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Brumby Govt Commits To More Power To Rspca


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The Brumby Government has promised sweeping changes to animal welfare laws in Victoria.

The Brumby Government has promised sweeping changes to animal welfare laws in Victoria.

In their policy announcement, they have committed to a greater policing of animal de-sexing, a review of penalties for acts of cruelty and increased powers for the RSPCA.

As with policy on alcohol and cigarettes, they would also enforce a minimum age of 18 for purchasing animals.

Victorian head of the RSPCA, Dr Hugh Wirth says he is happy with the proposal.

"Under the law as it is now, when it prepares animals for adoption, the RSPCA has to follow quite stringent requirements. That's not the same for pet shops and that's inequitable. What we've convinced the minister to do is make the code of practice related to pet shops identical to the code of practice for shelters and pounds. That will mean all animals sold will be de-sexed or have a prepaid voucher to ensure the animal gets de sexed, that it's micro chipped, properly vaccinated and a guarantee of a fortnight to three weeks if that pet doesn't work out or for some reason it has to be returned."

Labor will provide the RSPCA with $4 million over four years to help fund their inspectorate work and after a series of controversial puppy farms were closed this year, the organisation and local councils will have more power to shut them down.

Mr Wirth says he's confident that Labor will implement the policy if re-elected.

"It's an absolute promise, it's a commitment, and we'll hold them to it. And we have absolutely no doubt they will do what they say."

On the issue of granting licences for pet owners, Dr Wirth says while it hasn't been adopted by either party as policy, it's a work in progress.

"Absolutely, that's one battle we haven't won yet, it's been RSPCA policy for at least forty years to my knowledge, we just haven't won that round with the politicians yet. We will win of course."

Edited by Steve
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even worse though is this bit that was also announced

Mr Helper said rogue puppy farm operators would have to contend with:

* Councils and the RSPCA having the ability to shut down and immediately seize animals from pet breeders who aren’t treating their animals humanely;

* Penalties being doubled for pet breeders who don’t register as a domestic animal business or who don’t comply with a Code of Practice from $1195 to $2389 for each breach;

* Changes to what is defined as a domestic animals business from a minimum of 10 breeding females to three;

* These new laws being applied to pet breeders who don’t intend to make money from their operation so all pet breeders are covered;

* Annual audits of every registered pet breeding establishment so regular checks are made to ensure animal welfare laws are being met

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even worse though is this bit that was also announced
Mr Helper said rogue puppy farm operators would have to contend with:

* Councils and the RSPCA having the ability to shut down and immediately seize animals from pet breeders who aren't treating their animals humanely;

* Penalties being doubled for pet breeders who don't register as a domestic animal business or who don't comply with a Code of Practice from $1195 to $2389 for each breach;

* Changes to what is defined as a domestic animals business from a minimum of 10 breeding females to three;

* These new laws being applied to pet breeders who don't intend to make money from their operation so all pet breeders are covered;

* Annual audits of every registered pet breeding establishment so regular checks are made to ensure animal welfare laws are being met

Yep and Vic dogs members think they will be exempt but no matter what the domestic animals laws says they will have them anyway via environment and planning.

I will never vote for anyone who tells me they will give more power to a quasi police force with no process of accountability.

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Sickening isn't it? I suspected it was a done deal and there it is. Hasn't liberal said they'll bring these laws in too?

Love Hugh Wirth's smug "we will win of course" comment....yep they just keep getting everything they ask for.

Edited by Natsu chan
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Last week I specifically asked the questions and here is part of one of the answers I recieved from Victoria.


The Domestic Animals Act 1994 contains the definition of a Domestic Animal Business. In regard to breeding there are 2 parts. These are the short versions.

If a person has less than 10 fertile female animals, the owner must be registered with an applicable organisation. For dogs it is Dogs Victoria (the old KCC). It is the only association recognised by the legislation. If the owner is not registered with Dogs Victoria and is selling pups, they are a Domestic Animal Business.

