away for free the next time something comes up? Clients really hate when you change the rules on them!

Each and every person has to make an informed choice and be happy with that choice. Whatever that choice is.

Your photo is a great example because it's a fantastic photo and clearly not some happy snappy hack job. It's clear you take pride in your photos and that you work to make beautiful images.

Good luck whichever way you go on this!

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Don't forget about your copyright!

If you do give him permission to reproduce your photo for free - which is what you will be doing: give permission for reproduction.

Make sure you state the terms in which they can use the image:

Can they only use it once in the book?

Can they use it for marketing marketing material?

Will it be on the inside of the book or the cover?

How long can they use it for? the life of this edition or can they continue to use it for every other edition?

Will they have exclusivity? World, Australia or America?

This is your intellectual property. If you do allow them to use it for free at least make sure it's a restricted usage agreement.

and well done!

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Have slept on It and decided not to give It away for free, I've taken on board everyone's suggestions and I do appreciate It heaps :laugh:

If he still really wants to use It, we'll both have to work out some agreement + a contract to cover It's use etc. But I guess as you said kja, why would he pay If there's a chance he can get It for free, and I Imagine he's probably asked heaps to take Into consideration all those who would turn him down.

It still leaves me with the question though how does one put a price on an Image for this case?

If It gets to that stage.

Thanks again

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I just heard back from my friend...

Basically, he told me her really loved my photos and that if for some reason I ever took a photo I couldn't sell to please send it his way.

I guess he's not willing to pay for usage after all :laugh:

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I just heard back from my friend...
Basically, he told me her really loved my photos and that if for some reason I ever took a photo I couldn't sell to please send it his way.

I guess he's not willing to pay for usage after all :)

Yep, this was the reply I got:

I completely respect your position. Thank you for getting back to me.

Oh well never mind, I still think she's a star anyways :eek:

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