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Hi there,

This was posted in the W'bool thread but they thought you might be interested too.

At this stage we are only seeking 'expressions of interest', but we need your input. Can you please pass it along to anyone you know that may be interested.


If you could let us know your thoughts it would be greatly appreciated.



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What are the requirements for a dog to do herding? I have a 1.5 year old corgi. He has probably never seen any other animals besides dogs, the odd cats here and there and of course birds. Would it be too late for him?

Obedience wise, is there a certain level they have to be at to start herding? For example, a fool proof recall?

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At our last come and try day that we held there were a few corgis came out and showed really strong interest.

The only thing I would say that is an absolute must is a very good recall under distraction. A stop/wait is also good. I did the basic training for that the same as doing a drop at a distance/drop on recall. Even practicing stationary stays at home is useful as the dog needs to learn to wait until released to work the stock.

If you would like info specific info for SA on where to train and upcoming events please send me a PM as I keep a list of interested people in SA for the Dogs SA Herdign Advisory Committee. For "official" committee events you need to be a DogsSA member but there are places to train where that is not necessary and that is a good place to start before joining the associaion and finding that you and or your dog are not really into herding.

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At our last come and try day that we held there were a few corgis came out and showed really strong interest.

What/when/where are come and try days, piper? Sounds like something I'd be interested in :laugh:

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Hi Luffy,

I'm no expert on herding, that's Denise's domain, but I agree that perhaps a 'come' and 'sit' are probably good basic commands to start with in case the dog races away with excitement or gets into trouble. At least that way you can give the command 'sit' followed by 'come' etc, which avoids having to spend time chasing the dog around. :laugh:


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At our last come and try day that we held there were a few corgis came out and showed really strong interest.

What/when/where are come and try days, piper? Sounds like something I'd be interested in :)

They are exactly that :) Also if possible tied with an enter on the day instinct certificate and on the day of a show so people can come along and have a go after they show. Basically it is not a full on training session. It was $5 per dog last time and just 10 minutes in the ring with an instructor to find out what your dog thinks. Some dogs are slow to switch on and take a few goes so it doesn't work for everyone. It really works at getting owners and handlers over to see what they think and get out there and give it a go and then hopefully keep going if they like what they tried. We try to get ducks and sheep there so that people can try 1 or both stock types.

PM me your email addy and you will then get my semi regular emails of what is happening. I think the next 1 is April/May. Obviously everything stops until end of March due the the strict heat policy. There should be info in the journal when we have a come and try day as well.

There are some clinics being planned - more expensive, full day, small group, intensive stuff but I don't want to put details out there yet as things are being finalised still.

Alternatively, you could go out to Meadows for a lesson. As a 1 off it is not that expensive and will let you see if you and the dog are interested. I think they are running over summer depending on the forecast and the way it has been up until now I doubt much has been cancelled.

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At our last come and try day that we held there were a few corgis came out and showed really strong interest.

The only thing I would say that is an absolute must is a very good recall under distraction. A stop/wait is also good. I did the basic training for that the same as doing a drop at a distance/drop on recall. Even practicing stationary stays at home is useful as the dog needs to learn to wait until released to work the stock.

If you would like info specific info for SA on where to train and upcoming events please send me a PM as I keep a list of interested people in SA for the Dogs SA Herdign Advisory Committee. For "official" committee events you need to be a DogsSA member but there are places to train where that is not necessary and that is a good place to start before joining the associaion and finding that you and or your dog are not really into herding.

Have pm'ed you. :)

And thanks for the replies everyone! :thumbsup:

Edited by luffy4688
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Do you have many interested in 'C' course over in SA?


Not really. We do have a few GSD people who would like to give it a go.

To say not interested is probably incorrect. Many probably do not realise the options available in herding as up until now we have only run A course. This has been due to space restrictions - the location we hold trials at (DogsSA grounds) does not have the space. We have also had issues with accessing sufficient stock for tests and trials. So with the increased space and stock requirements of C course it has not been possible to offer it. I doubt there would be anyone over here with any knowledge of it and how to train it either.

If your clinic in Warnambool looks like going ahead, send me a PM and I would be happy to send the flyer out to people as we do have some that would probably travel for a clinic. I did a day at Denise's place in Vitoria quite a few years ago now and enjoyed it, how familiar is she with all breeds though?

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Not really. We do have a few GSD people who would like to give it a go.

Add this GSD person to the list!!! :o

To say not interested is probably incorrect. Many probably do not realise the options available in herding as up until now we have only run A course. This has been due to space restrictions - the location we hold trials at (DogsSA grounds) does not have the space. We have also had issues with accessing sufficient stock for tests and trials. So with the increased space and stock requirements of C course it has not been possible to offer it. I doubt there would be anyone over here with any knowledge of it and how to train it either.

Sounds like a similar scenario to Vic. Having access to enough land and stock. I'd love to see 'C' course take off in Vic, hence I will do anything I can to help it along. Denise has organized the land (approx 200 acres and the sheep), so that shouldn't be a problem, but we still need enough people to support it before we organize a clinic. Unfortunatley, I have the theory for 'C' course, but not the practice, which is something I would love to remedy! :thumbsup: My two pet sheep don't count! :laugh:

If your clinic in Warnambool looks like going ahead, send me a PM and I would be happy to send the flyer out to people as we do have some that would probably travel for a clinic. I did a day at Denise's place in Vitoria quite a few years ago now and enjoyed it, how familiar is she with all breeds though?

