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What Weight Should A Labrador Retreiver Be


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My lab weighed 32.9 kg I was told to get some weight off by everyone so i did she now weighs 28.4Now every one thinks she look great except for Labrador people that think she is too thin

I also plan to breed with her next year

What do you think?

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It depends on the build of the dog and the sex.

IMO most labs are overweight.

ETA if you post a picture it would help people to determine if she was overweight or not

Edited by Janba
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IMO the actual weight is not as important as that fact that she has;

a defined waist line

you can feel her ribs without feeling a layer of fat

that no bones are visible

This should be what a Labrador is correct weight should be.

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IMO the actual weight is not as important as that fact that she has;

a defined waist line

you can feel her ribs without feeling a layer of fat

that no bones are visible

This should be what a Labrador is correct weight should be.

I think there is different standard between breeders who show to breeders who do obedience. What do you think?

I reason i am asking you is because the Labrador people who do showing are giving me a hard time on my girls weight. My breeder is saying that my girl is too thin and that if i breed with her i will trouble with breeding because of her weight. The last weight i have for her is 28.8kg.She was 32.9 and i was told my vets ,vet nurses, dog school people that she lose weight so I took off 4 kg and now everybody is telling me she look fantastic including DR Chris Brown from Bondi Vet channel 10 and couple of .Vet nurses too

I entered in a show and the Judge likes them heavy too

I have tried to find out what the breed average in Labradors weight with no success The Labrador club does not know I have asked Dogs Victoria and told to ask the Labrador club.

In America the breed average is 55-70 pounds so in kg she is in the middle of that range. I have tried to get England 's breed average bet they did not reply

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You will find a lot of difference in opinion on Labradors weight. It is a fine line and provided the animal is not obviously overweight there is no real cause for concern in a pet.

However if the dog is a Show Dog I've noticed that there is an "all important layer of fat", not overweight , but there I would imagine to 'Show', that this animal is bred to be a water dog and it has that layer of fat to protect it from the cold icy waters in which it would be retrieving say, ducks and other water fowl.

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