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Schnauzer That Has Become Lame


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Hi All,

I think this is the right area for this question. Our 13month very active Standard Schnazuer has all of a sudden gone lame in his rear leg. He was walking in a controlled manner on a footpath when he suddenly yelped and wouldn't move. A few more yelp's and look of help and he stood. He remained sore and in discomfort for 10mins or so.

Off he was rushed to the vet where the cheeky thing suddenly wouldn't express any discomfort other than not using the leg. Push and prodding and no visible pain! The vet has suggested just quiet rest and continue to watch him.

48hours later and the leg is still not being used but he will stand on it if you lift his other leg without complaint. He is very quiet and not his active self including not eating.

We are at a loss at what to do, other than waiting out time and heading back to the vet if nothing changes in the next few days. Any advice or anyone experienced this?


A concerned parent.

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Maybe a different vet.


My old boy had something similar a few years ago - it turned out to be a combination of chewing gum and a small decorative garden stone. The gum stuck the stone to the fur on the bottom of his paw and made it look like his pad.

He couldn't walk on it but he could sort of stand on it. We couldn't see it. We thought he had ruptured something but the vet started to shave the fur near the "pad" and it became obvious!

Edited by Schnauzer@Uni
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I would go back to the vet and at the very least get some painkillers and anti inflams. Schnauzers can be quite a hard breed when it comes to showing pain, especially at the vets - my giant is just the same.

Keep up with resting him.

Have you felt for any hot spots to give a clue about where he is hurting? It could be anywhere on the foot, leg or even in the spine.

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Hi All,

Well he saw a second vet with the same result and xrays show nothing either. Last night he went to bed lame but had eaten.

This morning.................... 72hours post walking normally, UBU was alive!! He decided to find a bone buried in the back yard and bring it inside and leave reminants everywhere and decided that wash clothes work better in small pieces.

Good to have the boy back.. But still no idea what happened!!

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