Thanks for your offer to help, we really appreciate it! The clinic (if it does go ahead) will probably be held just out of Geelong (w'bool side) all going well. But we need people to support it or it won't go ahead and that would be a real shame for Victorians when land and sheep are so hard to come by for all 3 courses.

I've done a couple of clinics with Denise as well. Have we met?

The clinic will be for beginners and Denise has offered her services for the day, but the plan is to also have ANKC instructors, and I would love to have enough interest in 'C' course to organize an instructor/exhibitor for the day, but I'm reluctant to organize them until we have enough interest to actually start planning the whole thing. Any suggestions?


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You might want to list Denise's herding experience. I wouldn't go to a clinic based on her other dog experience :laugh:

There have been other people talking about C courses in Victoria. You probably need to advertise on one of the herding Yahoo lists.

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You might want to list Denise's herding experience. I wouldn't go to a clinic based on her other dog experience :laugh:

That surprises me! Denise originally worked Kelpies for many years, but now works Border Collies.

I don't have a list of her herding achievements with me, but I can copy an article which appeared in a local paper (golden plains minor) adverstising the Supreme Australian Sheepdog Championships for 2010.


Four local Teesdale residents will be competing with their Border Collies t this year's Supreme Australian Sheep Dog Championships - and three are from the one family!

Teesdale residents John Agnew, Glenn Agnew, Denise Agnew and Susan Young will be joined by Alistaire Dickson of Bannockburn when they compete against the best working Border Collies and their handlers from Australia and New Zealand at Port Fairy in October this year.

John is a retired stockman and working dogs have always played a major role in his life. On retirement John started competing in Arena trials (three sheep trials) and he quickly realised that to be successful in this very precise and demanding competition, specialist trial border collies were required. So John embarked on a mission to breed a strong line of top performing trial border collies and his dedication to his vision has brought him great success. John and his dogs have won many Open trials in top company around Australia.

So its only natural that his family should follow in his footsteps. Glenn and Denise both compete on a regular basis and the husband and wife team have experienced success on the trial ground and it is a great thrill to be competing as a family in this years championships.

John has once again qualified to represent Victoria in the Australian Interstate Team Challenge and this year the other qualifier and team partner is fellow Teesdale resident Susan Young - this is the first time that a woman has been selected to represent the state of Victoria!

Susan Young commenced sheepdog trialling 7 years ago and since retiring in August, has been able to dedicate the time required to keep a trial dog at its peak performance and Susan has gone rom success to success, culminating in her selection to represent the state of Victoria at this year's Championships.

Needless to say this tight little group of Teesdale enthusiasts have formed a strong bond of friendship and support, train and trial together on a regular basis and John as their 'guru' leader is more than happy to share his wealth of knowlege with the group.

The Supreme Australian Sheep Dog Championships are being hosted by the Victorian Working Sheep Dog Association at the Port Fairy showgrounds on 5th to 10th October 2010 and includes the Trans Tasman Challenge where the four Top workers from Australia and New Zealand compete for their countries sheep dog honour....

The great Australian working Border Collie vs the might of the New Zealand Heading Dog.

Anyone interested in the sport should contact the Victorian Working Sheepdog Association at: http://www.vwsda.org



I'm not sure how much 'history' you need on Denise, but I hope that gives you some idea? Qualifying for these trials isn't easy.

Susan Young is also a very good friend of mine and has kindly offered to teach me what she knows, which I greatly appreciate, but I'm not sure how much is relevant to 'C' course.

There have been other people talking about C courses in Victoria. You probably need to advertise on one of the herding Yahoo lists.

Thanks for that. I'm not a member of any herding groups on the net. Could you suggest any? I know there is interest out there, I think it's just a matter of finding the right people. :o


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Why does it surprise you GSDs? I would say that not one person that I do ANKC herding with could name any of the 3 sheep/trial people. So why would I want to do a herding clinic with an agility person?

If you want to encourage people to go to a clinic it is a good idea to supply information about the instructor.

This is the Victorian herding list - http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/vicherding/

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Why does it surprise you GSDs? I would say that not one person that I do ANKC herding with could name any of the 3 sheep/trial people. So why would I want to do a herding clinic with an agility person?

If you want to encourage people to go to a clinic it is a good idea to supply information about the instructor.

This is the Victorian herding list - http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/vicherding/

Fair enough Jules. I thought she had supplied enough information about herself, but there you go. I've not had much to do with ANKC herding, so that's why I know more working dog people. :laugh: When I first started in dogs the choice was generally show/obedience with little else, so I had to source people in other fields to teach me what I wanted to know, hence I eventually met Denise and others. We are so lucky these days to have so much choice in ANKC.

As to your question "So why would I want to do a herding clinic with an agility person?"...I can't answer that Jules, but Piper has done a clinic with her, so maybe she can tell you what attracted her to it.

Thanks for the link :rasberry:


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