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Ethical Breeders. What Do You Do When You Can Not


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What sort of situation are you talking about? If the person with the dog was unable to care for the dog as of right now, then enlist the help of a friend/rescue/kennel to house the dog until I could find a new home. If the person with the dog was able to care for the dog short term, then all efforts to find the dog a new home immediately.

If it was a dog that was likely to be impossible to rehome (very old, chronic health issue) then personally I would take the dog back and have it PTS.

ETA: Interstate would not be a hinderance IMO - they have planes where the dog lives don't they?????

Edited by Sandra777
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Agree with a lot of what Sandra said. If the owner can keep the dog for the short term, work with them to help find a new home. If they can't, and for some reason you can't get it home (though there is always room for one more here....somehow we would always make room) get the help of friends or even put the dog in a boarding kennel for the short term until you can make other arrangements or place it it a new home. And yes, interstate should be no hindrance. Dogs and pups fly backwards and forwards all the time, including ones that need to be rehomed. (I know one which went as a pup from NSW to WA. When it needed to be rehomed - which was done with the assistance of the breeder - it flew to VIC to its new home.) Rescue may be able to help identify a new home if they have a waiting list, but I would not impose on rescue to deal with a dog I bred unless there was absolutely no way on earth I could do it myself (e.g. in a coma ;-) ).

Edited by espinay2
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I've had a situation come up where the owners wanted me to buy back the dog they had had for over a year, and I didnt have the money at the time. I told them that I would assist in rehoming the dog, but if they had to give him away for free or a low price, please give me first option. Contact dropped off and a year later I was called by a stranger that had been GIVEN my dog for FREE, and they did not want him anymore. I was furious, but could not contact the original owners to tell them so. Anyway we took the dog back, who I swear had not seen a brush in the year these people had had him, and found him a lovely forever home where he raised a human family and lived to be a ripe old age. The reason the original owners didnt want him? They were having a baby. He was the BEST dog with kids ever, and I even dog sat him in my home a few times, and he was a delight to live with.

So in hindsight I would go out of my way to take him back in the first instance. I did not have room the 2nd time we took him back, but he slept in a crate in my bedroom, and while it was a bit of work shuffling him around, I think he appreciated the one on one time he got because of it.

We also did not (and still do not) have a breed rescue.

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All my pups are sold with a contract that should the owner for whatever reason not be able to keep the dog, it is returned to me. Fortunately I have the room and facilities to be able to do this although have only ever had to take back 3 dogs of my breeding, one was able to be rehomed to a lovely family who idolized him and he lived a long and happy life with them. I found this boy wandering the streets of Sth Brisbane and took him home to the people who had bought him. The familys circumstances had changed and the dog was left in the care of a couple of teenagers. He was 2 and a half years old, dirty and unkempt and fed when someone remembered so I offered to take him back. They wanted all their money back, after a bit of a discussion and it was pointed out that it would take me six months to get him back into some sort of decent condition they agreed to half price. I'd have given them all their money back if they'd pushed, just to get him out of that situation.

The second one was older and was eventually put down due to having developed demodex having come from and lived in a stressful situation and the third stayed with me, returned at 3 years of age due to her terror of storms which the owners felt they could not cope with. When picking her up it was noted this girls only shelter was a single stand alone carport, not permitted inside so that explained alot.

I have also privately done my breeds rescue in Qld for the last 25 years but try not to take in any more rescues now although still assist with rehoming whenever I can. If the dog is from a registered breeder I do suggest they contact their breeder and ask for assistance also.

Edited by goldchow
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If I was hospitalised/overseas/incapacitated and the dog had to come back ASAP I'd call on my doggy friends to help out. And be prepared to do the same for them. One of my breeds has "welfare" (read rescue) and the other doesn't. So in one instance I'd call on the welfare crew to help out until my sitation improved and in the other I would have to call on friendships in and outside of my breed.

If it was simply numbers reasons (too many dogs) I'd just take the dog anyway - I've found that even when you hit capacity, somehow taking another dog on for a short time doesn't break you. Long term is a different kettle of fish.

My initial offer would always be to counsel the situation, followed by assist to rehome or just take the dog back. I don't offer full refunds for "change of mind" after 14 days. Refunds after this time are for when the dog is not what it was claimed to be like a show prospect, or able to breed for a stud dog etc. I'll cover transfer/transport costs to get a dog back if the people are difficult.

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What sort of situation are you talking about? If the person with the dog was unable to care for the dog as of right now, then enlist the help of a friend/rescue/kennel to house the dog until I could find a new home. If the person with the dog was able to care for the dog short term, then all efforts to find the dog a new home immediately.

If it was a dog that was likely to be impossible to rehome (very old, chronic health issue) then personally I would take the dog back and have it PTS.