If a person has 10 or more fertile female animals and is selling the pups they are a Domestic Animal Business.

However, any person who wishes to breed dogs EVEN IF THEY ARE IN EITHER OF THE ABOVE CATEGORIES must first apply for a planning permit. The relevant planning authority will let the applicant know if a permit is required and what conditions, if any, are placed on the activity.

I reiterate all people wanting to breed dogs must apply for a planning permit.

End quote

This bit is really important.

Planning permits are different to a domestic animal business and this is a huge issue because to date people who owned less than 11 fertile bitches and who were Vicdogs thought they didnt need anything else. They did but its been council who have policed this and they were pretty laid back,didnt have powers to search and sieze and never bothered too much with making sure people complied unless there were complaints but if the RSPCA get the powers to do this every single Vicdogs member who breeds a litter will need to comply with what they were already supposedly complying with or face the same risk as any puppy farmer via the RSPCA. Any one who breeds a litter anywhere in Australia regardless of what exemptions they get via animal laws have to Apply to their local council for a planning permit. This then if nothing else lets everyone know who you are and that you are breeding dogs.

Again this is different to a domestic animal licence and its a really big deal because it tells you how you have to house them and where - distances from dwellings and fences etc.

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That is what people don't seem to get, they let you think you will be ok under one law, but catch you with the environmental ones. How those who are planning these laws can't see they are actually making it easier for puppy farms is unbelievable. They are basically paving the way for them because puppy farms will just get planning permission and clean up because there will be very few registered breeders left, as they don't breed for profit and can't comply with these new laws. So saying these laws are to stop puppy farms are a joke.

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Vicdogs members have exemptions which inthe main are about $$$$ less to register your dogs, no need for a domestic animal licence if you have 10 or less fertile dogs

and you can also get exemptions if a council by law says mandatory desexing but you get NO exemption regarding council laws re environment and planning and never did.

Most Vic dogs members who breed dogs would have been breeding those dogs without council planning permits and therefore in breach of the law.

No matter where you live if you breed a puppy you need to apply for a planning permit.

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In some shires in Queensland Breeders have been invited to attend council meetings to discuss new council domestic animals laws.

They tell them that as they are ANKC they will be O.K. and there is no restriction on how many they own - and there isnt from the animal dept but then they get whammed with planning laws.

One breeder who has been breeding dogs on her property for over 10 years did what she was told and applied for the council permit to breed dogs - she was told she could simply continue on but needed the permit - no big deal at the meeeting. So she did. Then she gets hit with 1500 to apply for planning approval and has to have a whole pile of stuff such as quarantine areas and concrete floors etc to house the dogs which live in her home and sleep in her bedroom.Approx 15000 to comply and she lives on 160 acres.

Her barns and such which are already on her property dont comply with planning laws for breeding dogs - one requirement in that area is to be able to breed dogs you have to house them 40 metres from your boundary fences ! She cant just go on as she did because now they know where she is and what she is doing on her property.

Edited by Steve
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Thanks Steve - was that the VCA or the State Government Department that you had that response from?

State Government but here http://www.vca.org.au/Content.asp?ID=287 Vicdogs tells you where to go to try to work out SOME planning laws too.

I cant find anything from Vicdogs warning of environment and planning issues.

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These new laws being applied to pet breeders who don’t intend to make money from their operation so all pet breeders are covered

Well that says it all.

Even if you are devoted to your breed and decide to try to keep it going (even under all this pressure for dogs to be removed from society) and decide to only bred a litter once every 4 years. Keep one and give the rest of the pups to trusted breed enthusiast or friends. You still will be treated like a criminally inclined blight on society at extreme risk of being an unethical animal abusing dog breeder. Nice.

What a disgrace this country has become, the silent paralyzed majority retreats and stands by to let a small number of far left radicals run their lives.

Are all persons who do any sort of dog rescue mandated under law in Victoria to desex all dogs placed? Can some one show me where I can read this law?

