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Food Issues


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just after your thoughts...

the last few days ike as been throwing up after his eaten dinner.. i havent changed his food or the amount ive given him, i have no idea why he would be doing this.. i keep an eye on him when he's eating so his not stuffing his face but when i take him outside when his finished he just throws up?

anyone got any thoughts on why this could be happening?

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just after your thoughts...

the last few days ike as been throwing up after his eaten dinner.. i havent changed his food or the amount ive given him, i have no idea why he would be doing this.. i keep an eye on him when he's eating so his not stuffing his face but when i take him outside when his finished he just throws up?

anyone got any thoughts on why this could be happening?

No, but I'd be taking him to the vet without delay.

Edited by poodlefan
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One of my girls went through a period when she was younger of throwing up after dinner. I found with her she would eat then go right back to what she was doing previous to dinner and that was playing with the other dogs. Once I figured out she needed a little while for her food to go down it was all good. So after dinner she had to have quiet time for at least half an hour and no more throwing up. Perhaps this is the same with your little guy? If not I agree with PF a vets visit might be in order just to make sure he is ok. Is he toileting ok?

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after he finishes dinner i take him straight outside form him to do his business, and his pretty good, does it on comand, but it's just the last 2 night's that as soon as he goes outside :clap:.

humm ill see how he goes tonight and if he does vomit again ill take him straight to the vet

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