ETA: Interstate would not be a hinderance IMO - they have planes where the dog lives don't they?????

Pretty much the same as Sandra, call in favours and do whatever was necessary to ensure the dog did not end up in the pound or somewhere unsuitable. I'd pay boarding fees or whatever needed to be covered.

If the dog ended up in a pound of with a rescue, I'd be bailing it out and bringing it home for assessment and rehoming.

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thanks guys, would any of you contact your breed rescue if all else failed?

I would (and have) rehomed via rescues. If the situation was that I couldn't have the dog at my home and the owner couldn't either then I would be more than happy to pay all the costs + a donation for the rescue to house the dog until other arrangements could be made (either a friend take the dog or a new home found). If I could have the dog at my home or the owner could keep it short-term then I would (and have been) more than happy to notify rescue that the dog is available to the right sort of home, I would expect the rescue to benefit financially if they were to find the dog a home even if the rescue had incurred no expenses.

Edited by Sandra777
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thanks guys, would any of you contact your breed rescue if all else failed?

I would bypass our breed rescue in one state, there are all breeds rescues that I would contact instead. I'd certainly give them money to cover costs etc

great, thanks.

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thanks guys, would any of you contact your breed rescue if all else failed?

I would bypass our breed rescue in one state, there are all breeds rescues that I would contact instead. I'd certainly give them money to cover costs etc

great, thanks.

meant to ask would you cover desexing or donate what you could?

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What do you do? what channels do you take?

Maybe you do not have the space

Maybe interstate

Maybe ill etc.

Do you work with your breed rescue or club?

first off, I make sure the dog is in fact in need of rescue. As much as this sounds odd...sometimes owners get over their heads and good patient councilling is more needed to get through a rough spot. This includes putting in touch with trainers or whoever may be needed in their area to talk to them and offer help. As well, good articles targetting the problem area. If the dog is found to be in need of rescue, the first step I have done, is find someone local to assist if possible. This includes visual assessment of the animal, gathering the dog with any paperwork and transporting to airline if needed.

I a person can not intercede in this manner, my Plan B is to go through my waiting list to see if anyone in that area is looking for a dog (this assumes that the dog is a large distance from me and would need to be flown to my location) I arrange a meeting for the current owner with the prospective new owner and see what happens.

If these things don't work, the dog is put on a plane to me.

If for whatever reason I did not have room (has never happened) I would put the dog in a boarding facility until either a foster home or new home could be found.

This would happen if I were ill and unable to care for a dog. I haven't had any occasion where my set up hasn't allowed me to take back a dog when needed (or assist in taking back another dog of another breed)

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thanks guys, would any of you contact your breed rescue if all else failed?

I would bypass our breed rescue in one state, there are all breeds rescues that I would contact instead. I'd certainly give them money to cover costs etc

great, thanks.

meant to ask would you cover desexing or donate what you could?

There's next to no chance of finding one of mine that's not desexed, however if it did happen, I'd pay for desexing and vaccination if required. If no vet work needed I'd donate something to at least cover the costs and hopefully a bit more.

I'm a huge believer in cleaning up after your own.

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I can't imagine any situation where I wouldn't be able to take my own back but if I really couldn't I would prefer to work with my fellow breeders to rehome the dog rather than rescue I guess not all rescues are alike but given it is my baby I would like to have the final say in where the dog ends up. That said I would be happy to take referals and would give a donation for that privilege and it would leave them free to take real dogs in need

Edited by cowanbree
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meant to ask would you cover desexing or donate what you could?

If for some bizarre reason a pet I had sold hadn't already been desexed I would certainly cover this cost, or in the case of using a rescue, any shortfall the rescue might incur between the cost of the dog and what the new owner could pay.

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thanks guys, would any of you contact your breed rescue if all else failed?

In my breed 'rescue' is really just breeders helping dogs found in need where they can and nothing is formalised or budgeted. If a breeder can be identified, it is always referred to them first and they are expected to 'step up to the plate' so to speak. So really there is no 'contacting rescue' for us as we are ALL rescue in some way. We do all pretty much help a dog in need if we are the person in the position to help, so in that way I guess if there was a breeder in location and I wasn't and I found out about a dog of mine that needed help, I may potentially call on them in the first instance for 'emergency response'. They would be fully compensated by me for any help they give though.

meant to ask would you cover desexing or donate what you could?

If the dog needed to be desexed or have any other medical expenses then I would cover it. If a rescue organisation helped out for any reason (perhaps they took the dog in before I as the breeder was contacted) I would cover costs plus give a donation. (Note that I would expect them to let me have a say in the welfare of the dog and to take over the dogs care should I consider it appropriate!)

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