If pet shops can not sell (they are not rescuers) intact dogs, then they will also have to mandate all dogs sold by breeders will have to be desexed too, unless sold to another criminally inclined blight on society at extreme risk of being an unethical animal abusing dog breeder. Bet you will need to file a special form with the shire and the RSPCA for the placement/transfer of pup or dog that is not desexed.

Wonder how much a puppy farm pup will cost after most of the ANKC breeders have stopped breeding?

For the Greater Good!

Watermelons for a new improved Australia!

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Her barns and such which are already on her property dont comply with planning laws for breeding dogs - one requirement in that area is to be able to breed dogs you have to house them 40 metres from your boundary fences ! She cant just go on as she did because now they know where she is and what she is doing on her property.

If I was to house mine 40 metres from my boundary fence they'd be on someone else's property!

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That is what people don't seem to get, they let you think you will be ok under one law, but catch you with the environmental ones. How those who are planning these laws can't see they are actually making it easier for puppy farms is unbelievable. They are basically paving the way for them because puppy farms will just get planning permission and clean up because there will be very few registered breeders left, as they don't breed for profit and can't comply with these new laws. So saying these laws are to stop puppy farms are a joke.

Yes I think they can see, and it all looks very good to them.

Think McGreevy will do a study on the ANKC population inbreeding effects brought on by the new laws to severely restrict the number of ANKC dogs that could be bred and the sudden drop in the number of breeders? I can see that coming.

I suppose the politically far enough to the left to be the only right answer said in public would be;

That due to the inborn criminal nature of ANKC dog breeders, that severe restraints are needed to protect dogs and society from said dog breeders.

This will by its very nature reduce the number of dogs available to breed and will increase the COI of the ANKC future dogs.

McGreevy has already decided that ANKC dogs are too inbred so this would make them even more inbred and more unsuitable to be bred by criminally inclined dog breeders. Only solution is stop having purebreds and their criminally inclined breeders.

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That is what people don't seem to get, they let you think you will be ok under one law, but catch you with the environmental ones. How those who are planning these laws can't see they are actually making it easier for puppy farms is unbelievable. They are basically paving the way for them because puppy farms will just get planning permission and clean up because there will be very few registered breeders left, as they don't breed for profit and can't comply with these new laws. So saying these laws are to stop puppy farms are a joke.

That massive shed with the drains and fluro lights will pass muster, it's the whelping box in the lounge, that belongs to the registered breeder who raises the puppies under foot, that won't.

Kiss goodbye the ethical registered breeder, they are scarce enough as it is, pretty soon they will be a thing of the past.

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even worse though is this bit that was also announced
Mr Helper said rogue puppy farm operators would have to contend with:

* Councils and the RSPCA having the ability to shut down and immediately seize animals from pet breeders who aren't treating their animals humanely;

* Penalties being doubled for pet breeders who don't register as a domestic animal business or who don't comply with a Code of Practice from $1195 to $2389 for each breach;

* Changes to what is defined as a domestic animals business from a minimum of 10 breeding females to three;

* These new laws being applied to pet breeders who don't intend to make money from their operation so all pet breeders are covered;

* Annual audits of every registered pet breeding establishment so regular checks are made to ensure animal welfare laws are being met

Yep and Vic dogs members think they will be exempt but no matter what the domestic animals laws says they will have them anyway via environment and planning.

I will never vote for anyone who tells me they will give more power to a quasi police force with no process of accountability.

You are so so right Steve, well said! I am all for the shutting down of puppy farmers but unfortunately it doesn't stop there.....

I sure as hell will NOT be voting the labour party, no siree !!!!

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Well, we know McGreevy's agenda, so I know he was aware reg breeders will be wiped out, but the others who are thinking puppy farms will go under this legislation, how can they be so blind? I guess that is rhetorical because you only have to see the ignorance in the DOL population on this issue, and people here are supposed to be dog educated.

Sad fricken times we live in.

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